英语人>词典>汉英 : 喝下去 的英文翻译,例句
喝下去 的英文翻译、例句


pass one's lips
更多网络例句与喝下去相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If that guy keeps on drinking like this every night,he's going to become an alky.


Gus will have to make you a drink of warm honey, anise and milk! That'll make you feel better!


They were singing discordantly, with toil, with labour, not because they wanted to sing, but simply to betoken that they were drunk, and were enjoying themselves.


It's red, white and blue, but you have to drink it really fast or it turns brownish.


What's more, although I was getting an adequate amount of calories, it was hard to convince myself that the chalky substance I just drank was dinner.


What's more,although i was getting an adequate amount of calories,it was hard to convince myself that the chalky substance i just drank was dinner.


Sometimes i see myself as a balloon with excessive gas and i'll bombas soon as somebody or something touchs me.i try my best to appeare as a gentle,calm,smiling,wit,kind preson,but i fale to find myself an outlet for my bad mood.don't impose me to take your measure to cope my problem,and don't try to relief me.


B:After I drank it, they told me I just had nuclear waste.


And finally we came with the best procedure: you pour refined spirits up to a third of a glass and take it in one gulp. Immediately after that you take two gulps of water – and you are in perfect bliss!


Tim Lacy told me once that he got some from a croaker up-town and fed 'em to his girl in soda water. From the very first dose he was ace-high and everybody else looked like thirty cents to her.


更多网络解释与喝下去相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


如糙米、薏米、小米 (millet)、小小米 (Quinoa) 、乔麦 (Buckwheat) 、苋菜籽(Amaranth) 等. 腰果、南瓜子、核桃、芝麻、亚麻仁子 (flaxseeds) 等. 亚麻仁子是超营养种子,每天1-2汤匙磨碎的子(用打咖啡机10-15秒钟),拌在果菜汁或豆浆中喝下去,


如糙米、薏米、小米 (millet)、小小米 (Quinoa) 、乔麦 (Buckwheat) 、苋菜籽(Amaranth) 等. 腰果、南瓜子、核桃、芝麻、亚麻仁子 (flaxseeds) 等. 亚麻仁子是超营养种子,每天1-2汤匙磨碎的子(用打咖啡机10-15秒钟),拌在果菜汁或豆浆中喝下去,

cooking oil:菜油

只能分为水性胶水,只能用来无毒粘贴,另一种就是无机胶水既膨胀剂(起着灌胶作用). 最早公之于众的,或许算是JUIC的Eolo Expander(膨胀剂),可直接喝下去,当时使人过目不忘. 其实它就是菜油(Cooking Oil)膨胀剂 .

fustic wood:黄木

a quick one [美俚]匆匆一口喝下去的酒 | fustic wood 黄木 | spencite [矿]褐硅硼钇矿




norm of progressive average 先进平均定额 | gynogenesis [动]雌核生殖,雌核发育 | a quick one [美俚]匆匆一口喝下去的酒

heavy water:重水

里面有这个. 两个国家争的你死我活的. 所以问一下区别和用途. 还问一下如果喝下去会怎么样? 重水 重水(heavy water)是由氘和氧组成的化合物. 分子式D2O,分子量20.0275,比普通水(H2O)的分子量18.0153高出约11


And you drank it to save my life?|你为了救我喝下去 | Tink.|叮当 | Are you dying?|你会死吗?

Soon you won't be able to swallow, and then you'll be totally buggered:不然你会无法吞咽

You better drink this.|喝下去 | Soon you won't be able to swallow, and then you'll be totally buggered.|不然你会无法吞咽 | All of it.|全部喝掉

You drink yourself to sleep each night:每一晚不喝得晕了就过不下去

每一分钟都撕心裂肺的 You are torn apart by heartache. | 每一晚不喝得晕了就过不下去 You drink yourself to sleep each night. | 那男的有家 That man has a family.