英语人>词典>汉英 : 向口的 的英文翻译,例句
向口的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与向口的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Sediment from river is not the main source of the Rushan Bay now any more ,which leads to the change of balance of sedimentation power. Sediment will transport because of the drive of hydrodynamic elements in macroscopic view .Direction of suspended load is basicly the same as tidal current .Flood tide makes suspended load transport to tip of the inner Bay and to the Mouth in exterior Bay .The direction of longside sediment transport in two sides of the Mouth mainly focus in the Mouth .Because the coastline along the exterior Bay is very meandering and it belongs to the type of bedrock ,besides some sediment going into the inner Bay ,so actual net sediment discharge rate is less than calculation .It develops an ebb delta out of the Mouth and forms tidal sand ridge ,tidal washing canal ,barrier bar and marine physiognomy ;The result of model simulation disclosures that differences of sediment erosion and siltation between single tidal action and wave-current action are very big .From the analysis of sediment composition、sediment sources and stability of beach and ridge ,this article gets the conclusion that the channel has the possibility to silt ,though the course maybe very slow.


Depth is measured from the culet to the intersection of the pavilion main facet with the girdle.


The pipe couplings should maintain the normal working condition under the maximum allowable deflexion and dislocation.


And with an elaborate sea-salute, this fellow, a long, ill-looking, yellow-eyed man of five-and-thirty, stepped coolly towards the door and disappeared out of the house.


This is forced out the jet orifice (9) at great speed, producing (by Newton's third law of motion) a reaction which drives the motor in the opposite direction.


Squeeze the shoe vitta that has taken energy of life shoeshine, broken skin opening aluminium uses alcohol light wipe up, the place that discovery stands by shoeshine nozzle is corroded serious, show ash brown, to the canal end chases decrescent delay.


Then the muscle pack was placed intradural, and the gelfoam soaked with ZT mucilage was tamponed intra-and extra-dural to support the packing.


End-suction centrifugal pumps, rating 10 bar with bearing bracket - Nominal duty point, main dimensions, designation system; German version EN

带轴承座和 PN10轴向端口的离心泵。额定功率。主要尺寸。标识系统

And with an elaborate sea-salute, this fellow, a long, ill-looking, yellow-eyed man of five-and-thirty, stepped coolly towards the door and disappeared out of the house.


2 Propose this parable to the rebellious house: Thus says the Lord GOD: Set up the pot, set it up, then pour in some water.


更多网络解释与向口的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


\\"青春期\\",\\"adolescence\\" | \\"口缘的;向口的\\",\\"adoral\\" | \\"口缘纤毛带\\",\\"adoral band; a.ciliated band\\"

thrust bearing:推力轴承

tu一l一zhoueheng 推力轴承(thrust bearing)汽枪机中承受 转子轴向推力并限制其轴向位移的滑动轴承. 虽然大 功率汽轮机普遍采用高、中压缸对头布t和低压缸为 分流双排汽口对称布里,句以抵消大部分轴向推力,但 剩下的未能平衡的轴向推力仍要由推力轴承承担.

Ventriculus dexter:右心室

2)右心室(ventriculus dexter)内腔呈倒置的锥体形,尖端向下,基底相当于右房室口. 口的边缘附有三片瓣膜,称右房室瓣. 右房室瓣向下垂入右心室,由腱索连于乳头肌. 3)左心房(atrium sinistrum)构成心底的大部分,位于主动脉及肺动脉的背侧,

get back at sb:[口]向某人报复

clap sb. on the back 拍拍某人的肩膀(表示祝贺或鼓励) | get back at sb. [口]向某人报复 | get off sb.'s back 不再成为某人的负担; 不再找某人麻烦


(二)口咽 口咽(oropharynx)又称中咽(mesopharynx),是口腔向后方的延续部,介 于软腭与会厌上缘平面之间,一般习惯所称咽部即指此区. 后壁平对2、3颈椎体,粘膜下有散在的淋巴滤泡. 向前经咽峡与口腔相通. 所谓咽峡(faux),


自从网络让电脑的对外联系变得频繁后,"端口"(Port)这个词也经常出现在电脑领域里. 通俗地说,端口就是计算机系统向网络开放的信息出入通道,任何网络信息的传输仅仅知道目标的IP 地址是不够的,IP 地址好比是我们的家庭住址,


该程序启动I2C总线,并利用从设备地址(slv)向MAX7311上的某个端口(prt)发送一个数据字节(dat). 另一个程序Read_MAX3711(slv,prt)则启动I2C总线,并从MAX7311上某个位于从设备地址的端口读一个数据字节. 这些函数充当了两个额外函数的基础,


snifter /狭口的酒杯/一口/一杯/ | snigger /暗笑/吃吃地窃笑/吃吃窃笑/偷偷的笑/ | sniggle /向鳝鱼洞垂下钓钩钓/

Pteridium aquilinum:蕨

W.F.P.普菲费尔最早研究欧洲蕨(Pteridium aquilinum)的精子向化性的实验证明 由颈卵器产生的L-苹果酸是有效的吸引剂. 它将含有自来水的(包含10 %琼脂) 10%L-苹果酸钠的滴管插入精子的悬液中 苹果酸盐离子立刻从滴管中有级差地扩散到四周的介质中 精子在一秒钟内便移向滴管的口 即向苹果酸盐来源的方向移动.


点击向专家咨摘要: 口干(Xerostomia)是由涎腺疾病,口腔疾病以及全身性疾病引起的口腔粘膜干燥. 轻者唾液量少,口唇发干,重者全口干涩、烧灼感,甚至吞咽困难. 根据引起口干的不同疾病,可有局部及全身的其他症状. 点击向专家咨询关于"口干"的问题>>>