英语人>词典>汉英 : 商品经济 的英文翻译,例句
商品经济 的英文翻译、例句


commodity economy
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The private industry and commerce played an important role in the progress of the commodity economy,and it became the headstream of the commodity economy.


The labor of the so-called mankind indiscrimination has already can't carry on quantity to turn to the merchandise of each kind of various different appearance different manifestation, now then, along with merchandise economy of gradually mature with development, the merchandise of the real object appearance,the non- real object appearance and the merchandise of the diverse complication the economic form pile up one after another, the capital market of perfect all put forward a challenge to the original worth system,"labor" with"useful" challenge the standard of the worth system.


As one of the most important civil liabilities, with the legal system being improved day by day, the joint and several liability is the fruit of commercial economic development .


But, it is worth noticing that the commodity economy in the some romote regions got a faster development on the base of Qin and Han era because of the relative peace of environment and the strengthening of political situation.


After the intermediate stage in the Medieval Europe, the deed theories of Hebrew culture was not only enormously promoted the economic development , with contracting freedom inherited from the ancient Rome culture, Moreover, it had expedited the people sovereignty theories. After the combination of the neoteric commodity economy with the theories of Christianity\'s original sin, belief doctrine, and the wealth view, which gave birth to the supreme status of constitution, and the conception of equality, freedom, and so on. Christianity\'s wealth view (especially the Protestantism ethics) enormously promoted the capitalism expansion and finally forms the conception that private property are sacrosanctity. The ideology of successive authority restriction from Christianity, and the Christianity\'s exercise to partial legislative power and jurisdiction power, combined with autonomous cities based on commodity economy, and the political phenomenon that merchants exerted legislative power and jurisdiction power. Those had made the mundane ruler such as king, and so on, could only take the exertion of tax revenue power as the main symbol administrative authorities. It provided historical and psychological foundation for the birth of modern decentralization theories .


After the intermediate stage in the Medieval Europe, the deed theories of Hebrew culture was not only enormously promoted the economic development , with contracting freedom inherited from the ancient Rome culture, Moreover, it had expedited the people sovereignty theories. After the combination of the neoteric commodity economy with the theories of Christianity"s original sin, belief doctrine, and the wealth view, which gave birth to the supreme status of constitution, and the conception of equality, freedom, and so on. Christianity"s wealth view (especially the Protestantism ethics) enormously promoted the capitalism expansion and finally forms the conception that private property are sacrosanctity. The ideology of successive authority restriction from Christianity, and the Christianitys exercise to partial legislative power and jurisdiction power, combined with autonomous cities based on commodity economy, and the political phenomenon that merchants exerted legislative power and jurisdiction power. Those had made the mundane ruler such as king, and so on, could only take the exertion of tax revenue power as the main symbol administrative authorities. It provided historical and psychological foundation for the birth of modern decentralization theories .


Characteristics of the development of commodity economy in the feudal Chinese society have remained an important issuein the study of commodity economy history.,the explora-tion of the characteristics of the development of the commodi-ty economy in the feudal Chinese society must first depend on a complete description of the situation of its own rather thanjust a simple comparison between the feudal Chinese landlord system and the Western European suzerain system.


The region surrounding Taiwan Strait includes Taiwan Island, Fujian Province and Chaozhou of Guangdong Province. In about 1500 (the middle period of Ming Dynasty ), the system of paying tribute and corvee was collapsed, the tenant's managing right was extended and the commercial capital seeped into agriculture. Under the circumstances, the local commodity economy was fully-developed, and the long distance trade between mountainous areas and forelands occurred. But both the domestic and overseas markets were limited, and so was the development of commodity economy in Min-chao area, because the sea route was not straightway in the middle period of Ming Dynasty.


One article, designation criticizes Li Bingyan, think Zhuo Jiong did not offer theory of economy of goods of in a planned way, consider as Hu Benren to went up without stannic conference 1979 most offerred theory of economy of goods of in a planned way first, the attention that caused economics bound and discuss.


From the foundation of China to pre-reformation, China had been exercising the highly centralized planned economy system.


更多网络解释与商品经济相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

abolishment of obligatory payments in gold:解除用黄金支付的义务

abolish commodity economy 取消商品经济 | abolishment of obligatory payments in gold 解除用黄金支付的义务 | abolition of ground-rent 取消地租

Absentee landlord:不在地主

例如,在封建土地制下,住在都市里的"不在地主"(Absentee Landlord)多将土地交给"二地主"经营,按契约收取议定的地租(实物或货币),而不管是丰收或歉收. 随着商品经济的发展,出现了借贷、租赁、承包等多种经营方式,它们均在不同程度上实行了"两权分离".

Double Bottoms:双底

商品经济的必然产物摘要: 概述: 双底(Double Bottoms)俗称W底. 它是当价格在某时段内连续两次下跌至相约低点时而形成的走势图形. 当出现双重底时,通常是反映在向下移动的市况由熊市转为牛市. 一旦形成双重底图形,

capitalistic commodity economy:资本主义商品经济

capitalist | 资本家, 资本主义者 资本主义的 | capitalistic commodity economy | 资本主义商品经济 | capitalistic market economy | 资本主义商品经济

capitalistic market economy:资本主义商品经济

capitalistic commodity economy | 资本主义商品经济 | capitalistic market economy | 资本主义商品经济 | capitalistic | 资本主义的, 资本家的

charitable trust:慈善信托

有教育信托(Educational Trust )、 自由载量信托(Discretionary Trust)、信用信托(Credit Trust )、 慈善信托(Charitable Trust)等等. 信托担保是以担保债权的实现为目的而设立的信托,在商品经济交往中起着保证债权实现,维护交易安全的重要作用,

simple closed curve:简单闭曲线,简单封闭曲线

simple circuit 简单环道,简单围道 | simple closed curve 简单闭曲线,简单封闭曲线 | simple commodity economy 简单商品经济

commodity dollar:商品美元(一种拟议中的货币单位,其纯金含量随物价升降而变动)

commodity credit | 商品信用 | commodity dollar | 商品美元(一种拟议中的货币单位,其纯金含量随物价升降而变动) | commodity economy | 商品经济

commodity economy:商品经济

二、社会经济的两种基本形态 1.自然经济( natural economy)与商品经济( commodity economy)的基本特征 自然经济和商品经济是人类社会经济发展至今的两种基本形态.

commodity economy:商品经济 Commodity economy 商品经济

59 1 Common prosperity 共同富裕 Common prosperity 共同富裕 | 104 1 Commodity economy 商品经济 Commodity economy 商品经济 | 105 1 Market economy 市场经济 Market economy 市场经济