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含铋的 的英文翻译、例句


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The experimental results show that, by the process, 10 kg barium carbonate with 0.1 L hydrochloric acid (HCl 27%) as catalyst is added in 1 m3 copper electrolyte, 70% Bi can be removed from the electrolyte, and the Bi content in filter residue is more than 4%.

实验结果表明,采用碳酸钡脱铋新工艺, 1 m3铜电解液加入10 kg碳酸钡,用0.1 L盐酸(HCl 27%)作催化剂, Bi的脱除率可达70%,脱铋渣含Bi量大于4%。

Molybdenine in the ore is of 2H_1 type andRe content is low Bismuthinite is the most abundant bismuth minera...


The phosphate, vanadate and bismuthate contained glasses are promising candidates for the substituting of the lead glasses currently most used by the electronic pastes.


Ore textures mainly include crystalline - granular and filling - metasomatic textures with various shapes.


Using of HCl solution substituting acetate buffer as analytical solution, not only would reproducibly renew the electrode surface with an electrochemical clear procedure, but also could eliminate effect of hydrolysis of bi species. At the same time, the square wave anodic stropping method of BiFEs could be extended to analyze sample containing chloride anion, such as sea water.


Recovery of bismuth from bismuth materials contening arsenic yielded in a copper smelter is studied.


This paper gives an overview of development of substitutes for lead pigment abroad,which are new type nontoxic anticorrosive pigments,rightfitted organic pigments,rutile mixed phase pigments,bismuth vanadate yellow,rare earth pigments and safe yellow.


Main mineral resources are tungsten, tin, bismuth, molybdenum, copper, iron, tantalum, niobium, lead, zinc, gold, cobalt soil, Beryl, Ying Dan, K-feldspar, quartz stone, marble, crystal stone, kaolin, etc. 48 Species, groundwater resources of the main hot water mineral water, hot spring spa resort with 13, Chung, about 1,400 cubic meters, the highest temperature of 70 degrees Celsius, with weak radioactive radon and useful elements of the human body, there are important medical value .


In order to investigate the effect of 2,4-Dihydroxylbenzoate on the combustion of double-base propellant, the combustion law of the propellants containing β-Bi was studied by means of the single frame amplification photography fl miniature thermocouple, the scanning electron microscopy and the LINK ISIS energy spectrum.


更多网络解释与含铋的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


bismuth | 铋 | bismuthal | (含)铋的 | bismuthate | 铋酸盐


bismuthic oxide | 五氧化二铋 | bismuthic | 铋的,含五价铋的 | bismuthide | 铋化物


bismuthide | 铋化物 | bismuthiferous | 含铋的 | bismuthinite | 辉铋矿


bismuthous oxide | 三氧化二铋 | bismuthous | 亚铋的,含三价铋的 | bismuthyl carbonate | 碳酸氧铋

bismuthous oxide:三氧化二铋

bismuthotartrate | 酒石酸铋盐(类) | bismuthous oxide | 三氧化二铋 | bismuthous | 亚铋的,含三价铋的

bismuthyl carbonate:碳酸氧铋

bismuthous | 亚铋的,含三价铋的 | bismuthyl carbonate | 碳酸氧铋 | bismuthyl chloride | 氯化氧铋