英语人>词典>汉英 : 命名 的英文翻译,例句
命名 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
baptise  ·  baptize  ·  christen  ·  denominate  ·  name  ·  naming  ·  nominate  ·  christened  ·  nominated  ·  baptized  ·  baptizes  ·  baptizing  ·  christens  ·  denominated  ·  denominates  ·  denominating  ·  nominates  ·  nominating

更多网络例句与命名相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The stream element MUST possess both a streams namespace declaration and a default namespace declaration (as "namespace declaration" is defined in the XML namespaces specification ).

流节点必须有一个流的命名空间申明和一个缺省命名空间申明关于流的命名空间和缺省命名空间详细信息见第11.2节Namespace Names and Prefixes

Namespace Declarations === The stream element MUST possess both a streams namespace declaration and a default namespace declaration (as "namespace declaration" is defined in the XML namespaces specification ).


We will survey some of the more common nomenclature rules, both IUPAC and trivial.


An unnamed namespace may be discontiguous within a given file but does not span files. Each file has its own unnamed namespace.


There are two ways to define a specialization: One is to reopen the namespace and add the definition of the specialization, which we can do because namespace definitions are discontiguous, Alternatively, we could define the specialization in the same way that we can define any namespace member outside its namespace definition: by defining the specialization using the template name qualified by the name of the namespace.


The main contents, including the definitions of cultivar, group, denomination class, nomenclatural standard, publication and establishment, the classification class, and the naming system of cultivated plants, were introduced.


The nomenclatural act of an author or the Commission in fixing, by an express statement, the name-bearing type of a newly or previously established nominal genus, subgenus, species, or subspecies.


In this paper,16 patients with the single lesion in brain for the first oc-currence had naming,color naming and aphasia examination, 10 patients with aphiia (3 patients with anomic aphasia,7 patients with other types of aphasias).6 patients without marked aphasia.


The United States, Canada, Australia, the highway named freeway, the United States, interstate and defense highways, Germany named the autobahn, the French named the autoroute, the British named the motorway.


In order to allow main modules to declare functions for local use within the module without defining a new namespace, XQuery predefines the namespace prefix local to the namespace http://www.w3.org/2004/07/xquery-local-functions , and reserves this namespace for use in defining local functions.

为了允许主模块在不定义一个新的命名空间的情况下,为模块内本地使用声明函数,XQuery预定义了到命名空间 http://www.w3.org/2004/07/xquery-local-functions的命名空间前缀local,并为定义本地函数使用保留这个命名空间。

更多网络解释与命名相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

named bookmark:具名書籤 命名书签

named argument 具名引數 命名变量 | named bookmark 具名書籤 命名书签 | named class 具名類別 命名类别

named bookmark:命名的书签 命名的书签

named argument 具名参量 具名引数 | named bookmark 命名的书签 命名的书签 | named parameter 具名参数 具名参数

ComboBox System.Windows.Forms:命名空间中的类,用来表示组合框

ListBox System.Windows.Forms命名空间中的类,用来表示列表框. | ComboBox System.Windows.Forms命名空间中的类,用来表示组合框. | PictureBox System.Windows.Forms命名空间中的类,用来表示图片框.

named common area:命名公用区,有名公用区

named common 命名公用块,公用命名 | named common area 命名公用区,有名公用区 | named constant 命名常数

named common area:命名公用区,有名共享区

named common 公用命名 | named common area 命名公用区,有名共享区 | named destination 命名目的地,有名目标

Cretaceous Corral:将任一现有展区重新命名为此,可解锁三角恐龙. 不要建立一个新展区命名,否则会当机

Blue Fang-提升设施建筑收入两倍 | Cretaceous Corral -将任一现有展区重新命名为此,可解锁三角恐龙. 不要建立一个新展区命名,否则会当机. | Xanadu-解锁独角兽. 不要建立一个新展区命名,否则会当机.

namespace name:命名空间名称

namespace 命名空间 | namespace name 命名空间名称 | namespace prefix 命名空间前缀

namespace name:命名空间名称 命名空間名稱

namespace命名空间,名称空间命名空間,名稱空間 | namespace name命名空间名称命名空間名稱 | namespace prefix命名空间前缀名稱空間前置字

namespace prefix:命名空间前缀

注意:支持命名空间的应用程序应使用命名空间名(namespace name)而不是命名空间前缀(namespace prefix)来标识元素[译注/命名空间名唯一地标识一个命名空间,而命名空间前缀则不一定.

International Committee of Outer Space Onomastics:国际外空命名委员会(外空命名委员会),ICOSO,外空命名委员会

International Committee of Onomastic Sciences,国... | International Committee of Outer Space Onomastics,国际外空命名委员会(外空命名委员会),ICOSO,外空命名委员会 | International Committee of Paleography,...