英语人>词典>汉英 : 向着河的 的英文翻译,例句
向着河的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与向着河的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Then all is said, the tempest is loosed, stones rain down, a fusillade breaks forth, many precipitate themselves to the bottom of the bank, and pass the small arm of the Seine, now filled in, the timber-yards of the Isle Louviers, that vast citadel ready to hand, bristle with combatants, stakes are torn up, pistol-shots fired, a barricade begun, the young men who are thrust back pass the Austerlitz bridge with the hearse at a run, and the municipal guard, the carabineers rush up, the dragoons ply their swords, the crowd disperses in all directions, a rumor of war flies to all four quarters of Paris, men shout:"To arms!"


The River-bankers stuck up for you, and said you had been infamously treated, and there was no justice to be had in the land nowadays.


Following the line of the Roman road, they crossed the ford over the Bannockburn towards King Robert's division at the opening of the New Park.

沿着那条古罗马路,他们从浅滩涉过了Bannock河向着New Park森林入口的Robert国王的编队进军。

It would cross the river at Glaire, 0.8km (0.5 miles) north of Sedan, advance towards the Marfée Heights and establish a defensive line between the villages of Chaumont and Chéhéry.
