英语人>词典>汉英 : 周围的气氛 的英文翻译,例句
周围的气氛 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
penumbra  ·  penumbrae

更多网络例句与周围的气氛相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He is always so bubbly and happy and just brightens up the atmosphere.


There is a distinct sense of embarrassment in the air.


We need to improve morale around here.


Do you affected by the atmosphere of periphery easily?


He was shocked by the softness of the atmosphere surrounding the young prince, arising from the superfluity of the femininity that guided him.


I sensed a wrongness around me, like an alarm clock that has gone off without being set.


This backwards cycle occurs three times a year and often muddles the atmosphere with misunderstandings, missing data, travel troubles and technical difficulties.


This backwards cycle occursthree times a year and often muddles the atmosphere withmisunderstandings, missing data, travel troubles and technicaldifficulties.


Firstly your relationships and an atmosphere sidetracking you from the focus and dedication necessary to make the most of fiscal trends.


Arkhipov says honest bureaucrats are outcasts who are surrounded by an atmosphere of intolerance , because they are not convenient to bureaucrats or embezzlers , whose main goal is to cast the minority aside .


更多网络解释与周围的气氛相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Illyria versus Cornwall:伊利里亚对抗康沃尔

The biggest rivalry in our district is afoot.|我们辖区最大的一场比赛正准备进... | Illyria versus Cornwall.|伊利里亚对抗康沃尔 | It's gonna be something else,and the atmosphere is crazy!|周围的气氛都为之...


我想要展现的是:每个人的生活--他的思想、工作,甚至做爱(lovemaking)等每件事--都要受到我们所遭遇的庞大而糟糕的问题的影响. 我们受到周围"气氛"(what is "in the air")的制约. 在随处可见的谋杀和灾难的包围中,

circumambient criticism:婉转的批评

周围的未知世界 the circumambient unknown | 婉转的批评 circumambient criticism | (气氛等)笼罩着庆祝会 circumfuse the celebration

impeccably:没有缺点的, 不会做坏事的

cutlery n.餐具 | impeccably 没有缺点的, 不会做坏事的 | ambiance n.周围环境, 气氛