英语人>词典>汉英 : 和解 的英文翻译,例句
和解 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
accommodate  ·  compound  ·  compromise  ·  compromising  ·  propitiate  ·  propitiation  ·  rapprochement  ·  reconciliation  ·  reconciliate  ·  accommodated  ·  accommodates  ·  compounds  ·  compromised  ·  compromises  ·  harmonizing  ·  propitiated  ·  propitiates  ·  propitiating  ·  reconciliations

come to terms · make peace with · make up · bury the hatchet · become reconciled · amicable settlement
更多网络例句与和解相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

DM Baillie, God Was in Christ; K Barth, The Doctrine of Reconciliation; E Brunner, The Mediator; H Bushnell, The Vicarious Sacrifice; JM Campbell, The Nature of the Atonement; S Cave, The Doctrine of the Work of Christ; RW Dale, The Atonement; FW Dillistone, The Significance of the Cross; J Denney, The Death of Christ and The Christian Doctrine of Reconciliation; RS Franks, The Work of Christ; PT Forsyth, The Cruciality of the Cross and The work of Christ; L Hodgson, The Doctrine of the Atonement; TH Hughes, The Atonement; J Knox, The Death of Christ; RC Moberly, Atonement and Personality; J Moltmann, The Crucified God; L Morris, The Apostolic Preaching of the Cross and The Cross in the NT; RS Paul, The Atonement and the Sacraments; V Taylor, Jesus and His Sacrifice and The Atonement in NT Teaching; LW Grensted, A Short History of the Doctrine of the Atonement; R Wallace, The Atoning Death of Christ.

马克baillie ,上帝在基督里; k巴特,这个学说的和解;电子布兰,调解员; h布什内尔,替代牺牲; jm坎贝尔,但性质赎罪; s洞窟,中庸的工作,基督; rw戴尔,赎罪; FW的dillistone ,十字架的意义; j ,丹尼,死亡的基督和基督教教义的和解;卢比弗兰克斯,这项工作的基督;铂佛塞斯, cruciality的十字架上的工作,基督;升,惠普,这个学说的赎罪;次休斯,赎罪; j诺克斯,死亡的基督;钢筋moberly ,赎罪和人格; j莫特曼,被钉十字架的上帝;升莫里斯,教廷鼓吹的交叉和跨中新台币;卢比保罗,赎罪和圣礼; v泰勒,耶稣和他的牺牲和赎罪在新台币教学; LW的格伦斯特德,历史较短的学说赎罪与r华莱士, atoning死亡的基督。

However, because of the internal defects and the faulty implementation of the system, the criminal composition has caused a series of problems.


This article intends to analyze the VOR and explore the possible application procedure based on the current criminal judicial practice including the condition precedent, application scope, application condition, supervision, and advocate VOR in the criminal litigation of the country, in order to protect the legitimate rights of both the criminal and victim to the maxim extent, save the nation's judicial resource and promote the harmonious sociality.


Criminal reconciliation consist with the penalty goal in the correct sense.But criminal reconciliation can not break through the principle of "Nullum Crimen Sine Lege",and it must operate in the scope "Nullum Crimen Sine Lege".


The third part, the author not only explained the relationships in reconciliation, mediation and trail, but also described the differences that the degree of judger involvement in lawsuit procedure as well as application in law, by inspecting dynamically in reconciliation, and then specifically analyzing the differences among them. The author pointed out reconciliation is not an accessory of trail procedure, but is a system independent from the trail and mediation.


I first study the permissibility of compromise contract in formality and substance under tax law,and then research the relationship of offer in compromise and compromise contract.


The application of the criminal mediation in China has its own justifications:the theory of constructing a harmony society and our criminal justice policy of"co-adjustment of leniency and rigorism"provide it with the theoretical and policy basis;criminal mediation meets the need of our current judicial reality.and it is the effctive way to realize all the interests at best.to eliminate the contradictions among the people,and to resolve the problem of judiclal resources restraint in China:criminal mediation is not only advocated by the United Nations,but also a fashion widely applied in different countries;criminal mediation does not contradict the traditional criminal,justice rationales;instead,it reflects the trend of resolving criminal cases in a diverse way,and our pursuit of diverse values.


Lawyer shall infer the bench mark of the opponent due to evidence, then sketch a plan which is a little down to the bench mark, do not make compromise too soon, and stick to what you think are guaranteed to achieve. Even if a settlement is not been reached in court, a second chance may still be acquired after court.


Although there are no unified regulations on VOM in China now,the practice expresses that there are similarity and commonality on the scope,condition and process of VOM through out the locals, which lay the foundation for the legislate.


Lawsuit reconciliation has following characters: firstly, the connotation of lawsuit reconciliation is different from extra-litigation conciliation, court mediation and civil execution reconciliation; secondly, the procedure and result of lawsuit reconciliation is formatted by the rules as well as the consensus.


更多网络解释与和解相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


conciliator和解者 | conciliator和解者 调解者 | conciliiate调解 安抚

gzip : GNU:的压缩和解压缩工具

2.12 gzexe : 压缩可执行程序 | 2.13 gzip : GNU的压缩和解压缩工具 | 2.14 lha : 压缩和解压缩指令

implacably:无法平息地; 毫不宽容地; 无法和解地 (副)

implacable 难宽恕的, 执拗的, 难和解的 (形) | implacably 无法平息地; 毫不宽容地; 无法和解地 (副) | implacental 无胎盘的 (形)

prodding Microsoft into an out-of-court settlement:促使微软寻求庭外和解

拒绝接受和解方案/拒绝接受赔偿方案reject the settlement p... | 促使微软寻求庭外和解prodding Microsoft into an out-of-court settlement | 某人仍可能被循其它途径检控somebody could still be sued through oth...

placability:可和解性; 宽容性; 易抚慰性 (名)

pizzicato 用拨奏 (副) | placability 可和解性; 宽容性; 易抚慰性 (名) | placable 可抚慰的; 宽大的; 易和解的; 温和的 (形)

placable:可抚慰的; 宽大的; 易和解的; 温和的 (形)

placability 可和解性; 宽容性; 易抚慰性 (名) | placable 可抚慰的; 宽大的; 易和解的; 温和的 (形) | placard 公告, 张贴, 布告 (动)


propitiate /安抚/ | propitiation /安抚/和解/ | propitiator /安抚人/和解者/赎罪的人/


propitiator 安抚人 | propitiator 和解者 | propitiatoryreconciliatory 和解


propitiator /安抚人/和解者/赎罪的人/ | propitiatory /安抚的/和解的/ | propitious /顺利的/瑞/祥/


第三,如果像约翰.罗尔斯(John Rawls)试图证明的那样,多元价值之间的冲突可以在政治(公共)领域中得到原则上的和解(reconcile),那将消除或大大缓解伯林论题中的紧张,即多元论由于冲突的和解而优于一元论,无疑是普适有效的最佳政治方案.