英语人>词典>汉英 : 吐白沫 的英文翻译,例句
吐白沫 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
foam  ·  foamed  ·  foams

更多网络例句与吐白沫相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I open mailbox monthly, a pill of bill in it. Tap water, electricity, Gas, telephone and broadbone internet, moble phone,and so on. These fees usually was well controlled, not be a trouble matter. But the housing loan and credit card loan is the most in my life.Every month I controlled the credit card spending. I am furtunate that I can endure the figures of credit card bill. I paid off the bill, no debts.


There was in that block a fat brougham containing an important-looking old man who foamed at the mouth, and one reflected that there was a temporary equality of fortunes.


There was in that block a fat brougham co ntaining an important looking old man who foamed at the mouth, and one reflecte d that there was a temporary equality of fortunes.


As a promising way of setting them right, half of the half-dozen had become members of a fantastic sect of Convulsionists, and were even then considering within themselves whether they should foam, rage, roar, and turn cataleptic on the spot--thereby setting up a highly intelligible finger-post to the Future, for Monseigneurs guidance.


As a promising way of setting them right, half of the half-dozen had become members of a fantastic sect of Convulsionists, and were even then considering within themselves whether they should foam, rage, roar, and turn cataleptic on the spot--thereby setting up a highly intelligible finger-post to the Future, for Monseigneur's guidance.


If you're like how I was, thinking that poisons are stuff like insecticides or things that make you cough out white foam and drop dead immediately upon ingestion, then you're wrong.


The dog was frothing at the mouth.


Fig 比喻 He was so angry he was almost frothing at the mouth.


Buck got a frothing adversary by the throat, and was sprayed with blood when his teeth sank through the jugular.


Bronchial pneumonia is diagnosed, it is recommended hospitalization, babies born up to now has been a normal diet, that is, a little diarrhea, temperature is normal, no cough, sneeze occasionally play a few, but often口吐白沫, but not much.


更多网络解释与吐白沫相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


马耳他>近日报道:在爆发蓝舌病(Bluetongue)后,马将禁止进口来自西班牙、葡萄牙、荷兰和比利时的牛肉和活牛. 蓝舌病对家畜是致命的,40%受感染的牛羊没有明显的发病症状,发病牲畜主要表现为发烧、口吐白沫,但不会传染给人.


18世纪就知道有肉毒症 (Botulism)的现象. 典型的病徵是吃了未经煮熟的肉、或是吃了未经消毒或坏的过期罐头食品,造成肌肉瘫痪,口吐白沫,继而吸入气管,导致肺炎,呼吸衰竭. 真正死因乃是肉毒杆菌 (即腊肠杆菌) 神经毒素使呼吸运动肌肉瘫痪的结果.

So what? You wanna be a dope fiend:那又怎么样? 你想变成毒瘾虫吗

I'm tellin' ya, it's no good.|我可以告诉你,这不... | So what? You wanna be a dope fiend?|那又怎么样? 你想变成毒瘾虫吗? | Dope fiend? Am I foaming at the mouth? He's a nice doctor.|毒虫? 我有口吐白沫吗?...

Dope fiend? Am I foaming at the mouth? He's a nice doctor:毒虫? 我有口吐白沫吗? 人家是个好医生

So what? You wanna be a dope fiend?|那又怎么样? 你想... | Dope fiend? Am I foaming at the mouth? He's a nice doctor.|毒虫? 我有口吐白沫吗? 人家是个好医生 | I am telling you, he's no good.|我告诉你,那家...

from mouth to mouth:口口相传

Foam at the mouth 口吐白沫 | From mouth to mouth 口口相传 | Give it mouth 慷慨陈词


(1).霍布森(Hobson)是英国的一位养马人. 话说霍布森养了一群马,租马人很多,可谁都要租那匹跑得最快的马,结果,最快的马天天"加班加点",累得口吐白沫、身心俱疲,而其他的马却整天优哉游哉,养尊处优,跑得越来越慢. 霍布森看在眼里,

foam at the mouth:口吐白沫,非常愤怒

He bought the house for a song and sold it a few years later at a good profit. 他... | 13.foam at the mouth 口吐白沫,非常愤怒 | John was foaming at the mouth. I've never seen anyone so angry. 约翰怒气冲...

She's convulsing and there's shit coming out of her mouth:她一边抽搐,还一边吐白沫

You guys...|你们... | She's convulsing and there's shit coming out of her mouth.|她一边抽搐,还一边吐白沫 | - What? - Yeah, I don't...|-什么?-耶,我不...

cops found your girlfriend fish-belly white,gargling her own puke:警察发现你女朋友不省人 事,口吐 白沫

make yourself known=表明... | 2.cops found your girlfriend fish-belly white,gargling her own puke.警察发现你女朋友不省人 事,口吐 白沫 | 4.Now I have a bull's-eye on my chest,just as you two.现在我也你们...