英语人>词典>汉英 : 否决权 的英文翻译,例句
否决权 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
veto  ·  vetoed  ·  vetoes  ·  vetoing

veto power
更多网络例句与否决权相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

For years it had used the threat of its veto to keep North Korean adventurism off the Security Council's agenda.


Acknowledging that Democrats are unlikely to drop their demands for a troop withdrawal, President Bush says they should send him their legislation quickly so he can veto it and get Congress back to work on a spending bill without such a deadline.


President Bush says Democrat s are trying to score political points, so he says they should get him the bill as soon as possible so he can veto it and get legislators back to work on a spending bill without deadlines.


Mr Boutros-Ghali said the same difficulties applied to governance reforms, such as whether the US would give up its veto, or whether board decisions would require a double majority of countries as well as shareholders.


That is because Mr Thaksin was not satisfied and "has veto power", argues a cabinet minister.


It is possible that on the eve of the publication of the Twelve Tables this vetoing power may have been greatly curtailed or only occasionally and capriciously exercised.


And use my consular veto on your motion.


And in 10 thousand divisions, manpower resource chief inspector has the one ticket veto to the project, that is to say to any projects, want manpower resource chief inspector to think manpower resource does not follow to go up only, OK exercise one ticket veto, suspend the mount a horse of the project.


The regular veto is a qualified veto power, the pocket veto is an absolute veto power, and the


At present, veto still is the foundation and pillar of the United Nations, and it is the buffer of the great powers" contradictions, so veto can"t be abolished. But veto must be limited in order that its negative effect can be reduced.In the Security Council, the proportion of the developing countries is too small, and the geographical distribution is not equitable.


更多网络解释与否决权相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

interpose one's vote:行使否决权

interpose vt.插话;干涉,干预;行使 | interpose one's vote行使否决权 | intervene vi.调停,干涉

interpose one's veto:行使否决权

interpose vt.插话;干涉,干预;行使 | interpose one's veto 行使否决权 | intimidate vt.恐吓,威逼

pocket veto:搁置否决权

pocket pistol 小手枪 | pocket veto 搁置否决权 | pocket 衣袋

suspensive veto:暂时否决权

Survey Research Hong Kong Limited [SRH] 香港市场研究社 | suspensive veto 暂时否决权 | swear 宣誓

veto power:否决权

此外,在政策上,美国总统固然可以以否决权(veto power)对抗国会,但是国会的三分之二加一票,就可以使其否决权失效. 因此,重大决策仍必须与参众两院多数党党魁分享. 否则,美国总统的决策将会「令不出白宫」.

veto power:否决权 <老西整理>

否定 repudiate | 否决权 veto power | 否认 deny

WESTBANK veto power:否决权

否定 WESTBANK repudiate | 否决权 WESTBANK veto power | 否认 WESTBANK deny

absolute veto power:绝对否决权

absolute transfer无条件转让 | absolute veto power绝对否决权 | absolutely definitive legal punishment绝对确定法定刑

absolute veto power:绝对多数否决权

Absolute title 绝对所有权 | Absolute veto power 绝对多数否决权 | Absolute warrantor 绝对保证人


否决权的一般理解是,安理会的决议草案需有九票赞成才能通过,但只要有一个常任理事国投票反对,该草案就不能通过. 然而,在>及联合国大会和安理会的议事规则中均无"否决权"(Veto)的字样. 那么,究竟什么是否决权,其法律依据又是什么