英语人>词典>汉英 : 咀嚼肌 的英文翻译,例句
咀嚼肌 的英文翻译、例句


jugomaxillary muscle
更多网络例句与咀嚼肌相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This study was aimed to analyze the relationship between the periods of wearing time of full denture and function of mastication in edentulous patients.


After the teeth often hard to eat baby food such as biscuits, toast, apple slice, carrot chip, etc., in order to exercise the masticatory muscles, and promote the development of teeth and jaws. Molars after 1-year-old after grow, it should be regularly stubby eat food such as vegetables, if eaten too soft fine food, lack of masticatory muscle training, jaw can not be fully developed, but the teeth are still growing, it will lead to crowded teeth, with irregular or facial deformities.


Botulinum toxin was injected into the masseter muscle and temporal muscle in the experimental group. Those of the control group were only with TMJOA.


Objective: To study the effect of unilateral chew on mastication muscles.


Objective: To study the effects of unilateral chew on electromyography of mastication muscles.

目的 研究偏侧咀嚼对咀嚼肌肌电图的影响。

Objective: We used EMG to study the effect of unilateral chewing on masticatory muscle functions pattern.


Differential expression of IGF-I in muscles of mastication during distraction osteogenesis of mandible in canine.This study was conducted to observe the expression of IGF-I in masseter and geniohyoid during distraction osteogenesis of mandible in canine through the immuno-histocytochemical method.


In this experiment, in the way of observing the histological changes, relative content of myosin heavy-chain mRNA and changes of the expression of IGF-I in masseter and geniohyoid muscle during distraction osteogenesis of canines mandible, we can learn about the rebuilding ability of masticatorymuscles and its changing regularity, and preliminarily discuss its remodeling mechanism.Anteroposterior bilateral distraction osteogenesis was performed on 14 mongrel canines, 6 to 8 months of age, using intraoral mandibular distractor.


All the muscles rebuilt to stable structure after accomplish of distraction, which may help the post-operative stability.2. The changes of myosin heavy-chain mRNA in muscles of mastication during distraction osteogenesis of mandible in canineThe mRNA of MHCI, MHCH and GAPDH in masseter and geniohyoid were measured by RT-PCR.


Masticatory muscle myositis is an inflammatory disease in dogs affecting the muscles of the jaw.


更多网络解释与咀嚼肌相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

deltoid muscle:面肌

咀嚼肌 facial muscles | 面肌 deltoid muscle | 三角肌 biceps brachii muscle


咀嚼肌群中的嚼肌(masseter)及颞肌(temporalis)是最常见的引发牙痛的肌肉,其特徵如下:病患常报告其他的异位疼痛(heterotopic pain) 例如:张力型头痛或上眼眶疼痛


当肉毒杆菌蛋白注射在腓肠肌 (Gastrocnemius) 或咀嚼肌 (Masseter),肌肉会被暂时瘫痪,引发肌肉萎缩,达致瘦小腿及瘦面的效果. 患有肌肉系统疾病、神经系统疾病,或正在接受氨基糖甙类抗生素 (Aminoglycoside antibiotics) 人士都不应接受注射.

Masticator space:咀嚼肌间隙

听觉管 - Tuba auditiva | 咀嚼肌间隙 - Masticator space | 咬肌 - Musculus masseter

masticatory muscles:咀嚼肌

2、咀嚼肌(masticatory muscles) 是运动颞下颌关节的肌,主要有颞肌和咬肌. 颞肌呈扇形,起自颞窝,向下会聚于下颌骨的冠突. 咬肌呈长方形,起自颧弓,止于下颌角外面. 二肌收缩均可上提下颌骨,使牙咬合.

masticatory muscles:腹横肌

腹内斜肌 transvers usabdonminis muscle | 腹横肌 masticatory muscles | 咀嚼肌 facial muscles

masticatory muscle:咀嚼肌

33.biomechanical 生物工程 | 34. masticatory muscle 咀嚼肌 | 35. temporomandibular joint 颞下颌关节

facial muscles:咀嚼肌

腹横肌 masticatory muscles | 咀嚼肌 facial muscles | 面肌 deltoid muscle

epicranius muscle:咀嚼肌

胫前肌 tibialis anterior m. 32 | 咀嚼肌 epicranius muscle 59 | 距腓后韧带 posterior talofibular ligament 219

masseteric artery:咬肌动脉

masseter 咀嚼肌,咀嚼肌,咬肌 | masseteric artery 咬肌动脉 | masseteric fascia 咬肌筋膜