英语人>词典>汉英 : 吸收因子 的英文翻译,例句
吸收因子 的英文翻译、例句


absorption factor
更多网络例句与吸收因子相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

With the adapted algorithm based on the extended OCT model,absorption coefficient can also be extracted.


In this article,the courses of absorption and excretion of alcohol through bodies is simplified to general house models,and the conceptions of absorption factor and excretion factor are defined.


Balance alimentation, accelerate root growth and improve lawn quality.


In this paper , using the DDA method, after calculating optical characteristics of the difformity aerosol particles, the author gets the relationships of extinction factor and absorption factor of aerosol particles with the changing incident wavelength, combining the Muller scattering matrix, the angular distribution of scattering intensity and polarizability of aerosol particles is given, which provides an efficient approach for the research of atmospheric radiation and transmission.


2Its one of cytology mechanisms of Qiang-gu-bao decoction on preventing and curing diabetes osteoporosis were related with promoting for osteoblastic cell proliferation 、 differentition and mineralization of formation,moreover inhibiting nonenzymic glycation reaction and reducing the formation of AGEs on the early stage, inhibiting the secretion of osseous absorptive cytokine, Consequently, Qiang-gu-bao decoction could inhibited bone resorption and promote for bone formation as well as regulated the bone metabolization.

2强骨宝方直接提取液及糖尿病模型大鼠载药血清均能促进 OB 增殖、分化及矿化成骨作用,并抑制早期糖基化反应,减少 AGEs 的形成,抑制 OB 分泌骨吸收因子,从而达到抑制骨吸收、促进骨形成、调节骨代谢,这可能是强骨宝方防治糖尿病性骨质疏松的细胞学机制之一。

Under the condition that the maximum index change at the core-cladding interface and absorption coefficient were constant, the numerical results indicated that the reflectivity of cross-mode coupling peak between LP_ 01 and LP_ 11 modes varies parabolically with the saturation length of index change.


Regarding asphaltenes, the oxidative degradation was carried out in this work, including species of n-C〓 asphaltenes, crude oils and oilsands. The oxidation reagents include NaIO〓/NaH〓PO4 and 30%H〓O〓/CH〓COOH.


The experimental results indicate that the efficiency of degradation decreases in the order of the species of n-C〓 asphaltenes, crude oils and oilsands; and decreases in the order of the oxidation reagents by NaIO〓/NaH〓PO4 and 30%H〓O〓/CH〓COOH.


MethodsBone resorption test was carried out using neonatal mouse calvaria to investigate the bone resorbing activity of cytokines (IL 1, IL 6, TNF, GM CSF, and IFN γ).

利用新生鼠头顶骨进行体外骨吸收实验,分别验证细胞因子白细胞介素1(IL 1)、白细胞介素6(IL 6)、肿瘤坏死因子、IFN γ、粒巨噬细胞生长因子在体外对骨吸收的影响。

These results demonstrated that estrogen deficiency after ovariectomy increased in bone resorbing activity present in bon marrow supernatants and it were mediated partially by endogeneous IL6, Suppression for IL-6 production were involvement in the mechanism of estrogen replacement therapy inhibiting bone loss in estrogen deficiency.


更多网络解释与吸收因子相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

absorption factor:吸收因子

absorption edge 吸收端 | absorption factor 吸收因子 | absorption heat 吸收热

internal absorption factor:内吸收因子

internal absorptance 内吸收比 | internal absorption factor 内吸收因子 | internal adjustment scope 内调式瞄准镜

spectral absorption factor:吸收因子

"吸收比谱;吸收率谱","spectral absorptance" | "吸收因子","spectral absorption factor" | "吸收因子","spectral absorption factor"

eta factor:因子, 每吸收中子产额

estimation 估计, 评价 | eta factor 因子, 每吸收中子产额 | eta plutonium 钚

intrinsic factor:内因子

现在我们已知道,它必须和另外一种物质称为"内因子"(Intrinsic factor)同时并用才能发挥疗效. 这个内因子是胃液中的必需元素,它可以帮助身体吸收维生素B12,如果没有它,肝脏所分泌的维生素B12便无法治疗贫血. 卡斯笛的这项发现,

intrinsic factor:內在因子

维生素B12的吸收须藉由 胃分泌之内在因子(intrinsic factor)来结合,才能 由肠壁细胞吸收. 一般而言,极少因摄食不足而造 成恶性贫血,维生素B12缺乏通常是缺上海九院美容整形乏内在因子而 吸收不良的问题所造成的. 但是长期素食者仍应 注重B12之摄取,

self-absorption effect:自吸收效应

self-absorption 自吸收 | self-absorption effect 自吸收效应 | self-absorption factor 自吸收因子

self-absorption factor:自吸收因子

self-absorption effect 自吸收效应 | self-absorption factor 自吸收因子 | self-assessment 自我评价

sorption promoters:吸收促进因子

9、single-premiums 单项保险费 | 10、sorption promoters 吸收促进因子 | 11、sperm-specific basic nuclear proteins 精子特异性基础核蛋白

factor, amplitude:振幅因子

吸收因子 factor, absorption | 振幅因子 factor, amplitude | 装接负载因子 factor, connected load