英语人>词典>汉英 : 向腹部 的英文翻译,例句
向腹部 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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We explore these questions in Legume model system, Lotus japonicus. Compared with model plants Antirrhinum and Arabidopsis, floral pattern formation of Lotus japonicus is different in several aspects. Floral organs initiate in an order of sepals, carpel, petals, stamens. Within each whorl, organs initiate unidirectionally from ventral side to dorsal side. Initiation of organs in different whorl overlaps. Stamens exist in both 2nd whorl and 3rd whorl, and 2nd whorl is heterogeneous for the existence of different identity organs .


Venter The swollen base of an archegonium that contains the egg cell.


Take in a very slow long breathe and start to slowly exhale of your air while you are pulling your belly button down toward your spine (I like to put my index finger on my belly-button and feel it raise as I take the long breathe in and then feel it start downward as I exhale of my lung capacity).


Suck the navel and pubic bank inwards and then elate pelvis abdominal walls.


Suggested that patients with abdominal operation do some exercises earlier would accelerate their exsufflation. Abdominal operation ; Early ; Off-bed activity ; Anal exsufflation

为此 ,在为腹部手术病人康复指导的过程中,向病人宣教术后早期活动的重要性,并督促和指导病人进行有效的术后活动,取得了良好的效果,现报告如下。1 临床资料选择 2 0 0 0年 1月— 2 0 0 0年 9月在本院外科行中

Suddenly,the fox pouted,sticked out his forepaws and lifted him upside down.He revealed his sharp fangs and wanted to bite the hedgehog on his abdomen like greased lightning.


He unbuttoned successively in reversed direction waistcoat, trousers, shirt and vest along the medial line of irregular incrispated black hairs extending in triangular convergence from the pelvic basin over the circumference of the abdomen and umbilicular fossicle along the medial line of nodes to the intersection of the sixth pectoral vertebrae, thence produced both ways at right angles and terminating in circles described about two equidistant points, right and left, on the summits of the mammary prominences.


The Chepaizi-Mosuowan paleo- uplift of N-E extending was shaped with the uplift ing of hinterland of Junggar basin during the Mid-Late Jurassic, which changed the structural framework of monoclinal hinterland of the basin, forming quite a few litho-stratigraphic traps of Mid-Upper Jurassic distributed along both sides of Chemo uplift .


The lumbar flexure is formed by psoas muscles' stretch.


The most common site of abdominal hernia, abdominal pain again ventrolateral measles often, it is intra-abdominal organs or tissue to the surface formed by prominent is the general surgery, one of the most common diseases.


更多网络解释与向腹部相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


behindward spinning dive 向后旋转跳水 | balk 动作失败 | belly flop 跳水时腹部先落水

Fallopian tube:输卵管

(fallopian tube)→输卵管通过蠕动及其腔内纤毛的扫动将卵子向子宫(uterus)方向运送→卵子到达输卵管壶腹部(ampulla)(2) 精子(sperm):从阴道(vagina)→子宫(uterus)→输卵管(fallopian tube)→输卵管壶腹部(ampulla)(图六)在妻子的排卵期,


→输卵管末端的伞部(fimbria)将卵子拾入输卵管(fallopian tube)→输卵管通过蠕动及其腔内纤毛的扫动将卵子向子宫(uterus)方向运送→卵子到达输卵管壶腹部(ampulla)(2) 精子(sperm):从阴道(vagina)→子宫(uterus)→输卵管(fallopian tube)→输卵管壶腹部(ampulla)(图六)在妻子的排卵期,

incurvation reflex:躯体侧弯反射

躯体侧弯反射(incurvation reflex)是新生儿无条件反射的一种. 用手托住新生儿的胸腹部,轻轻上举,然后在背部沿脊柱向下轻划,或用手掐腰部一侧的皮肤,可引起躯体向刺激侧弯曲,同侧的膝关节会伸直,如3个月后仍未消失,则可能患脊髓弥漫性脑损害.

This time helunges at his midsection:这回他扑向的是 马考尔的腹部

And Hastings charges again.|哈斯廷斯又冲了上来 | This time helunges at his midsection.|这回他扑向的是 马考尔的腹部 | I shoot.|于是我开了枪

Tubal Pregnancy:输卵管妊娠

输卵管妊娠(tubal pregnancy)是指受精卵在输卵管的某一部分种植并发育正常情况下,卵子鶒在输卵管壶腹部受精并逐步向子宫腔移行如因某些原因在输卵管受阻,受精卵在输卵管的其他部位着床,发育成为输卵管妊娠其发生部位以壶腹部最多,

abdominal retraction:腹部凹陷

2.腹部凹陷仰卧位前腹壁明显低于肋缘至耻骨联合的水平面称腹部凹陷(abdominal retraction)见于显著消瘦、严重脱水、恶病质等,腹部向下塌陷几乎贴近脊柱,肋弓,髂嵴和耻骨联合显露,全腹呈状,常可看到腹主动脉搏动及胃肠轮廓,


依据腹部形态可分为3类,即长尾类(Macrura)、异尾类(Anomura)和短尾类(Brachyura). 长尾类近似游泳亚目,腹部发达,向后伸展,也有尾扇. 如克氏原螯虾(Procambarus三、肢口纲 体背腹扁平,分为头胸部和腹部,两体部间有关节,因此动物可向腹面弯曲.


依据腹部形态可分为3类,即长尾类(Macrura)、异尾类(Anomura)和短尾类(Brachyura). 长尾类近似游泳亚目,腹部发达,向后伸展,也有尾扇. 如克氏原螯虾(Procambarus三、肢口纲 体背腹扁平,分为头胸部和腹部,两体部间有关节,

ventrad:[解]向腹部 向前侧

put one's head in a noose 自陷绝境 | ventrad [解]向腹部 向前侧 | standard labor time 标准人工工时