英语人>词典>汉英 : 嘀咕 的英文翻译,例句
嘀咕 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

talk in whispers
更多网络例句与嘀咕相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"There is nothing I can do to hasten the closing of this aperture," she murmured.


Carline talked in whispers to the tortoise again a few, it did the movement that extends a head again as much, did 11 times.


When the gimp, now I knew he was the storekeeper and administrators, was telling to a kitchen our ration, I looked at all round the kitchen quickly with near-sight eyes, I found the towel for cooking bun chucked on the chopping board, was stained with much bun residue.


She always drone s on about her problems.


He had already reached the living room door when Dudley mumbled,"I don't understand."


"Egad, they become the brides of God when they couldn't be their cousin's," said Vandeuvres between his teeth.


He spent forty minutes at the phone while the others fretted and fumed.


I stand guilty as charged. On occasion, I have also been known to whisper. We doodlers, fidgeters and whisperers always get the same jokey, passive-aggressive line from the authority figure at the front of the room:"I'm sorry, are we bothering you?" How droll.


I stand guilty as charged. On occasion, I have also been known to whisper. We doodlers, fidgeters and whisperers always get the same jokey, passive-aggressive line from the authority figure at the front of the room:"I'm sorry, are we bothering you?" How droll.


Mere muttering of magic words doesn't cure one of the pain of a spider or scorpion sting.


更多网络解释与嘀咕相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


4、挑食 picky eating; choosy about food | 5、嘀咕 grumbling | 6、容易(招误会) be apt to

Whining malcontent:嘀嘀咕咕的反蛊仔

00:40:48 Fuck Jacob Elinsky. 操 雅克勃. 艾琳斯基. | 00:40:51 Whining malcontent. 嘀嘀咕咕的反蛊仔. | 00:40:52 Fuck Francis Xavier Slaughtery, my best friend, 操 弗朗西斯.夏维尔.斯拉特瑞, 我最好的朋友...


Shriek:尖叫声 | Mutter:嘀嘀咕咕,含糊的低语声 | Murmur:喃喃说话声,隔壁的人语声


Dump Happy Log;不开心 | └ Whine 嘀咕 | Cheer 欢呼,喝采

whine out:嘀咕地说出

whine about 发牢骚 | whine out 嘀咕地说出 | whine 抱怨


what's the occasion?有什么重要的事做? | whiney嘀咕不停的 | nasally鼻音很重的说


compelling:激发兴趣的;引人注目的;令人赞赏的 ,引人入胜 | whiny:好发牢骚的,嘀咕不停的,烦躁的 | macho:大丈夫,男子汉

Their whiny voices get irritating:他们嘀咕的声音使我刺激

From the roof are hanging sickles of ice 在房顶挂着冰镰刀 | Their whiny voices get irritating 他们嘀咕的声音使我刺激 | It's Christmas time again 圣诞再次到了

I'm close," he muttered:我快要完成",他独自嘀咕

With memory-dumps, punch cards. 到处都是内存条,小卡片 | "I'm close," he muttered. "我快要完成",他独自嘀咕. | The mumbling got louder, 嘀咕声越来越大,

Someone mutters and the street lamp:有人低聲嘀咕而街燈

a fatalistic warning 宿命的警示 | Someone mutters and the street lamp 有人低聲嘀咕而街燈 | sputters 形似水濺