英语人>词典>汉英 : 呛人的 的英文翻译,例句
呛人的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
smoky  ·  smokier

更多网络例句与呛人的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Love Do not choke your baby milk nipple large open hole, with a half仰着drink, if the choke can be patted the back or pulling ears, so that milk will not flow from the nose out of my house when the regular baby choking milk, which looks like it hurts!


But this time it wasn't choking, it was just enough for me to know it was there.


I wanted her just as a change after that fierce ragout.


Plus: at the spring of 2007, smoke from burning coal was full of Beijing city from midnght to morning every night, smoky and sulfureous smell, so I wrote to the Beijing Mayor's public mail box, but till now, no any more answer….


To most people the term technology conjures up images of smoky steel mills or noisy machines.


Or does anyone want a bitter life? A peppered life?


A little spluttering was heard and a tiny blue flame sprang up, making achoking smoke.


When miners tunneled toward the gym, they used a cutting torch that accidentally ignited the barrier. Choking smoke filled the tunnel.


It also revealed that 28 percent had choked on crumb s, while one in ten had broken a tooth or filling biting a biscuit.


T also revealed that 28 percent had choked on crumbs, while one in ten had broken a tooth or filling biting a biscuit.

调查报告中显示,有 28%的人被饼干屑呛到过,有10%的人在嚼饼干的时候弄坏了牙。

更多网络解释与呛人的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

acrid smoke:呛人的味

musty old books 发霉的旧书 | acrid smoke 呛人的味 | nasty odor 难闻的

I found it hard to appreciate the choky singer's song:我发现这个**歌手的歌很难理解

11.Choking fumes filled the room.呛人... | I found it hard to appreciate the choky singer's song.我发现这个**歌手的歌很难理解 | 12.Money isn't an importan circunstance when it comes to life and death.当...

over there:那个地方伊拉克

有了这些参照物,我就一直等待着一部能够还原真实的伊战电影出现. 然而>过于晦涩,>(OVER THERE)演绎失真,>着重于描写士兵之间的关系,直到>带着爆炸的呛人气味出现.


野火肆虐希腊之际;义大利萨丁尼亚岛(Sardinia)也有2人丧生;而下令射击演习的法国外籍兵团教练遭到停职并羁押. 法国的大火虽然没有造成人员丧生,但是一位消防队员遭到灼伤,4位救援人员因为浓烟呛伤接受治疗之际,

Smoky Mountains:斯莫基山脉(美)

1225smokya. 冒烟的,熏著的,呛人的 | 1226Smoky Mountains斯莫基山脉(美) | 1227snackn. 小吃,点心; v. 吃零食,吃点心


smoky /冒烟的/似烟的/熏脏的/呛人的/ | smolder /闷烧/郁积/ | smoldering /阴燃/


在无风的季节,烟尘与雾混合变成黄黑色,经常在城市上空笼罩多天不散,形成曾经客居伦敦的老舍先生描绘过的"乌黑的、浑黄的、绛紫的,以致辛辣的、呛人的"伦敦雾. smog(烟雾)一词于1905年问世,特指混合了煤烟(Soot)或烟尘(Smoke)的雾.