英语人>词典>汉英 : 启示地 的英文翻译,例句
启示地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与启示地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

She looks around the corner, not liking what she sees. She alerts Griff of her coordinates, and the fact that although there are Butchers and Dumbshows, there's no sign of the Wielders. She watches the chaos as some people run, scream, kill, and rape with violent abandon.


If we believe in the inspiration and inerrancy of the Bible, unity in revelation, and progressive revelation, we must believe that God is the same, and the way God deals with his people is always the same: both in Bible times, and today ( s cholars often hide this fact from us), we can study biblical theology with confidence.


If we believe in the inspiration and inerrancy of the Bible, unity in revelation, and progressive revelation, we must believe that God is the same, and the way God deals with his people is always the same: both in Bible times, and today (scholars often hide thisfact from us), we can study biblical theology with confidence.


In this connection Zahn observes with much truth that the rise of Montanism, with its false prophets, who claimed for their written productions--the self-styled Testament of the Paraclete--the authority of revelation, around the Christian Church to a fuller sense that the age of revelation had expired with the last of the Apostles, and that the circle of sacred Scripture is not extensible beyond the legacy of the Apostolic Era.

在这方面zahn观察到许多真理的崛起montanism ,其假先知,他们声称他们的书面制作-自封遗嘱的p araclete-权威的启示,各地基督教堂,以更充分地意识该年龄的启示已经过期与上次的使徒,并认为圆的神圣经文是不可扩展超出了原有的使徒时代。

When we read the statement "Should we not be monstrously ingratefull if we did not deeply resent such kindness?"(from the Sermons of Isaac Barrow, written before 1677), we may be pardoned for momentarily thinking we are in never-never land.


The cultural conflict between the West and theEast in this phase was beyond the former Slav faction andWest European faction that either Slavonization orEuropeanization and later populism that simply added Westernculture to Russia's tradition but combined the Western culturewith national traditions dialectically,so that propelled the socialprogress effectively and practically,delt better with the problemabout the conflict and combination of the Western culture andEastern culture provided scientific inspiration for one's owncountry and others backward in economy and culture.


When St Francis had received this revelation, he forthwith shut himself up in his cell, and, in great recollection of soul, prepared himself for the mystery which was to be revealed to him; and from that time forth he began to taste more frequently the sweetness of divine contemplation, by which he was sometimes so absorbed in God, that he was seen by his companions to be raised corporally above the ground, and rapt in prayer; and in these raptures were revealed to St Francis not only things present and future, but even the secret thoughts and desires of the brethren, as was experienced by Brother Leo, his companion in those days.

当圣方济各收到这个启示以后,他立刻把自己关在房子里,努力回忆,为显示给他的这个奥迹作准备;然后,他开始越来越频繁地尝到了冥想的甘甜,有时候他如此的专注于冥想上帝,他的同伴发现他在全神贯注地祷告时,身体被抬起;方济各不仅仅得到了关于现在和将来的启示,也知道了他弟兄们心里的秘密。 Leo弟兄后来告诉我们。

After pointing out the connotations of the two theories, the author puts a stress on clarifying their gains and losses. The author thinks that,""Drama-Poetry Theory"" enlightened some playwrights' drama-creating, but it didn't intactly reveal the ousia of opera;"" Yue-Ousia Theory""explored the question of Opera origin , but it still didn't work out the ousia structure of Chinese traditional opera.


On the basis of historical investigation,theauthor sums up five-point revelations:The consolidation of the Party'sruling foundation from the base while not turning things inside out;theconsolidation of the Party's ruling foundation in full-scale while not beingnarrow and unilateral;the consolidation of the Party's ruling foundationstep by step while not being desperate for success;the consolidation of theParty's ruling foundation concretely and historically while not beingdeadlock and conservative;the consolidation of the Party's rulingfoundation with open mind while not being self-closed.


In retrospect to the history of Chinese historiography in the first half of 20th century, it is quite clear that the emphasis upon the study and construction of historiography was an important element for the transition of Chinese historiography from traditional to modern.


更多网络解释与启示地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


他说,克隆利从古老的启示中获知,"93是万古(aeon)的数字. 那么,好吧. 这就是'万古'的数字,我不知道,这到底意味着什么. "所以,C93的命名更多地是出于审美的考虑,而不是有严格规定的神秘意义. 至于某些唱片中渗透的神秘主义倾向,

Beatific Vision:(见主圣面)

基督教义中的"见主圣面"(BEATIFIC VISION)即类似这样的期待,认为被拯救的人们会在天国直接与上帝相见和相识. 他们可以得到超越自然的启示,从而充分地理解在世间勾留时无法避免的种种困惑. 印度教的一则教义在某种程度上有更大的期望.


多年以后,霍姆斯清楚地表达了这种经验带给他的启示: "内心确信(certitude)不能作为客观确定性(certainty)的检验标准. 我们对许多并不确定的事情深信不疑. 请允许我再次重复自己曾经说过的:财产权、友谊和真理都同样根植于时间.

delusional perception:妄想知觉

⑤迅速缓解;⑥可能由社会心理事件诱发;⑦再次发作的可能性较大;⑧有疾病分类学的独立性,尽管在1次或多次发作后,有演进为分裂症的可能,但与分裂症不同.妄想知觉(delusional perception)异常地直接体验到知觉的特殊目的或意义(一般为启示的,

natural law:自然定律

基督徒在分担公民群体的工作和困难时,不能以自然定律(natural law)为准则,基督徒处理公共事务的唯一准则就是神启示给我们的属灵原则. 潘氏在(Ethics)一书中,指出政府的权力来自神,因此信徒和非信徒同样必须无条件地和全面性地顺服在上掌权者,

Omar Sharif:奧瑪雪瑞夫

"制作团队还很荣幸地请来埃及裔的传奇演员奥玛.雪瑞夫(Omar Sharif)担任这部电影的画外叙述者. 麦可.威玛表示:"奥玛.雪瑞夫以他份量十足的经验、资历和人道精神来叙说这个故事,具有出乎意料的启示作用. "

triangular prism:三棱镜

首先用三棱镜( Triangular Prism )把白光分开成红、橙、黄、绿、蓝、靛、紫七色. 19 在这以前,人们根本不能想象光是可以被分开的科学道理. 然而,>早在近 3000 年前已经清楚地启示人类:"光亮从何路分开?"1820 年,丹麦哥本哈根大学?



To a Waterfowl:致水鸟

>(To a Waterfowl)、>(The yellow Violet)等代表作描写美国的山水花鸟,讴歌大自然的精神启示,满腔热情地歌颂美国的生活现实,表现乐观向上的精神面貌,不仅在形式上开始摆脱英国新古典主义的影响,在内容上也强调现世生活,

