英语人>词典>汉英 : 向旁边的 的英文翻译,例句
向旁边的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与向旁边的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Once in the count's gardens, before going to the apse, take a look at the pool.


"I love them," I enthused, making an effort to smolder at him.


Every rockery beside him is crashed and the shatters of stone fly around to cover Zen's sight.


Out of that dark, unstitched wound, that sink of abominations, that cradle of black thronged cities where the music of ideas is drowned in cold fat, out of strangled Utopias is born a clown, a being divided between beauty and ugliness, between light and chaos, a clown who when he looks down and sidelong is Satan himself and when he looks upward sees a buttered angel, a snail with wings.


He immediately asked a number of nearby people for bandages, but


For her never being on time. Fifteen minutes later, Michael is sittingcomfortably in his seat. He says hello to the man sitting alongside,asks for some alcohol, and dozes off.


He takes the clock, as he always needs to make allowances for her never being on time. Fifteen minutes later, Michael is sitting comfortably in his seat. He says hello to the man sitting alongside, asks for some alcohol, and dozes off.


It was all very unfortunate, not to say messy, but at the enquiry I was completely exonerated.


It is a further object of the invention to provide a method of assembly of a foldable plastic slider comprising a body having a depending separator finger and a pair of foldable wings, with a profiled plastic reclosable fastener particularly suited for thermoplastic bags for opening and closing the fastener comprising the steps of positioning a plastic bag having a plastic reclosable fastener along the top edges of the front and back faces of the bag to receive the foldable plastic slider in straddling relation, the fastener comprising a first interlocking element having a female fastener profile attached to one of the faces of the bag and a second interlocking element having a male fastener profile attached to the other face of the bag, inserting the plastic separator finger between the first and second interlocking elements, and forming the slider in straddling relation around the male and female fastener profiles at the top edges of the bag by folding the pair of wings downwardly toward the plastic separator finger and against the opposite sides of the body, and securing the pair of wings to the opposite sides of the body in fixed relation with the separator finger to form a pair of side walls for the slider whereby movement of the slider in one direction opens the fastener elements and movement in the opposite direction recloses the fastener elements.

资讯科技是提供一个组成一个有一只靠区分者手指和一双可折叠的翅膀身体的可折叠的塑料滑动器的一个集会的方法发明的一个较进一步的物体,由于一特别地描绘塑料的 reclosable 牢系工具轮廓为打开而且关闭组成放置一个沿着袋子的前面和后面脸的最高边缘有一个塑料的 reclosable 牢系工具在跨立关系方面接受可折叠的塑料滑动器的塑料袋子的步骤牢系工具为热后可塑性的袋子适合,组成一种第一的联锁元素的牢系工具对袋子的脸之一和一种第二种联锁的元素附上女性的牢系工具描绘附上男性的牢系工具描绘到另一个袋子面对,插入塑料的区分者手指在第一和秒联锁的元素之间,而且形成滑动器在向塑料的区分者手指向下地在折叠双翅膀旁边的袋子最高边缘在男性的和女性的牢系工具的周围跨立关系描绘方面和反对身体的相反边,而且固定到与区分者手指的固定关系的身体相反边的双翅膀为一个方向的滑动器的运动打开相反的方向牢系工具元素和运动的滑动器形成一双旁的墙壁再关牢系工具元素。

Matt Callaghan, the superlative throttle-jockey transplant from Hamilton who performed the smoothest take-offs and landing I've encountered, would place his little A-star right beside the mountain lodge, its three-bladed rotor coming within a few metres of the front porch posts.


更多网络解释与向旁边的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Allen wrench:内六角扳手

下地来就可以和CARNBY通话了,然后到处走走,在床头依然有Alan的日记,镜子旁边的抽屉里有内六角扳手(Allen Wrench),凳子上有药包. 从镜子出去一直向下,在拐弯的角落里可以得到三管猎枪(Triple-barreled Gun),进门继续走下去,可以找到急救包.

Allen wrench:六角扳手

下地来就可以和CARNBY通话了,然后到处走走,在床头依然有Alan的日记,镜子旁边的抽屉里有内六角扳手(Allen Wrench),凳子上有药包. 从镜子出去一直向下,在拐弯的角落里可以得到三管猎枪(Triple-barreled Gun),进门继续走下去,可以找到急救包.


拇囊炎(bunion)常由不合脚的鞋引起. 你的拇趾会向旁边的脚趾弯折,甚至叠在其他脚趾上. 拇趾跟部的伸展超出正常的活动范围,这便叫作拇囊炎. 脚与鞋的摩擦还会诱发鸡眼、胼胝及关节疼痛.


等了很久就是不见 170 的车,长堤(CAUSEWAY)那边的车应该塞得蛮厉害的吧. 一个UNCLE 等得急了,向旁边的一个女孩子打听还有什么车可以去拉庆. 在他们的交谈中,我得知那个UNCLE 带着老伴和孙女要去居銮,而碰巧被问路的那个女孩正好是要回居銮老家.


出市政大厅后进入左边的公园,拿起远处木屋上挂的钳子(Pliers),捡起水池边的碎石(Gravel),砸向二楼的窗户,惹得镇长大人很生气. 和园丁打听怎么才能见到镇长,查看旁边的红玫瑰发现有很多果蝇,告诉园丁有果蝇,


显身(Uninvis),向他打招呼(hail),说"你是怎么制作ancient bowl的?"和"我可以拿到人造物品. "他给你一个瘪了的罐子,把你送到Felwihe. 在Felwithe南部找到Farios Elianos向他打招呼,然后给他罐子. Farios在魔法师公会旁边的杂货店里面.

coutrary: EX:parable:(比喻,寓言):para+ble:抛向旁边

20:para:beside,beyond,against,coutrary: EX:parable(比喻,寓言):para+ble:抛向旁边 | 21:per:thourgh,awya: EX:peramulate(巡逻)per+amulate | 22:post:after,behind: EX:postbellum:战后的:post+bell+um




sidewhiskers /络腮胡子/ | sidewinder /响尾蛇的一种/ | sidewise /斜地/向旁边/向侧面地/

Soldering Iron:铁

再去有锅炉的地下室.在垃圾箱旁边的地上可以用电子鼻(electronic 'nose')提取样品.在带电锯工作台上取得烙铁(soldering iron)将烙铁和电线组合.旁边的大锅炉上有阀门(furnace wheel)用扳手(wrench)取下来,向里走,打开有电子锁的门,