英语人>词典>汉英 : 吩噻嗪 的英文翻译,例句
吩噻嗪 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
phenothiazine  ·  thiodiphenylamine  ·  phenthiazine

更多网络例句与吩噻嗪相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In this dissertation, the stable radical cation salts ofphenothiazine and 10 - alkylphenothiazine alky=〓(〓 hexachloroantimonate,perchlorate and iodide were prepared by one- electron oxidationwith 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl - 4 -acetyloxypiperidine oxoammoniumhexachloroantimonate, perchloric acid/hydrogen peroxide andmolecular iodine respectively, and they were characteried by UV -Vis spectroscopy and ESR spectroscopy.


A series of N-bonded donor-acceptor derivatives of phenothiazine containing benzene, anisole, pyridine, naphthalene, acetophenone, and benzonitrile as an electron acceptor was synthesized.


In this thesis, a series of porphyrin derivatives were synthesized, for example, six porphyrin amphiphiles, one water-soluble porphyrin and one dyad of phenothiazine and porphyrin.


The electron structure and molecular conformation of phenothiazine derivatives will be significantly changed with the increase of the electron affinity of the N-10 substituent.


Some of these drugs are Phenothiazine and Thorzine.


Chlorpromazine Hydrochloride which is representative of phenothiazine.


Phenothiazine-coated silver electrode prepared by a simple reaction of phenothiazine with the metal is very stable and can make the reduction of hemoglobin possible.


Based on the results of photophysical and electrochemical data, we found the effective conjugation length of oligomers are extended with increasing phenothiazine units which are saturated up to six phenothiazinevinylene units.


Phenothiazines were also oxidized byiodine and 2, 2, 6, 6- tetramethyl - 4 - acetyloxypiperidineoxoammonium hexachloroantimonate to radical cations in the cavityof β-cyclodextrins in aqueous solution.


Piperidine oxoammonium salts oxidize aromatic amines and N, S-containing heterocycles to the corresponding radical cations, and the isotope effects in electron transfer reactions between thianthrene and N-methylphenothiazine radical cations and their respective neutral parent molecules have been reported for the first time.


更多网络解释与吩噻嗪相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

phenothiazine-type antioxidant:吩噻型抗氧化剂

phenothiazine 吩噻嗪 | phenothiazine-type antioxidant 吩噻型抗氧化剂 | phenoxide 酚盐;苯氧化物

phenothiazine-type antioxidant:吩噻嗪型抗氧化剂

phenomenon of macrophage migration-inhibition 巨噬细胞移动抑制现象 | phenothiazine type antioxidant 吩噻嗪型抗氧化剂 | phenotype 显型


用法与剂 量:(七)吩噻嗪(Phenothiazine)化学名称为硫化二苯胺. 纯品为淡绿色或灰绿 色结晶或无定型粉未,稍有异臭,无味. 干燥品稳定,潮解后易氧化成深绿色. 难 溶于水. 吩噻嗪为一广泛应用的驱虫药,内服吸收很慢. 对牛、羊、马、禽许多线虫有 效,



Phenothiazine derivatives:吩噻嗪衍生物

金融衍生品:Financial derivatives | 吩噻嗪衍生物:Phenothiazine derivatives | 二阶微商算子:second derivatives operator

phenothiazine screening:吩噻嗪筛选

3L355 吩噻嗪, 夹硫氮杂蒽 phenothiazine | 3L356 吩噻嗪筛选 phenothiazine screening | 3L360 盐酸苯丙醇胺 phenylpropanolamine

Phenothiazine test system:吩噻嗪检测系统

862.3660 镇定安眠剂检测系统 Phenobarbital test system | 862.3670 吩噻嗪检测系统 Phenothiazine test system | 862.3680 普里米酮检测系统 Primidone test system

thiophenol:苯硫酚 硫代苯酚

thiophene /噻吩/ | thiophenol /苯硫酚/硫代苯酚/ | thiophenylamine /吩噻嗪/


phenothiazine 吩噻嗪 | phenoxazine 吩恶 | phenoxide 酚盐

phenoxazine dye laser:吩恶嗪染料激光器

phenothiazine 吩噻嗪 | phenoxazine dye laser 吩恶嗪染料激光器 | phenoxazine 吩恶嗪