英语人>词典>汉英 : 味觉迟钝 的英文翻译,例句
味觉迟钝 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
hypogeusia  ·  amblygeustia

更多网络例句与味觉迟钝相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Among the more commonly identified impairments and malfunctions of taste are ageusia ,(or ageustia from geustos, Greek for "tasting"), the absence of taste; hypogeusia , dulled or diminished taste; hypergeusia , increased sensitivity to taste; and phantogeusia, the perception of specific tastes—sweet, sour, salty, metallic, or otherwise unpleasant tastes—without the presence of any oral stimulus.

包括在这些更普遍确定的味觉损伤和障碍中的有:味觉丧失(or ageustia from geustos, Greek for "tasting"),味觉缺失,味觉减退,味觉迟钝或降低,过敏,味觉感受的增加,还有幻味觉,不存在任何的口头刺激下产生细节味觉的感知—甜,酸,咸,金属味或其他的讨厌的味道。

Second, snack food, because in acid, sweet snacks, salty taste of intense stimulation, often can cause our taste dull, so that the average diet to cause appetitive, long-term appetite is bad, will affect our growth.


Adult ---- wound does not heal, hypogeusia, the delay of menarche, male sterility, acne, pachyonychia, whitlow


Among the more commonly identified impairments and malfunctions of taste are ageusia ,(or ageustia from geustos, Greek for "tasting"), the absence of taste; hypogeusia , dulled or diminished taste; hypergeusia , increased sensitivity to taste; and phantogeusia, the perception of specific tastes—sweet, sour, salty, metallic, or otherwise unpleasant tastes—without the presence of any oral stimulus.

包括在这些更普遍确定的味觉损伤和障碍中的有:味觉丧失(or ageustia from geustos, Greek for &tasting&),味觉缺失,味觉减退,味觉迟钝或降低,过敏,味觉感受的增加,还有幻味觉,不存在任何的口头刺激下产生细节味觉的感知—甜,酸,咸,金属味或其他的讨厌的味道。

更多网络解释与味觉迟钝相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


amblyacousia 听觉迟钝 | amblyaphia 触觉迟钝 | amblygeustia 味觉迟钝


amblygeustia 味觉迟钝 | amblyope 弱视者 | amblyopia 弱视

hypogastric plexus:腹下丛

hypoesthesia 感觉迟钝 | hypogastric plexus 腹下丛 | hypogeusia 味觉减退


hypogeusesthesia味觉迟钝 | hypogeusia味觉迟钝 | hypoglycemia低血糖


听觉迟钝,重听,轻性聋 Oxyacusis ; Oxyecoia | 触觉锐敏,锐触 Oxyaphia | 味觉锐敏,锐味 Oxygeusia