英语人>词典>汉英 : 君主专制 的英文翻译,例句
君主专制 的英文翻译、例句


absolute monarchy · autocratic monarchy
更多网络例句与君主专制相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It was an age of absolute monarchy; the King's absolute power is portrayed in the garden.


However, with the history of the development of an absolute monarchy, has gradually become the modern capitalist economy and democratic political development.


However,it is seldom known that he often opposed absolute monarchy.

然而 ,他对君主专制政治常常持反对态度,却不大为人所知。

Made Absolute Monarchy to have better bonus in recruiting troops.


The absolute monarchy of France was highly developed, and the king was the symbol of peace, order and unity.


Because the absolute monarchy and between bourgeoisie's contradiction.


Huang thought that the society's all sorts of malpractices is due to the feudal absolute monarchy.


The moon is also the reality dream of country life and rebellion of absolute monarchy .


At the end of 19 century, Old China under the system of emperor autarchy, resulted in a weak and poor country and the national confidence had once been lost, because of a long time cultural autarchy of Manchu Nobiliary and invasion of colonial force. Then Chinese scholars turned to learn western culture and technology, and the linguistic theories delegated by The General Linguistics of Sausure were transplanted in China, which became the basic principles guiding Chinese teaching after the establishment of academic and educational system for about a hundred years.


However, with the development of autocratic monarchy in Han plitical power, the growing conflicts between the Daoist political concept of governing by noninterference and autocratic monarchy lead to failure of the Daoist school in achieving its historical mission of deifying monarchical power.


更多网络解释与君主专制相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

absolute monarchy:君主专制政体

从表面上看,这种新的立法权在当时有可能把英国导向君主专制政体(absolute monarchy),一如在欧洲大陆其他国家所发生的情况,而这种政体又将摧毁中世纪留存下来的种种自由.

absolute monarchy:君主专制政体,专制君主国

absolute momentum | 绝对动量 | absolute monarchy | 君主专制政体, 专制君主国 | absolute monopoly | 完全垄断

an autocratic monarchy; an absolute monarchy:君主专制

Constitutional monarchy 君主立宪制 | an autocratic monarchy; an absolute monarchy 君主专制 | political structure 政治结构

abstain from voting:弃权;不投票

8.absolute monarchy 君主专制政体 | 9.abstain from voting 弃权;不投票 | 10.abuse of power for personal gain 以权谋私


公元前43年,又出现屋大维(Octavius)、安敦尼(Antonius)、雷必达(Lepidus)三人结成的「后三头政治同盟」. 公元前30年,屋大维除掉其他二人而成为独裁者,至此,军事独裁的君主专制政权终於在罗马建起,罗马共和国最后灭亡,罗马帝国时代开始.

autocratic monarchy:君主专制

光荣革命 Glorious Revolution | 君主专制 autocratic monarchy | 君主立宪制 constitutional monarchy

autocratic monarchy:君主专制,君主专制政体,无限主制,专制君主制,帝制

autocratic leadership 集权型领导 | autocratic monarchy 君主专制,君主专制政体,无限主制,专制君主制,帝制 | autocratic rule 独裁


除了宦官(Eunuch),圣经中还出现过诸如官吏(Officer)、侍从(Chamberlain)等词汇. 有关宦官起源的时代,现在无法准确地确定. 但西方流传宦官由是亚述帝国(Assyria)美丽女王塞米勒米斯所创;而东方的宦官则是在古代君主专制制度形成时期就开始存在了,

enlightened despotism:开明君主专制

England 英格兰 | enlightened despotism 开明君主专制 | Enlightenment 启蒙运动


bullionism 金银通货论 | caesarism 君主专制 | capitalism 资本主义