英语人>词典>汉英 : 向河的 的英文翻译,例句
向河的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Once a fox was walking along a river and he saw a school of fish swimming in frenzy from one part of the river to the other.


However,not onlystones,flowers,and the furnishings of his house turned to gold but,when he sat down to table,so did the food he ate and the water he drank .midas soon begged to be freed from his wish,because he was fast dying of hunger and thirst.highlyamused ,dionysus told him to visit the source of the river pactolus and there wash himself.he obeyed,and was at oncefreed from the golden touch,but the sands of the river pactolusare bright with gold to this day.


Weighed anchor and proceeded up the river in charge of pilot, using engine as required


Northward from Bismarck Square, Theodor Hughes Bridge which spans over Neckar River will be in your sight, and Path of Philosopher is just on the mountain which is on the other side of the river.


To finish it, this essay puts forward the demands to the changing of Chinese teachers in carrying out the curriculum: the teachers should change themselves from "authority" to "anti-authority", from "guide" to "accelerator", from "supervisor" to "friend", from "building the spirit" to "practicing the spirit", from "a pool" to "a running river", from "challenge" to "accepting the challenge", from "candle" to "fruit tree", from "ruler" to " the chief in the equality", from "gardener" to "the "the leader of human life.


He admitted his errors and wrong-headedness and made a full apology to Rat for losing his boat and spoiling his clothes.


If the down-river farmer has the right to sufficient water, the up-river farmer must compensate him for his loss.


If the up-river farmer has the right to draw as much water as he likes, the down-river farmer must bribe the up-river farmer to induce him to take less water.


The river's two sides had large tracts of green belt, from afar, and the whitecaps along river stretch far away.


A river, about846 km(526 mi) long, of southeast Australia flowing generally northwest to a tributary of the Darling River.


更多网络解释与向河的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]




意大利中部,大部分是以苍翠起伏的丘陵地带为特色,阿尔诺河(Arno)和台伯河(Tiber)流经这片丘陵地带. 山脉的南段向东延伸入海,形成水中隆起的岩石的背脊,然后继续向南倾斜形成撒来提诺(Salentine)半岛.

Euphrates River:幼发拉底河

(叶光庭) 幼发拉底河(Euphrates River) 亚洲西部的河流. 源于土耳其的埃尔祖鲁姆以北山地的卡拉苏河(又名西幼发拉底河) ,往西折向东南与发源于大阿勒山西流的穆拉特河(亦名东幼发拉底河)相会于凯班拦河坝以北后,始称幼发拉底河.

The fountains mingle with river:泉水总是向河中流

5. Love's Philosophy爱的哲理 | The fountains mingle with river 泉水总是向河中流, | And the rivers with the ocean. 河水又汇入海中,


(袁树人) 鄂毕河(Ob') 亚洲北部的重要国际河流. 由源出阿尔泰山的比亚河和卡通河汇成. 自南西伯利亚山地曲折向西北流,纵贯西西伯利亚平原,注入北冰洋喀拉海的鄂毕湾. 汇合点以下河长3650公里;以卡通河为源,长4338公里;


riverward 向河的 | riverway 河道 | riverweed 河苔草属

insequent stream:斜向河

inseparable 不可分的事物;不可分离的;分不开的 | insequent stream 斜向河 | insequent vally 斜向谷

insequent drainage:师状的排水系统

insects 昆虫纲 | insequent drainage 师状的排水系统 | insequent river 斜向河


riverside 河岸 | riverward 向河的 | riverway 河道


卢瓦尔河主要支流有:阿鲁(Arroux)河、阿列(Allier)河、科松(Cosson)河、谢尔(Cher)河、安德尔(Indre)河、维埃纳(Vienne)河和卢瓦(Loir)河等. 维埃纳河是卢瓦尔河的最大支流,发源于科雷兹省、上维埃纳省和克雷兹省三省交界处,河流先向西流,