英语人>词典>汉英 : 呈环形 的英文翻译,例句
呈环形 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与呈环形相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ResultsAmong 8 cases,there were low or low slightly density as in 7 cases, single high slightly density tubercle as in 1 case, following these,there were multiple neoplasm metastasis of brain other sites in 2 cases, annular shape enhancement in 3 cases after contrast CT scanning, peripheral edema lightly as in 6 cases and no in 2 cases, suprasellar region, ambiens cisterna and corpora quadrigemina were compressed, transposited and distorted differentlly,and obturated or widened locally.


The enhancement pattern of 6 liver metastasis was diverse,including peripheral or entire degree enhancement in the arterial or portal phase with slow or fast wash-out. The 6 cases of hemangioma were enhanced centripetally in portal phase and washed out after several minutes and the other 2 nodule cases with entire enhancement.


Endoderm cells in skin-muscle myofibrils along the body axis ring-shaped arrangement of the contraction of the body slim.


Congregation obtained after chitosan k and a treatments showed more tightness than sediments obtained without chitosan treatment, sediments after chitosan b and c treatments were network in structure. Mixed systems of pectin, protein and polyphenol were applied for studying a simulated system of kiwifruit juice. It was shown that the aggregates of pectin molecules in pectin solution were dispersing tubular globules. Particles in mixed solution of pectin and bovine serum albumin had two states: one was circular in photo, the other contained single particle or aggregates of several particles. Pectin decreased the interaction between protein and polyphenol and strengthened the stability of mixed solution of pectin, protein and polyphenol. Chitosan flocculated mixed solution of pectin, protein and polyphenol, and the floccule was white, having a network structure.


Results Metaphysis osteoporosis was observed on X-ray and CT in acute stage, the midsection of infarct of bone was isointensity on T1WI and iso/hyperintensity signal on T2WI, the edge of infarct of bone was ring-shaped hypointensity on T1WI and hyperintensity signal on T2WI. Small worm-eaten change and stippled calcification was observed on X-ray and CT in subacute stage, the infarct of bone was iso/hypointensity on T1WI and iso/hyperintensity signal on T2WI, the edge of infarct of bone was ring-shaped hypointensity on T1WI and hyperintensity signal on T2WI. Irregular and wriggle osteosclerosis was observed on X-ray and CT in chronic stage, was hypointensity on T1WI and T2WI.

结果 骨梗死急性期X线、CT表现为干骺端骨质疏松,MR T1WI骨梗死灶中央部分呈等至高信号,T2WI呈高信号,T1WI骨梗死灶边缘呈环形低信号,T2WI呈环形高信号;亚急性期X线、CT表现为小的虫噬样改变,伴有斑点状钙化,MR T1WI骨梗死灶呈等或低信号,T2WI呈等或稍高信号,T1WI骨梗死灶边缘呈环形低信号,T2WI呈环形高信号;慢性期X线、CT表现为不规则状、蜿蜒状骨质硬化,MR T1WI和T2WI均呈低信号。

Cross section of the cell show that the internal photo synthetic membrane are present as cycloid plica spiralis shape.


Having atoms linked by bonds represented in circular or triangular form.


The pleural superficial blood vessels were smooth, while the circular and oblique constrictions of smooth muscle cells occurred on the surface of the subpleural arteriole, venule and parenchymal venule. The round imprints of endothelial nuclei were found on the cast surface of the arteriole and venule.


Peripheral ring-type, tortuous beaded shape or serpiginous tubular shape enhancement were found in 8 cases. After analysis of follow-up MRI for 7 cases, a change in location and shape of lesions was found in 2 cases.


These were raised underinducing condition to test if any morphology and structure changes. Twenty two Arabidopsismutants had various changes in morphology and anatomical structures. Twenty mutants hadlow germination rate from 10% to 60%, of which 2 had survival rates at 0% and 50%. Fivemutants occurred structure changes in the hypocotyls or stem. One of these lines, namedarris-stem, showed some unique changes: slower growth rate in comparison with the wildtype from germination to florescence; serrated margin of leaf blades, spiral rosette; morebranch in the bottom part of the stem, shorter nodes, twisted stem and branch. There were oneor several arrises along the stem. Across sections of the arrises showed one or several compactcells lumps which were round, made up of several layers of cells, looked like vascular-bundle.


更多网络解释与呈环形相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


如海月水母属(Aurelia)、金水母属(Chrysaora)以及大红水母(Tiburoniagranrojo,属Tiburoniinae亚科),后者是3种无触手水母的一种. 冠水母目(Coronatae)约30种,多分布深海,常呈栗色. 体钟形,躯体中部和周缘部之间有一环形深沟为界,

chondral calcification:软骨钙化

(六)软骨钙化 软骨钙化(chondral calcification)可为生理性的或病理性的. 瘤软骨钙化属病理性钙化. 因为瘤软骨常呈小叶样生长,其软骨内骨化过程始于小叶表面,所以在X线片上和CT上骨肉瘤误诊,瘤软骨钙化表现为大小不同的环形或半环形高密度影骨肉瘤误诊,

glenoid fossa:肩臼

后匙骨(postcleithrum)等组成,并通过上匙骨牢固地关连在头骨上.软骨鱼类的肩带位于咽颅的后方呈半环形,不与头骨或脊柱关连,只包括肩胛部和乌喙 部两部分.肩带外侧有一与胸鳍连接的关节面,称肩臼(glenoid fossa).绝大多数鱼类 的


[附]乳房(mamma)是授乳器官,与女性生殖功能密切相关. 女性自青春期起,乳房开始发育,腺组织及脂肪组织显著增生. 受孕及授乳期中又有很大变化. 成年女子乳房呈半球形,中央有乳头,乳头上有12-15个输乳孔. 乳头的周围有色素较深的皮肤环形区,


随后的 (Seascape) 系列是整个回顾展的高潮, 充分利用Hirshhorn博物馆的环形建筑特点, 整个独立展厅呈扇形, 至少有350平米大小. 据说为获得这个巨大的展厅面积, 拆掉了三面隔断墙, 1.1x1.5米的巨幅照片悬挂在一面弧形墙上,


位于横小管两侧的肌质网扩大呈环形的扁囊,称终池(terminal cisternae),与横小管一起共同组成三联体(triad)(图6-9),可将兴奋从肌膜传到肌质网膜. 肌质网的膜上有丰富的钙泵(一种ATP酶),有调节肌质中Ca2+浓度的作用.


1.前庭(vestibule) 位于耳蜗和半规管之间,略呈椭圆形,约6mm×5mm×3mm大小,容纳椭圆囊及球囊(图2). 2.骨半规管(semicircular canals) 位于前庭的后上方,每侧有3个半规管,各为3个约成2/3环形的骨管,互成直角;


ringtoss 投环游戏 | ringwise 呈环形 | ringworm 癣


鳞翅目(Lepidoptera)眼蝶科(Satyridae)一些特有种蝴蝶的统称. 夏季大量出现於美国和欧洲的草原上. 幼虫呈天鹅绒似的褐色或绿色,具小而分叉的尾状附器. 成蝶翅呈褐色,翅展56公分,有明显眼斑(环形斑纹). 翅上的假眼可能用以吓唬或迷惑捕食性鸟类.

terminal cisternae:终池

位于横小管两侧的肌质网扩大呈环形的扁囊,称终池(terminal cisternae),与横小管一起共同组成三联体(triad)(图6-9),可将兴奋从肌膜传到肌质网膜. 肌质网的膜上有丰富的钙泵(一种ATP酶),有调节肌质中Ca2+浓度的作用.