英语人>词典>汉英 : 呼吸困难 的英文翻译,例句
呼吸困难 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
anhelation  ·  decompensation  ·  dyspnea  ·  dyspnoea

difficult breathing · breath with difficulty
更多网络例句与呼吸困难相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In control group(n=38) the patients were given aminophylline tablets in addition to common antiphlogistic nebulization treatment;while in treat group(n=42) the aminophilline load were applied to assist the common antiphlogistic nebulization treatment.results in comparison with control group,the patients in treat group were more fastly liberated from asthmatic couphing and dyspnea(p.05),needed fewer days in hospital(p.05) and had an elevated cure rate(p.05).conclusion aminophylline load application as the assistant way is an effective,safe and economical method to fastly alleviate the dyspnea caused by bronchiolitis.

结果 氨茶碱负荷量应用治疗毛细支气管炎可迅速缓解患儿的喘憋和呼吸困难,缩短住院天数和提高治愈率。结论在普通消炎雾化治疗基础上加用氨茶碱负荷量是快速缓解毛细支气管炎喘憋、呼吸困难的有效、安全、经济的方法之一。

Dyspnea due to CAD may coexist with that due to another cardiac disease.


As far, most studies focus on management and assessment of dyspnea without systematically analyzing the concept.


"Dyspnea:Difficulty in breathing, often associated with lung or heart disease and resulting in shortness of breath."


Methods 64 octogenarian patients with dyspnea were diagnosed definitely according to case history, physical exanimation, and laboratory examination.


Methods 64 octogenarian patients with dyspnea were diagnosed defin/tely according to case history, physical examination, and labemtory examination.


The most common complaint is shortness of breath, chiefly exertional dyspnea at first and then progressing to orthopnea, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, and rest dyspnea.


Difficulty in breathing, often associated with lung or heart disease and resulting in shortness of breath.


If you experience any difficulty breathing, wheeziness or breathlessness, or develop a rash on any part of your body, stop taking the medication and visit your GP who will advise you about alternative pain relief medication.

如果您遇到任何呼吸困难, wheeziness或呼吸困难,或制定一个出疹的病征,任何部分你的身体,停止服用药物,并访问您的医生谁将会告诉你关于替代止痛药物。

Results Among the 35 cases, 31 cases (88.6%) were chronic bedrest, 22 cases (62.9%) were dyspnea, 19 cases (54.3%) were thoracalgia accompanied with or not feeling of impending death, 5 cases (14.3%) were syncope, 7 cases (20%) were PE triad. Among 35 cases, 17 cases were clinical cure, 15 cases were improved, 3 cases died (2 cases had breathing and cardiac arrest, 1 case was complicated with diffuse intravascular coagulation and alimentary tract hemorrhage).

结果 35例PE患者中长期卧床者31例(88.6%),突发呼吸困难呼吸困难加重22例(62.9%),胸痛伴或不伴濒死感19例(54.3%),晕厥5例(14.3%);有胸痛、呼吸困难、咯血典型PE三联征者7例(20%)。35例PE患者中,临床治愈17例,好转15例,死亡3例(2例出现呼吸心跳骤停,1例合并弥漫性血管内凝血及消化道出血)。

更多网络解释与呼吸困难相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Dyspnea at rest:静息时呼吸困难

. [Obstructive> 梗阻性 | . [Dyspnea at rest> 静息时呼吸困难 | . [Dyspnea on exertion> 活动时呼吸困难


3.呼吸困难(breathlessness) 呼吸困难对肺炎的提示性比呼吸增快更强[II]. 4.喘鸣(wheezing) 喘鸣对判定婴幼儿肺炎的严重度没有帮助[II]. 约30%支原体肺炎可出现喘鸣症状[IVb],且多见于年长儿,因此无胸部影像学(包括胸CT片)证据支持支原体肺炎可能与哮喘病相混淆.


呼吸困难(dyspnea)是风湿性心脏病最常见的症状,指病人主观上有空气不足或呼吸吃力的感觉,而客观上表现为呼吸频率、深度和节律的改变. 根据发病机理,呼吸困难可分为心原性呼吸困难、肺原性呼吸困难、中枢性呼吸困难、精力神经器官疾病性呼吸困难、中毒性呼吸困难及血原性呼吸困难六种基本类型.

nocturnal dyspnea:夜间呼吸困难

劳动时呼吸困难 exertional dyspnea ; difficulty in breathing on exertion( physical activity) | 夜间呼吸困难 nocturnal dyspnea | 呼吸快速 tachypnea ; rapid breathing

expiratory dyspnea:呼气性呼吸困难

⑺呼气性呼吸困难(expiratory dyspnea) 病人表现为呼气费力、呼气时间延长,肋间隙膨隆. 是肺组织弹性减弱、小支气管狭窄,呼气时气流呼出不畅所致. 见于支气管哮喘、喘息性支气管炎、阻塞性肺气肿. ⑻混合性呼吸困难(mixed dyspnea) 表现为呼气与吸气都困难,


呼吸困难 dyspnea,dyspnoea | 心病性呼吸困难 dyspnea,dyspnoea,cardiac | 呼气困难 dyspnea,dyspnoea,expiratory

Inspiratory dyspnea:吸气性呼吸困难

1.吸气性呼吸困难 吸气性呼吸困难(inspiratory dyspnea)为主的呼吸困难是喉阻塞的主要症状. 2.吸气性喘鸣 吸气性喘鸣(inspiratory stridor)是喉阻塞的一个重要症状. 吸入的气流,挤过狭窄的声门裂,形成气 流旋涡反击声带,声带颤动而发出一种尖锐的喉鸣声.


dyspnea 呼吸困难 | dyspneal 呼吸困难的 | dyspnic 呼吸困难


dyspnea /呼吸困难/ | dyspneic /呼吸困难的/气喘/ | dyspnoea /呼吸困难/

dyspneic respiration:呼吸困难

dyspnea 呼吸困难 | dyspneic respiration 呼吸困难 | dysuria 排尿困难