英语人>词典>汉英 : 商品票据 的英文翻译,例句
商品票据 的英文翻译、例句


commodity paper · merchandise note
更多网络例句与商品票据相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Notes receivable represent mainly bank acceptance bill received for sales of goods and products.


Other transactions which may give rise to notes payable include the purchase of real estate or costly equipment, the purchase of merchandise, and the substitution of a note for a past-due account payable.


The breed setting up here , managing equally includes maximal USA forward market- Chicago commodity exchange and Chicago futures exchange: Finance bill futures contract , exchequer debt futures , treasury bill futures , stock exponent futures and call-option business etc.


This bank money was commodity money in its most perfect form.


I direct selling company products manufacturers, price concessions, and my company bills complete.


As stated above, accounts payable and notes payable are usually created by a company's economic activities, such as purchases of merchandise and services received in the normal course of business.


"Common examples of assets include cash, accounts receivable , notes receivable , merchandise, machinery, building, land, furniture, and fixtures."


If the accounts receivable, notes receivable, as well as any unusual increase in sales of goods and providing labor services received cash and operating income are not commensurate, investors should be vigilant.


The Carrier shall have a general lien on all of the merchandise, drafts and trade acceptance.


6 The total amount of all re-exchange commission and other usual bankers' charges upon such bills or drafts and all landing charges, insurance and storage charges incurred or to be incurred by the Lender from time to time upon all goods and merchandise as are pledged or hypothecated to the Lender as security for the payment of such bills or drafts; and

3.6 所有退汇佣金、银行通常就该等票据或汇票收取的其他费用,以及贷款人就下述货物与商品不时招致或将招致的卸货费,保险费及存放费:为担保支付该等票据或汇票而向贷款人抵押或质押的货物与商品;及

更多网络解释与商品票据相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

accounts payable:应付帐款

2142 其他应付票据(Other notes payable) 凡不属上列各项之应付票据皆属之,应付之数,记入贷方,支付之数,记入借方,其贷方馀额,表示现有其他应付票据之总额2143 应付帐款(Accounts payable) 凡购进商品或原、物料,应付之价款及运费等皆属之.

Commodity Exchange, Inc:商品交易所有限公司 (纽约)

Commercial paper 商业票据 | Commodity Exchange, Inc. 商品交易所有限公司 (纽约) | Company finance 公司融资公司财务



credit note:信用票据

5、已收销项增值税的商品在运输中受损时,若因供货商在运输过程中造成的丢失或损坏,则供货商可开一份信用票据(credit note)来取消增值税,因为销售未发生.

other notes payable:其他应付票据

2142 其他应付票据(Other notes payable) 凡不属上列各项之应付票据皆属之,应付之数,记入贷方,支付之数,记入借方,其贷方馀额,表示现有其他应付票据之总额2143 应付帐款(Accounts payable) 凡购进商品或原、物料,应付之价款及运费等皆属之.

notes receivable:收票据

113 应收票据(notes receivable) 商业应收之各种票据. 114 应收帐款(accounts receivable) 凡因出售产品、商品或提供劳务等营业收入所发生而应收取之一年或一个营业周期内到期帐款属之. 118 其他应收款(other receivables) 指不能归属於应收帐款之款项.

bill for premature delivery:提前交付的票据

125. bill for collection 托收汇票,托收票据 | 126. bill for premature delivery 提前交付的票据 | 127. bill goods 开列商品清单

commodity paper:商品票据(特指有货权凭证的票据)

commodity output || 商品产量 | commodity paper || 商品票据(特指有货权凭证的票据) | commodity price clause || 物价条项

commodity paper:押汇票据,(指银行本票和跟票提单)商品票据

commodity packaging ==> 商品包装 | commodity paper ==> 押汇票据,(指银行本票和跟票提单)商品票据 | commodity price ==> 初级商品价格

Bankers' acceptances:银行承兑汇票

美国票据市场上的交易工具包括商业票据(commercial paper)和银行承兑汇票(bankers acceptances). 银行承兑汇票的主要作用是为国际贸易,为在国内储存或运输商品,为在国外储存或在国际间运输商品. 在过去很长的时间里,银行承兑汇票一直是美联储的操作工具之一.