英语人>词典>汉英 : 唐朝的 的英文翻译,例句
唐朝的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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It is an archaize ceramics vase of China Tang dynasty. It's pure hand

B :这是一件仿中国古代唐朝的陶瓷花瓶,纯手工制造。

As far as Japan be concerned, be in the queen who unites with the country greatly, large scale being accompanying with the Sui dynasty and the Tang Dynasty associates with, cognition beginning to have conceived oneself.


If you have a piece of ceramics in the Tang dynasty


This is a mural of the tang dynasty .


According to the principle and discipline of the enfeoffment system in ancient China,the word "Shou" in the noble title of Prince Li Mao(son of Emperor Xuan in the Tang Dynasty),who was ex-husband of Yang Yuhuan ,the high-ranked imperial concubine,has its geographical meaning: Shouzhou of Huainan Prefecture(about the west area of Anhui at present).


The people from the Korean peninsula were valiancy and they were divided into three different level according to their identity,i.e.the bureaus nobility,the official slave and the ordinary people,and went into both the central and the local military system and became an important part of the arm force.


The rulers of Nanzhao don't understand clearly that its strongness is mainly caused by the communication of nations. Although its invasion has made Tang exhausted, Nanzhao is also arriving its end. During the period of Five Dynasties, Southwest nations isolate from Han nation.


The opened literary policies made Tangs civilization splendid ,on the other hand , it also impacted the policies .


In the period of Qizongnongzan, Tufan and Tang peacefully coexisted with each other.


All the passenger compartments were named by the title of Tang Dynasty's reign; the guests will feel the thick traditional atmosphere and relax themselves drastically when they are in the restaurant. When you enter into the restaurant, the ceremonial usherettes will make you feel cozy with the smile and the waitresses will serve the tea when you at table, such considerable service will make you happy and has a good appetite.


更多网络解释与唐朝的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Tang dynasty:唐朝

公司简介 山东唐朝(Tang Dynasty)文化艺术传播有限公司是一家具有独立法人资格的资深文化艺术传播公司. 公司以文化艺术为主导,以创作、策划、组织、运作、实施文化艺术产业为经营核心. 在省内国内演艺市场的运作中,以出色的业绩证明了自己的实力.


初唐(凌云阁)二十四功臣之中被唐高祖李渊赐姓李的名将是谁[李绩]lyg,lj | "(推敲)"一词是因为唐朝哪位诗人仔细得来的[贾岛]tq,jd | 房谋杜断中的房是指[房玄龄]fxl


程咬金的原名是[程知节]cyj,czj | "一词是因为唐朝哪位诗人仔细得来的[贾岛]tq,jd | 房谋杜断中的房是指[房玄龄]fxl


"(力拔南山)三壮士,齐相杀之费二桃. "齐相是谁[晏婴]lbns,yy | (东渡)曰本为两地作出杰出贡献的和尚是[鉴真]dd,jz | 成语"(口蜜腹剑)"出自唐朝哪一位奸臣[李林甫]km,kmfj,llf


初唐(凌云阁)二十四功臣之中被唐高祖李渊赐姓李的名将是谁[李绩]lyg,lj | "(推敲)"一词是因为唐朝哪位诗人仔细得来的[贾岛]tq,jd | 房谋杜断中的房是指[房玄龄]fxl


与杜牧并称为"(小李杜)"的是谁[李商隐]xld,lsy | 唐朝著名诗人被称作(诗佛)的是谁[王维]sf,ww | 唐朝诗人白居易,字乐天,号什么[香山居士]bjy,xs,xsjs

Cerasus Mill:樱属

樱花是世界闻名的花木,在植物学分类上属蔷薇科(Rosaceae)樱属(Cerasus Mill)落叶乔木. 其实,中国也是樱花主要原产地之一. 早在秦汉时期,樱花栽培已应用于宫苑之中,唐朝的老百姓已普遍栽培. 李商隐的无题诗就有"何处哀筝随急管,

three queer old codgers reflecting back:三个怪异的老人反射出

imagine us you said all wrinkled bent and grey 想象我们,你说,都灰了皱弯了 | three queer old codgers reflecting back三个怪异的老人反射出 | to tangchao's golden days唐朝的黄金年代


珍重人生 Push: Based on Novel by Sapphire | 我的唐朝兄弟 Robbers | 杯酒人生 Sideways


(李世民)随父灭隋后被封为[秦王]lsm,qw | <<(千金方)>>的作者,被称为医圣的是[孙思邈]qjf,ssm | 唐朝的(画圣)是[吴道子]hs,wdz