英语人>词典>汉英 : 咖啡馆 的英文翻译,例句
咖啡馆 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
cafe  ·  cafes  ·  coffeehouse  ·  divan  ·  estaminets

coffee bar
更多网络例句与咖啡馆相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Vying with Deux Magots, Café de Flore basks in its memories of its famous visitors, who included Camus, Picasso, and Apollinaire.

Deux Magots咖啡馆的竞争对手Café de Flore咖啡馆总是以历史上那些赫赫有名的主顾而洋洋自得,这些人包括加缪、毕加索和阿波里耐。

The tricked-out 1972 La Marzocco GS2 espresso machine that Intelligentsia has had restored for the Venice, Calif., cafe it plans on opening next month is a dazzler.

Intelligentsia咖啡公司为加利福尼亚州威尼斯咖啡馆重新装配了1972年La Marzocco GS2浓缩机,装扮好的浓缩机光彩炫目,咖啡馆计划在下月开幕。

Our café was owned by ferociously determined immigrants; the others were not.


At their first get-together at the Café Flore花神咖啡馆—where Sartre and Beauvoir波娃 worked, kept warm, ate, and socialized—the three started off awkwardly.


When songwriter Susan Graham White heard me sing at the Cafe Florian Coffeehouse, she had the idea we could go places as a team.


Established in 1705, it competes neck and neck with Café Glockenspiel where Mozart frequented.


The hub or daily meeting place and watering hole for many of the milords was the world-famous Caffè Greco, or Greek Coffeehouse. It was opened at Via Condotti 86-one of the many streets, running out of the Piazza di Spagna-during the 1760s by a Greek who Italianized his name to Nick da Maddalena.

世界闻名的Greco咖啡馆,即希腊咖啡馆,曾是绅士们每日聚会、畅谈、畅饮的地方。18世纪60年代,一个把名字用意大利语翻译成"Nick da Maddalena"的希腊人在康多堤大道(通向西班牙广场的众多大街之一)86号建立了这个咖啡馆

The hub or daily meeting place and watering hole for many of the milords was the world-famous Caffè Greco, or Greek Coffeehouse. It was opened at Via Condotti 86-one of the many streets, running out of the Piazza di Spagna-during the 1760s by a Greek who Italianized his name to Nick da Maddalena.

世界闻名的Greco咖啡馆,即希腊咖啡馆,曾是绅士们每日聚会、畅谈、畅饮的地方。18世纪60年代,一个把名字用意大利语翻译成&Nick da Maddalena&的希腊人在康多堤大道(通向西班牙广场的众多大街之一)86号建立了这个咖啡馆

Coffeehouses range from large and plush to tiny espresso bars, and are often combined with bookshops, bars, cabarets and theatres.


There is a rich variety of places to go: European-style cafes, nightclubs with live entertainment, dance halls for seniors, sports-theme pubs with big TV screens, cafes that offer over 100 types of beer, an Irish pub, a Spanish cafe, a French wine bar ...


更多网络解释与咖啡馆相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]





Street Cafe:休闲(街道)咖啡馆

※ 1、Burger Bar ~ 各种夹饼酒吧 | ※ 2、Street Cafe ~ 休闲(街道)咖啡馆 | (3)Restaurants ~ 餐馆

cafe society:经常出现于咖啡馆之人士

transversal route 横切路线 | cafe society 经常出现于咖啡馆之人士 | proxima cause 近因(保险用语)

cafe society:出入咖啡馆者

cafe parfait 咖啡点心 | cafe society 出入咖啡馆者 | cafe 咖啡馆


首页 -> 目的地指南 -> 欧洲 -> 西班牙 -> 马德里 -> 娱乐及夜生活 ->...咖啡馆(cafes) 西班牙马德里(Madrid)娱乐及夜生活...西班牙马德里的所有咖啡馆(cafes),包括地址、电话、介绍等内容.

Coffee shop:咖啡馆

另外,市区中以咖啡馆(Coffee Shop)命名,其内植有大麻者,即表示其内允许吸大麻等毒品. 而一般的Cafe则是普通咖啡厅,不过也可贩售酒精饮料.

coffee shop; cafe:咖啡馆

由此上楼 up; upstairs | 咖啡馆 coffee shop; cafe | 由此下楼 down; downstairs

coffee shop; cafe:酒吧 bar 咖啡馆

餐厅 restaurant | 酒吧 bar 咖啡馆 coffee shop; cafe | 银行 bank 邮局 post office

coffee shop; caf:咖啡馆

75. 酒吧 bar | 76. 咖啡馆 coffee shop; café | 77. 免税店 duty-free shop