英语人>词典>汉英 : 吓唬 的英文翻译,例句
吓唬 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
bluff  ·  browbeat  ·  gally  ·  hector  ·  scarify  ·  swagger  ·  swash  ·  swaggie  ·  swaggering  ·  bluffed  ·  bluffs  ·  browbeating  ·  browbeats  ·  fourflushes  ·  gallied  ·  gallying  ·  hectored  ·  hectoring  ·  hectors  ·  scarifies  ·  swaggered  ·  swaggers  ·  swashed  ·  swashes  ·  spooked  ·  spooks

four-flush · four-flushed · four-flushing
更多网络例句与吓唬相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

They might nip if you scare them, so acclimatize them to their new home and their new owner as soon as possible.


It ain't the horrid pits of molten rock and acid that the Autobots try to scare us with.


It's said that if someone owns the devil's principle,he owns the absolute authority,he can adjudge anyone who disobey the principle at anytime anywhere.


But this encompassment of her own characterization, based on shreds of convention, peopled by phantoms and voices antipathetic to her, was a sorry and mistaken creation of Tess's fancy----a cloud of moral hobgoblins by which she was terrified without reason.


He would not beat me. He was only bluffing .


I suppose I wanted to frighten you.


You could always threaten him with a nice pair of ears to go with his tail.


I su ose I wanted to frighten you.


Because she was a little yong , and just was bought for a few days, so she usually egested everywhere, but I never beat her , just scared her.


Even if they don't approve of your decision,they've got no real power to oppose it - all they can do is rattle their sabers and then quietly accept it.


更多网络解释与吓唬相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


duffer 卖骗人货的小贩,笨蛋,糊涂人 | bluffer 吓唬的人 | snuffer 大声吸鼻的人,吸鼻烟的人

They were bluffing:他们在吓唬你

They didn't look happy. 他们看起来不高兴. | They were bluffing. 他们在吓唬你. | Don't expect me to be a nice guy, OK? 我不会手下留情的.

They were bluffing:他们在吓唬我

Then it hits me.|我终于明白了 | They were bluffing.|他们在吓唬我 | I've led them straight to her.|是我把他们带到这里来了


各应=讨厌=be disgusted with | 虾或=吓唬=bluster | 起儿=层=floor


fosterer 养育者,鼓励者 | blusterer 咆哮者,吓唬人的人 | letterer文字书写员,文字雕刻者


Bodybluider 健美运动员 | Bogeyman (吓唬孩子的)假想的怪物,可怕的人 | Bohemian 波希米亚人,捷克人,吉普赛人,流浪者

browbeat:恫吓, 吓唬

(1) Tinge 使带上色彩 | (2) Browbeat 恫吓, 吓唬 | (3) Take lying down 逆来顺受, 躺倒认输, 不作反抗

browbeat browbeaten:严词厉色地吓唬

broadcast广播 broadcast,broadcasted broadcast,broadcasted | browbest严词厉色地吓唬 browbeat browbeaten | build建造 built built

fill with fear:使害怕;使惊慌;吓唬

The savages gaped when they saw an airplane for the first time. 野人们第一次看见飞机,张大嘴... | 1) fill with fear 使害怕;使惊慌;吓唬 | The little girl was frightened by the big dog. 小女孩被那条大狗吓坏...

frighten sb:吓唬某人

67、遍及我们的公寓 all over our flat | 68、吓唬某人 frighten sb. | 69、整天忙于工作 be busy at/with one's work all day