英语人>词典>汉英 : 商业主义 的英文翻译,例句
商业主义 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
commercialism  ·  mercantilism

更多网络例句与商业主义相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

That's obviously what we want, but we wanted to take down the barriers. The barriers of commercialism.


They represent feelings that may be a response to the commercialism that distorts the real spirit of Christmas.


In the face of commercialism, poetry demonstrates an extremely important and more serious side of Chinese culture.


For modernist poets, commercialism is not only a cultural background, but also something interwoven and integrated into their literary activities.


I think rampant commercialism, and the particularly susceptible parent-child relationship are what make kids appear to cost a fortune.


But being influenced by the market economy, they also manifest a number of problems: affected by corruptive mercenary thoughts, their values orientations are alienated; suffering from commercialist shocks, the journalism industry shows tendencies towards bad taste and low-grade entertainment; seeking self-interests and "journalism with compensation" on the part of news media is rampant; journalists lack a sufficient sense of social responsibility, and inaccurate reporting and fake news pieces appear from time to time.


Wilson hated American chauvinism and gentility, and everything he associated with them—prudery, pedantry, commercialism, and militarism.

威尔逊被恨的美国沙文主义和文雅,并且一切他联系他们prudery, pedantry,商业主义,并且军国主义。

Hyper-competition from the early Nineties onwards has led to a culture of rampant commercialism from which the BBC is not exempt, as is shown by the promotion of ratings-chasing, sensationalist and populist programs.


In the future, the unionism in Taiwan will be mainly analogous with the American business unionism.


Meanwhile, Hong Kong films received belatedly and discriminately influences from Western films. Hollywood commercialized films, the European films of art, Japanese films, especially the production system of Hollywood, the French cinematic conception of "new waves", the technique of Japanese swords films, and sex emancipation, post-modernism, recreationism and commercialism have had in varying degrees impact on Hong Kong films, building up their own style which welds Chinese culture and international cinematic culture.


更多网络解释与商业主义相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]




colonialism殖民主义 | commercialism商业主义;营利主义 | communism共产主义

Commercialism: Let's package this shit:商业主义

* Chauvinism: We may be shit, but you can't live without us...盲目爱国者 | * Commercialism: Let's package this shit.商业主义 | * Impressionism: From a distance, shit looks like a garden.印象派


commercialism 商业主义 | commercialist 商业主义者 | commercialistic 商业主义者的

commercialist:商业主义者; 重商主义者 (名)

commercialism 商业主义; 重商主义 (名) | commercialist 商业主义者; 重商主义者 (名) | commercially 商业上; 通商上 (副)

be-all and end-all:根本

commercialism=商业主义; | be-all and end-all =根本; | instead of =而不是;


mercantile system 重商主义 | mercantile 商人的 | mercantilism 商业主义


mercantile 商人的 | mercantilism 商业主义 | mercantilist 重商主义者

Common Era:公元

从所谓的"公元"(common era)元年直到19世纪早期,中国和印度都是世界上最大的经济体--直到19世纪末期,先是殖民-商业主义和工业革命开始出现,后来则是美国的崛起,他们的地位才日渐削弱.