英语人>词典>汉英 : 后颚 的英文翻译,例句
后颚 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
deutomala  ·  postpalatal

更多网络例句与后颚相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The new genus is somewhat similar to Apethymorpha Wei but is different from the latter by the very flat clypeus and supraclypeal area, the shallowly incised clypeus, the small labrum, the malar space much wider than diameter of an ocellus, the supraantennal tubercles developed, the second antennal segment 2 × longer than broad, the cell Rs in the hind wing closed, the hind tibia much shorter than hind tarsus, and the hind basitarsus much shorter than following tarsomeres together.

新属Shenia Wei与Apethymorpha Wei(1997)稍有些类似,但唇基和唇基上区十分平坦,唇基缺口较浅,上唇小,颚眼距明显宽于单眼直径,触角窝上突显著发育,触角第2节窄长,后翅Rs室封闭,后足跗节显著长于胫节,基跗节显著短于其后4节之和等,与后者差别较大。

If an abnormal frenulum is left untreated, it can result in marginal tissue recession, diastema, post-orthodontic relapse, may interfere with plaque control, prosthesis fabrication, and wound stability following surgery, and may affect facial esthetics and phonetics.


A two-stage posterior subapical osteotomy was used to reestablish the intermaxillary space. Following orthodontic treatment and implant placement, the patient regained occlusal harmony and normal masticatory function.


In this article, a case of cleidocranial dysplasia of a 25-year-old Taiwanese female is reported. She visited Taichung Veterans General Hospital Department of Dentistry for the treatment of dental caries in March, 2005. Her abnormalities were diagnosed by Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, and was later certified by physician of Genetic Consultation and radiologist.


Semivowels are vowel-like consonants: that is, the air-flow is not stopped or impeded so as to cause a friction-sound, but the aperture through which the air passes is smaller than the aperture of any vowel, such as


The study indicates that Geodrassus diguitusiformis Hu, 2001 should be transferred to the genus Trachelas; Clubiona heteroducta Zhang et Yin, 1998 and Clubiona xiningensis Hu, 2001 are synonymized with Clubiona gongi Zhang et al., 1997 and Clubiona neglecta O.P.


更多网络解释与后颚相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

polymerase chain reaction:聚合酶連鎖反應

以高雄医学大学附设中和纪念医院口腔颚面外科经病理诊断确定为口腔癌患者作为研究实验组,没有口腔黏膜疾病者作为对照,配对其年龄、性别各收案100人. 收集其基本资料后采集静脉全血进行DNA萃取,利用聚合酶连锁反应(Polymerase chain reaction)进行ACE I/D基因多型性分析.

hard palate:硬颚

鼻咽部(nasopharynx):前接后鼻孔,腺样体(adenoid)位在其顶端,在小孩时期明显,侧壁有耳咽管开口4.非疼痛性口腔或咽溃疡 ( painless oral ulcers ) :尤其位於硬颚 ( hard palate )...或鼻咽部 ( nasopharynx ) 的溃疡....5.非腐蚀性多


鳄鱼线这个指标是Bill William在1998年所提出来的,这个指标旨在判定趋势,利用蓝线-颚(jaw)、红线-齿(teeth)、绿线-唇(lip)及价格的相对位置,分属不同的意义;并且在配合碎形fractal后可进一步得到进出讯号.


有趣的是,英语单词中的"下颚骨"(jawbone)在作动词使用时,具有"极力说服"的意思. 同时,英语中把"住嘴"说成Hold your jaw(缩起你的下巴). 17世纪法国哲学家帕斯卡尔(Blaise Pascal)曾说过这样一句名言:"克莱奥佩特拉(古埃及艳后)的鼻子如果低一些的话,


在少数种类中,有下颚外颚叶(lacinia),有时下颚须无附突(a palpla appendage),极个别情况无侧唇舌(ligula). 有时咽缝短且相互分离. 前胸多有硬化背板骨片,中后胸背板多有一对骨片. 足修长,有游泳毛(swimming hairs),

second maxilla:下唇;第二小颚

第二轭脉 second jugal vein | 后胸侧沟 second lateral thoracic suture | 下唇;第二小颚 second maxilla

soft palate:软颚

6.短鼻型犬只,其口腔软颚(soft palate),向后挤压,紧贴喉头部,使口式呼吸不顺畅. 7.胸腔 a、犬之心脏为典型的哺乳类心脏具有两心房与两心室. b、气管与肺脏 8.腹腔:腹腔内含有三大部份内脏器官.


医蛭属(Hirudo) 蛭纲颚蛭目医蛭科的1属. 体多为中型,体背通常有纵纹. 雄孔和雌孔间隔5环. 前、后吸盘均发达. 3个颚上各有锐刺1列,约35~100个. 颚上无唾液腺乳突,或仅有一些非常小的乳突. 水生种类. 原仅分布于欧、亚、非3洲,


flat),称颚舟叶(scaphognathite)用来激起水流. 使鳃室内外的水不断交换. 内肢也演变成不分节的小颚须. 8对胸肢的前3对为颚足,后5对系步足. 颚足是摄食的辅助器官,与一对大颚,2对小颚共同经成口器. 各对颚足原肢均有2肢节,但第一对有内叶,

crusher run stone:碎后原矿

"crusher jaw","颚形碎矿机 ; 颚压机 ; 齿碎机" | "crusher-run stone","碎后原矿" | "crusher setting","碎矿机调定"