英语人>词典>汉英 : 向前场 的英文翻译,例句
向前场 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与向前场相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He threw to a downfield receiver .


He personally made sure my first game lasted about six trips up the court when he decided to pull up from 35 feet on four consecutive possessions.


To use this tactic it is usually helpful if the players in your team have high Passing and Off the Ball movement, reasonable stamina is also useful as a team playing this style have to make a lot more movement than one simply lobbing the ball up the park.

如果你的球员有很高的passing和off the ball movment那你使用这种战术就很有效,当然不错的体能也很有帮助,因为相比那些把球简单开向前场的球队,你的球员会需要作很多跑动。

To use this tactic it is usually helpful if the players in your team have high Passing and Off the Ball movement, reasonable stamina is also useful as a team playing this style have to make a lot more movement than one simply lobbing the ball up the park.

如果您的球员有很高的passing和off the ball movment那您使用这种战术就很有效,当然不错的体能也很有帮助,因为相比那些把球简单开向前场的球队,您的球员会需要作很多跑动。

更多网络解释与向前场相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He 's got room, downfield he goes. Will anybody catch him:向前场狂奔! 谁能赶得上这只野兔

Handoff goes to the second man through. It's Jones, fullb... | He 's got room, downfield he goes. Will anybody catch him?|...向前场狂奔! 谁能赶得上这只野兔? | Deep into the secondary now. Touchdown, Ne...

Hedwiges Maduro:马杜罗

第二十一分钟,马杜罗(hedwiges maduro)前场断球后传给里克尔梅,面对加拉和特里的防守,里克尔梅先是晃过加拉,然后在特里出脚之前将皮球吊向球门,此时切赫近两米的身高发挥了优势,他一边朝着球门后退着,一边看着皮球的来路,在球刚下坠的时候轻轻跃起,


upcurrentupdraft 上升气流 | upend 倒放 | upfield 向前场


upend /颠倒/倒放/ | upfield /&/向前场(的)/ | upfloated /浮起的/

advance upfield:向前场推进

adhesive control把球牢牢控制在脚下 | advance upfield向前场推进 | aerial duel争顶空中球

synchronized breaker:同步断路器

capacity label 载重标牌 | synchronized breaker 同步断路器 | scissors left 当球处于前场左侧时, 右侧队员利用同伴的行进间掩护向左侧篮下切入


scissors left 当球处于前场左侧时, 右侧队员利用同伴的行进间掩护向左侧篮下切入 | lubrical <古> lubricous | advance growth 增进生长(进展生长)