英语人>词典>汉英 : 后表面 的英文翻译,例句
后表面 的英文翻译、例句


back surface
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This paper reviews whether forward movement of the posterior corneal surface occurred, changes in posterior corneal power and curvature, changes in posterior corneal astigmatism and tilt, changes in posterior corneal asphericity and BFS after the surgery.


Temperature difference between the center and the surface of hot rolled flat after rapid cooling results in heat transfer from the center to the surface, which causes the surface temperature rise in a short time.


The effects of different factors on the laser-induced graft polymerization on the PET surface were analyzed, and the mechanisms were discussed. The factors were: 1 Monomers with smaller molecules resulted in better modification than polymeric monomers. Acrylamide monomer was chosen as hydrophilic modifier finally; 2 Higher concentration of the monomer solution favored the graft reaction; 3 With the increasing laser fluence, the surface hydrophilicity of PET films increased at first, then decreased. More laser pulses led to a more hydrophilic surface; 4 Benzophenone as a photosensitizer hindered the graft polymerization; 5 The homopolymer retardant of ammonium iron sulfate hexahydrate in a proper concentration retarded the formation of homopolymers and promotes the graft copolymerization; 6 The solvent of monomer solution also affected the graft reaction. Different solvents functioned in different ways. Ethanol can promote the graft reaction because of the activity of hydrogen in its structure; 7 pH value of the monomer solution affects the polymerization rate, and a lower pH value was favorable to the graft reaction.


The changing rule of the hardness of SZ-01 photosensitive resin surface after curing with temperature, illumination distance, and illumination time was studied with orthogonal experiment and recurrent neural network methods. A group of reasonable technique parameters were found with genetic algorithm optimization, which can make the hardness of photosensitive resin after curing the highest.


The deposition thickness of allylamine was increased with the treating time. The surface textures were changed following different procedures except allylamine groups and it means that the 30 min deposition thickness of allylamine is too thin to change the surface contours.


This fascial layer extends cranially to cover the posterior surface of the seminal vesicles and lies snugly against the posterior prostatic capsule.


This fascial layer extends cranially to coer the posterior surface of the seminal esicles and lies snugly against the posterior prostatic capsule.


Ultrasound pachymetry was also measured preoperative.2.3 Observational componentThe changes of naked vision, best corrected vision acuity, intraocular pressure, corneal thickness and power, irregular and difference of the posterior comeal surface, and the simulated keratoscope reading of the anterior cornea were evaluated.2.4 Statistical AnalysisData were processed with SPSS 10.0 software, each group data were analyzed by Independent-Samples t Test and multiple regression analysis.

统计分析方法使用SPSS10.0 软件进行数据统计分析,各组数据之间比较采用Independent-Samples t检验和多元回归分析。三、结果LA81K术后角膜后表面的变化 l、LASIK术后角膜后表面 Orbsca川图形的变化角膜后表面相应于前表面切削区的部位可看到有区域变红。

The morphology of the mineral dependents on the solution characteristics. The main component of mineral was hydroxyapatite containing a little of CO32- group which the Ca/P ratio is 1.53, similar to the major mineral component of bone tissue. The porosities of the mineralized and unmineralized 3-D porous PLGA were (84.86±8.52)% and(79.70±7.70)% respectively. The biomechanical strength was 0.784±0.156 N/mm2 in unmineralized PLGA and 0.858±0.145N/mm2 in mineralized PLGA.


Surface topographies were observed and rolling grains were vividly seen on the surf...


更多网络解释与后表面相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Case carburization:表面渗碳

镀后去氢,防止氢脆Lustrate hydrogen after galvanizing to avoid hydrogen embrittlement | 表面渗碳Case carburization | 对边With across flats


大家好,在参观了一间 PCB 工厂后,我被分配到对 PCB 的表面处理 (finish) 制程,而且需要做一份报告. 可是有些地方我还不是很清楚,所以在此想请教一下大家. 一、表面处理主要的目的是保护铜面且使使焊接处有沾锡性及焊锡性不是吗?


(四)卵巢(ovary) 为一对扁椭圆形的性腺,具有生殖和内分泌功能,产生和排出卵细胞,以及分泌性激素. 青春期前,卵巢表面光滑;青春期开始排卵后,表面逐渐凹凸不平;成年妇女的卵巢约4cmX3cmXlcm大,重5~6g,呈灰白色;绝经后卵巢萎缩变小变硬.

reflected light:计算表面的反射后的颜色,透明度

Reflective 模拟一个有发射属性的材质. | Reflected Light 计算表面的反射后的颜色,透明度 | Refract 计算折射光向量

surface roughness:表面粗度

位上的阻隔物、对两电极端部的上下表面施以研磨及表面粗度(surface roughness)加工、将扁平条状金属基板冲切成数个块状金属电阻、所有块状金属电阻的非电镀部位上施以"封装"包覆以及对封装后块状金属电阻上的两个电极端部表面施以镀锡滚镀,


backswamp 天然堤后漫滩沼泽 | backswept 后掠;后掠角 | backswipe reflection 来自后侧岩丘表面多次反射

ultimobranchial body:后鳃体

第4对咽囊腹侧部分和第5对咽囊一起形成后鳃体(ultimobranchial body),部分后鳃体细胞迁至甲状腺内,分化为甲状腺滤泡旁细胞. 也有人认为滤泡旁细胞来自神经嵴的外胚层细胞. 成人的甲状腺重20~40g. 甲状腺表面有薄层结缔组织被膜,

honed finish:搪磨后的表面

hone stone ==> 珩磨块 | honed finish ==> 搪磨后的表面 | honed finishing ==> 搪磨

Brideshead Revisited:故园风雨后

我不知道该怎么形容这部电影,确切的说,我把主题忽略了,而注意的都是浮于表面的东西不管是时代背景、配乐、服饰设计还是梦幻般的英伦庄园,<<故园风雨后>>(Brideshead Revisited)总让你不免联想到<<赎罪>>只不过<<故园风雨后>>的主题是宗教,

Tension Line:折痕 坯布在卷布辊处受到外力挤压后形成的纵向折痕

Oil Needle张力横条/张力不匀 纱线在编织中受到的张力不平均,造成表面横... | Tension Line折痕 坯布在卷布辊处受到外力挤压后形成的纵向折痕 | Crease Mark 粗纱 由于纱线粗细不匀造成的织物表面的突起或凹陷,属纬向...