英语人>词典>汉英 : 向量图形 的英文翻译,例句
向量图形 的英文翻译、例句


vector graphics
更多网络例句与向量图形相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Target vector formats are supported by most CAD applications that use vector graphics, such as AutoCAD and Corel Draw.


All output devices, such as the computer directly to the Treasury, the output of the image are managed by the finy of small dots, dotted processor to vector graphics, such as fonts, or line drawings, into tiny dots, transmitted by the output device.


Print Studio barcode label software distinguishing features include: duplex printing, mail merging, interactive data feeding, serialized text, integrated database manager, vector graphics, accelerated printing, and dot matrix and thermal printer support.


As Wikipedia puts it "WPF aims to unify a host of application services: user interface, 2D and 3D drawing, fixed and adaptive documents, advanced typography, vector graphics, raster graphics, animation, data binding, audio and video.".

作为语言的说法" wpf的目的是统一的一系列应用服务:用户界面,二维和三维制图,固定和自适应的文件,先进的印刷术,向量图形,光栅图形,动画,数据绑定,音频和视频"。

Vector Graphics ActiveX helps you to save development time, increase productivity and extend possibilities of your applications.


Or maybe you need some really cool looking custom made vector graphics or images?


Vector Graphics ActiveX is professional graphics solution for creating business and technical drawings and the most powerful for today.


Lines and curves Lines are the foundation of any vector graphics drawing system.


These high quality vector graphics are easily adapted.


Flex GIF Annimator supports pixel painter and vector graphic draw, support creating objects tween animation, and has a flexible palette options for full control over colors and built-in Windows trick banner maker, screen capturer, morpher, and nature image matting tool.

弯曲的GIF annimator支持像素画家和向量图形借鉴,支持创建对象吐温动画,并具有灵活的调色盘,选择完全控制权的颜色和内置的Windows的伎俩旗帜,制造商,屏幕上收集器, morpher ,与自然的形象,垫工具。

更多网络解释与向量图形相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

authoring tool:制作工具

与此同时,该联盟还公布了2.0版本的OpenGL ES,这是一个针对嵌入式系统(主要是蜂窝电话)上3D图形而制订的应用编程接口(API). 此外,该联盟还完成了面向2D向量图形加速的API工作,并已开始为制作工具(authoring tool)制订高级别多媒体标准.

vector, force:力向量

vector sum excited linear predictive (VSELP) 矢量和激励线性预测 | vector, force 力向量 | vector, graphics 图形向量

vector interrupt:中断向量

vector, graphics 图形向量 | vector, interrupt 中断向量 | vector, resultant 合向量


LineStyle 图形线对象属性-线型 | LineWidth 图形属性-线宽 | linspace 线性等分向量

vector function:向量函孜

vector font 向量字型 | vector function 向量函孜 | vector graphics 向量图形

vector graphics:向量图形

用於MySpace.com、YouTube等流量大的网站. 他举例说,在浏览页面内播出的影像串流视窗可调整大小,因为Silverlight使用的是向量图形(vector graphics). 微软也将提供内容出版商数位财产权管理(DRM)工具.

vector graphics:图形向量

vector, force 力向量 | vector, graphics 图形向量 | vector, interrupt 中断向量

VGA vector, graphics:图形向量

vector sum excited linear predictive 矢量和激励线性预测 | VGA vector, graphics 图形向量 | VIT vector, test 测试向量

SVG Scalable Vector Graphics:向量图形格式

SVD Software Version Description 软件版本描述 | SVG Scalable Vector Graphics 向量图形格式 | SV&VP Software Verification and Validation Plan 软件验证与确认计划

SVG Scalable Vector Graphics:(可伸缩向量图形)

SMIL-- Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language(同步多媒体集成语言) | SVG--Scalable Vector Graphics(可伸缩向量图形) | UML--Unified Modeling Language(统一建模语言)