英语人>词典>汉英 : 吹牛 的英文翻译,例句
吹牛 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
bazoo  ·  blague  ·  boast  ·  brag  ·  bragger  ·  buck  ·  charlatanry  ·  fanfare  ·  gasconade  ·  rodomontade  ·  swagger  ·  vapour  ·  fanfaronade  ·  flamdoodle  ·  swaggie  ·  boasting  ·  bragging  ·  jactance  ·  jactancy  ·  swaggering  ·  rhodomontade  ·  boasted  ·  boasts  ·  bragged  ·  brags  ·  bucks  ·  fourflushes  ·  gasconaded  ·  gasconading  ·  swaggered  ·  swaggers  ·  vapoured

boast of · fish story · four-flush · hot air · talk horse · talk through one's hat · talk big · talk large · four-flushed · four-flushing · shoot the breeze · snow job · swagger about · draw the long bow
更多网络例句与吹牛相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Many illustrious persons were born at Ephesus, eg the philosophers Heraclitus and Hermodorus, the poet Hipponax, the painter Parrhasius (all in the sixth or fifth century BC), the geographer Artemidorus, another Artemidorus, astrologer and charlatan, both in the second century of the Christian Era, and the historian and essayist, Xenophon.

许多杰出的人出生在以弗所,如哲学家赫拉克利特和Hermodorus , Hipponax诗人,画家Parrhasius (所有在第六或公元前五世纪),在地理学家阿忒密多鲁斯,另一个阿忒密多鲁斯,占星家和吹牛,无论是在第二个世纪的基督教时代,历史学家和散文家,色诺芬。

For that they get 4000 dollars and of course bragging rights.EA, the Associated Press.


This was not a mere empty vaunt, but a deliberate avowal of his real sentiments.


That year, he separated from his wife, Susan, and in 2004 he and Kenner launched DailySpeculations.com, which they dedicated to the scientific method, free markets, deflating ballyhoo, creating value, and laughter.

当年,他和苏珊离婚了,然后他在2004年和肯特创办了 dailyspeculations.com,他们在这个网站谈论科学的方法,自由的市场,不吹牛,创造价值和笑声。

He is nothing but a big bluffer.


Hung-chien could come up with no counterevidence to refute this Discussions of Ancient History sort of historical reinterpretation, and could only say, All right, all right, so I was boasting.


Hishair was long and scruffy, his ties ludicrous and his manner jovial borderingon Falstaffian; a board meeting, for him, was a debate, punctuated by gales ofhis maniacal laughter.


Talk horse:吹牛 They often talk horse when they are free.


"Please don't think I'm brag ging," he began.I don't intend it that way at all


It divides into boasts, cheats the artificial flower with gold-foil, compares the size and so on, now I first to you said boasts method: Inside a person has 3 dices, 2 human of altogether 6," 1 " may represent " 1 to 6 " random numeral, but if your shout 1 1,2 1 and so on, 1 did not represent other numerals, only represented 1, then you might shout " 1 6,2 3 " and so on, highest might shout to 6 1 to 6 random numeral.


更多网络解释与吹牛相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

blague:吹牛, 荒唐

Blagoveshchensk | 布拉戈维申斯克(中国传统称海兰泡) | blague | 吹牛, 荒唐 | blagueur | 说大话者,吹牛者,喜欢编造夸张故事的人

blowhard:吹牛家 吹风太厉害的就是吹牛家

16)dolittle懒汉 干活少的是懒汉 | 17)blowhard吹牛家 吹风太厉害的就是吹牛家 | 18)underdog受人欺负的,失败者 在狗的下面受人欺负


brae /斜坡/山坡/ | bragg /自夸/吹牛/ | braggadocio /自夸/吹牛大王/


59. booster: 支持者. | 60. braggadocio: 吹牛大王. | 61. braggart: 吹牛者.

braggadocio:自夸, 吹牛大王

Bragg spectrometer | 布拉格分光计 | braggadocio | 自夸, 吹牛大王 | braggart | 吹嘘 吹牛的, 自夸的


jejune lacking interest or significence:dull无味的,无意义的 | braggart 吹牛,吹牛的 | streak 条纹,倾向(个人特性)


60. braggadocio: 吹牛大王. | 61. braggart: 吹牛者. | 62. brat: 孩子,顽童.

bragger:吹牛 (名)

braggart 吹牛的人 (名) | bragger 吹牛 (名) | Brahma 梵天#婆罗贺摩 (名)

A boaster and a liar are cousin-german:吹牛与撒谎本是同宗

48. A boaster and a liar are all one. 吹牛撒谎一家亲. | A boaster and a liar are cousin-german. 吹牛与撒谎本是同宗. | 49. Don't ride the high horse. 不要摆臭架子; 莫趾高气扬.

vaunt:吹牛 比"V"的姑姑在吹牛

daunt 威胁,恐吓 打姑姑是恐吓 | vaunt 吹牛 比"V"的姑姑在吹牛 | jaunt 短途旅行 杨过接姑姑是短途旅行