英语人>词典>汉英 : 周围环境 的英文翻译,例句
周围环境 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
ambience  ·  ambient  ·  ambiance

mise en scene · surrounding environment · ambient enviroment
更多网络例句与周围环境相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The temperature difference between the product and the surrounding environment


What is new in this thesis is the point that the multi-dimensional feature is the fundamental feature that differs from the traditional easel painting.


The investigation on radioactivity level s of radioactive source storehouses and surrounding environment were conducted in logging CO.


The investigation on radioactivity levels of radioactive source storehouses and surrounding environment were conducted in logging CO.


Similarly, a pit organ's aperture is about 1 mm—large enough to allow the snake to quickly detect moving prey. Some scientists even suggest that pythons—a type of boid—have a variety of differently shaped pit organs, each serving a different biological function.


When the ambient air humidity is higher than in the aμg hygrogram paper, the paper will absorb the moisture in the air, on the contrary, dilative and elongation in the ambient air humidity in an environment that is lower than the paper itself are contained in the humidity, the paper will release a shorter water back in order to achieve a balance between environmental humidity, the so-called paper with edge, Lotus Leaf suspended the water content of the paper.


Matching facilities: Kitchen, bathroom, kitchen fan, kitchenware, natural gas furniture: Bed, table, closet repair situation: Middle-grade repair environment: Grocer, supermarket, outpatient service traffic condition: 105,128,306,112 explained in detail: The Haire apartment opposite, wraps three hosts to lie, southing, room clean bright, repair, kitchen bathroom public, the surroundings have the grocer, the supermarket, the outpatient service, walks ten minutes from the Li Village park, the surroundings has the multi-channel public transportations, the good communications.

个人 配套设施:厨房,卫生间,抽油烟机,厨具,天然气家具:床,桌子,衣柜装修情况:中档装修周围环境:菜市场,超市,门诊交通状况: 105,128,306,112 详细说明:海尔公寓对面,套三房的主卧,南向,房间干净明亮,装修,厨房卫生间公用,周围有菜市场,超市,门诊,距离李村公园步行十分钟,周围有多路公交车,交通方便。

Through carrying on the research of the light,warm,wet environmental factor to the environment of different lawns,have explained that afforests the ecological effect of the mode and impact on surrounding environment in the campus lawn,in the hope of finding out the law,accumulate more exper...


Roof of the building is triangulated and articulated to create an uneven roofscape and this treatment of the roofscape is extended to the landscape of the ground level, establishing multiple relationships between each space and environment.


We also simulate the environment of photon experiment, and calculate the effect by use of fourfold symmetry torsion pendulum, we find that the double frequency effect caused by gravitational gradient is reduced a magnitude when we buildup the symmetry of measurement system.

我们还对二重对称扭秤的光子实验数据进行了分析,结果发现二倍频的效应为10~(-12)Nm 的量级,通过计算分析我们发现扭秤周围环境的不对称所引入的引力梯度效应是不容忽视的,因此针对喻家山人防山洞的具体情况,我们对光子实验的实际环境进行了模拟计算,理论分析结果表明对于二重对称的扭秤而言,环境不对称的影响引起的力矩效应为5.4940×10~(-10) Nm,对于四重对称的扭秤来说,效应为1.8668×10~(-11)Nm,可以看到随着扭秤对称性的增加,引力梯度的效应减小了一个数量级。

更多网络解释与周围环境相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ambient noise:周围环境噪声

ambient conditions 周围情况 | ambient noise 周围环境噪声 | ambient pressure 环境压力

ambient temperature:周围温度

周围压力 ambient pressure | 周围温度 ambient temperature | 周围环境下试验 ambient test


此外,类似戛纳这样的国际评奖活动中,也在不同类别中设有"周围环境"(Ambient)创意奖项. 根据D&AD的评审手册,'环境媒体'项创设于2000年,以反映广告本质的转变,以及非传统媒体的增加. "


是由于建筑物或者其他设施以及建筑物上的搁置物、悬挂物发生倒塌、脱落、坠落造成他人损害而赔偿. 高度危险作业致害责任,是由于从事高空、高压、易燃、易爆、剧毒、放射性、高速运输工具等对周围环境(environment)有高度危险作业造成他人损害而赔偿.


meteorology气象学 | milieu周围,环境 | purlieu常去的地方

surroundings:第二周 周围环境

第一周 人物介绍Introducing People | 第二周 周围环境Surroundings | 第三周 家庭Family


stage 舞台 | surroundings 周围环境 | idle away 浪费光阴,虚度(时间)

Redue surrounding temperature:降低周围环境温度

温度保护器动作Temperature protector is working | 降低周围环境温度Redue surrounding temperature | 降低使用频率Reduce use frequency

ambiance:周围环境, 气氛

amberol resin | 马来改性松香树脂 | ambiance | 周围环境, 气氛 | ambicoloration | 两色(作用), 显两色(作用)

Bt. Btmosphere:大气.周围环境.大气压

DBD Domputer-Bided Design 计算机辅助预设 | Bt. Btmosphere 大气.周围环境.大气压 | DBE Dab Behind Engine 驾驶舱在引擎后方式