英语人>词典>汉英 : 喊 的英文翻译,例句
喊 的英文翻译、例句

基本解释 (translations)
cry  ·  cries

更多网络例句与喊相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

His charisma, his free kicks and his scoring skills made an Argentinean journalist baptise him with the nickname of 'Matador' and that everyone could hear 'Don't say Kempes, say goal' every Sunday in Mestalla


Seven sat up in bed, her jacket over her shoulders, and having greeted both men told Wuduo to pour tea.


And quickly revived again the moment the director shouts,"Cut!". My colleague quickly pounced towards me with a cashmere shawl to keep me warm and leapt away the moment MV director instructed to start.


Just bought an abstruse develop, try test-drive on quiet 3 annulus means in the middle of the night, he is leaving gladly, one runs quickly to exceed from the back greatly, when wanting to exceed, leave to go straight towards fellow greatly, extend a head to come, strong Xiaowang called:"Counterjumper, had left to run quickly greatly!"


Where was the boy? After I called several times, he cravenly got beside me.


I'd got my rooker round her rot to stop her belting out death and destruction to the four winds of heaven, but this lady doggie gave me a large foul bug bite on it and it was me that did the creeching, and then she opened up beautiful with a flip yell for the millicents.


Small naughty and who is now playing like, if you do not play, he就喊out there to see you move, do not play with him, either on their own to sing or say hi, no response or busy to ignore his their play, and sometimes still is something more to say哼哼scornful of people want to cause attention.


But this leads immediately to overbidding, because risk-neutral equilibrium bidding entails a great deal of shading: A buyer will bid only one-half her valuation.


But this leadsimmediately to overbidding, because risk-neutral equilibrium biddingentails a great deal of shading: A buyer will bid only one-half hervaluation.


Man "clothing section," Men hit shares of listed companies齐喊"injustice"


更多网络解释与喊相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We cried to Alma Mater:我们对着母校喊

正部署新一轮的扩招会议! Arranging a new round of campaign to increase enrollment | 我们对着母校: We cried to Alma Mater | 母校呀,我们该去哪里? Where should we go, Alma Mater?

I stand transfigured, glorified aright:当我不禁喊出:我爱你......记住!......我爱你

I love three...mark!...I love three--in the sight 而... | I stand transfigured, glorified aright, 当我不禁出:我爱你......记住!......我爱你-- | With conscience of the new rays that proceed 那么在你眼里...

asked price:沽盘;喊价;索价;卖方报价

Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation 亚太区经济合作组织(亚太经合组织) | asked price 沽盘;价;索价;卖方报价 | assessable income 应评税入息


你现在知道有人卖(ask)60美分一股,你应该看看市场中其他价(bid)的人多少钱. 市场中bid的人其实只肯出20美分都不一定. 这些经济公司的人自然知道也能查看到,但他们故意隐瞒,还欺骗客户,说"现在就很值"(怎么可能,


pro voke(在前面)激怒 | convoke(把大家到一起)召集 | revoke(回来) 撤销

Yell away laziness:喊掉惰性

掉沉闷!Yell away low spirits! | 掉惰性!Yell away laziness! | 掉一切人生枷锁!Yell away all the shackles of life!

rouse up:用力拉从睡中喊起来

rouse out 叫醒船员到舱面来 | rouse up 用力拉;从睡中起来 | rouse up 用力拉从睡中起来

Yell away shyness:喊掉羞怯

掉羞怯!Yell away shyness! | 掉自卑!Yell away inferiority! | 掉沉闷!Yell away low spirits!

Y Yell:喊加油(我们不知道喊了多少遍:糊糊,加油

N:never 勇气(糊糊勇往直前,充满勇气!) | Y:yell 加油(我们不知道了多少遍:糊糊,加油!) | U:unite 团体(栎迷是个伟大的团体!)

Shout out your international muscle:喊出国际肌肉

出自信和自尊! Shout out your confidence and self-esteem! | 出国际肌肉! Shout out your international muscle! | 出一流英语! Shout out your perfect English!