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后节 的英文翻译、例句


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The new genus is somewhat similar to Apethymorpha Wei but is different from the latter by the very flat clypeus and supraclypeal area, the shallowly incised clypeus, the small labrum, the malar space much wider than diameter of an ocellus, the supraantennal tubercles developed, the second antennal segment 2 × longer than broad, the cell Rs in the hind wing closed, the hind tibia much shorter than hind tarsus, and the hind basitarsus much shorter than following tarsomeres together.

新属Shenia Wei与Apethymorpha Wei(1997)稍有些类似,但唇基和唇基上区十分平坦,唇基缺口较浅,上唇小,颚眼距明显宽于单眼直径,触角窝上突显著发育,触角第2节窄长,后翅Rs室封闭,后足跗节显著长于胫节,基跗节显著短于其后4节之和等,与后者差别较大。

1 Day after injury ruptured capillary could be seen in ganglion cell layer, 4 weeks after injury cells in each layer arranged sparsely and disorderedly, in some RGCs chromatin became dense, 8 weeks after injury the cells in each layer became fewer and large amount of RGCs without nucleus could be seen.

3光镜下伤后1 d视网膜神经节细胞层出血,伤后4周视网膜各层细胞稀疏、排列欠整齐,GCL散在核染色质浓集、边聚的节细胞,伤后8周视网膜各层细胞明显减少,GCL内大量空化节细胞。

A 42-year-old Chinese male was found to have a cystic lesion of 3 cm over posterior segment of right hepatic lobe one year ago and presented with fever and hepatomegaly on this admission.


The PEAK operated well within accept-able safety limits and may greatly facilitate both posterior segment surgeries (eg, membrane dissection and sheathotomy) and anterior segment procedures (eg, capsulotomy, nonpenetrating trabeculectomy, and iridectomy).


Cellular structure is simple and has intermediate neurons, which can survive a longer period in vitro. Amphibial sympathetic ganglions show various postsynaptic potential including fast excitatory postsynaptic potential. Slow inhibitory postsynaptic potential.Slow exeitatory postsyn...


Its axial resolving power depends on the coherency of light source,even 10μm,and the depth it can cut through isn't limited by the eye's transparent diopter medium.You can observe the structure of not only optic anterior ganglion but also posterior ganglion.It has a brilliant applied prospect in the diagnosis of entoptic disease especially retinal disease,随访观察 and evaluation of treatment result.


There were no significant differences for the firing rates in the site of contralateral TNC neurons among during pre-CSD,CSD,and post-CSD (P>0.05).For flunarizine group,the firing rates in the site of ipsilateral TNC neurons during pre-CSD were higher as compared with during CSD(P<0.05).2.1 There were statistical differences on palasma levels of CGRP and SP among the three groups(P<0.05).The levels of CGRP and SP in CSD group were higher than control group(P<0.05).No significant differences on the levels of CGRP and SP in ipsilateral trigeminal ganglia were found among the three groups(P>0.05).2 The number of neurons with positive CGRP and SP immunoreactivity was statistically different in right-sided trigeminal ganglia among the three groups (P<0.05).The number in fight-sided trigeminal ganglia in CSD group was higher as compared with control group(P<0.05).The number in right-sided trigeminal ganglia was statistically higher than that in left-sided trigeminal ganglion in CSD group(P<0.05).3.1 Altered ReHo in ipsilateral pons and other brain regions response to pain such as basal nuclei,thalamus,cingulated gyms and prefrontal cortex was detected during the acute spontaneous attack as compared with during headache remission(P<0.05,corrected by Monte Carlo simulation). 2 Positive functional connectivity was detected between ipsilateral pons and other brain regions related to pain within pain state and within non-pain state (P<0.05,corrected by false discovery rate,FDR).Increased functional correlation between ipsilateral pons and other pain-related brain regions such as ipsilateral prefrontal cortex and contralateral subcallosal gyrus was detected during the acute spontaneous attack as compared with during headache remission(P<0.05,corrected by Monte Carlo simulation).

结果1。对照组未发现CSD;同侧TNC放电频率,CSD中>CSD后>CSD前P<0.05对侧TNC放电频率,CSD前、中、后无统计学差异(P>0.05氟桂利嗪组同侧TNC放电频率,CSD前>CSD中(P<0.05),CSD前与CSD后及CSD中与CSD后之间无统计学差异(P>0.05)。2.1关于放免测定,各组血浆CGRP、SP水平有统计学差异(P<0.05),CSD组高于对照组(P<0.05),CSD组与氟桂利嗪组、对照组与氟桂利嗪组之间均无统计学差异P>0.05各组之间同侧三叉神经节中CGRP、SP水平未见变化(P>0.05.2关于免疫组化研究,右侧三叉神经节CGRP、SP免疫阳性细胞数三组之间有统计学差异(P<0.05),多重两两比较结果CSD组大于对照组(P<0.05),CSD组与氟桂利嗪组之间、对照组与氟桂利嗪组之间无统计学差异P>0.05左侧三叉神经节CGRP、SP免疫阳性细胞数三组之间无统计学差异(P>0.05CSD组中右侧三叉神经节CGRP、SP免疫反应阳性细胞数大于左侧(P<0.05)。3.1局部一致性分析发现两组患者头痛疼痛状态较非疼痛状态脑活动发生变化的脑区有同侧脑桥以及其他疼痛相关脑区如基底节区、丘脑、扣带回、前额叶皮层等(P<0.05,蒙特卡罗模拟校正)。2功能连接分析发现疼痛状态与非疼痛状态下主要疼痛相关脑区均与同侧脑桥有功能联系P<0.05,false discovery rate,FDR校正疼痛状态与非疼痛状态比较,同侧前额叶皮层、对侧胼胝下回等疼痛相关脑区与同侧脑桥之间功能联系增强(P<0.05,蒙特卡罗模拟校正。

Objective To investigate the therapeutic effects of subconjunctival verapamil on outcome in an experimental model of traumatic proliferative vitreoretinopathy.

目的 观察维拉帕米(verapamil,Ver)对眼后节穿通伤增生性玻璃体视网膜病变(proliferative Vitreoretinopathy,PVR)的影响。

Http://www.44dx.com objectiveto investigate the therapeutic effects of subconjunctival verapamil on outcome in an experimental model of traumatic proliferative vitreoretinopathy.methodsan experimental model of traumatic proliferative vitreoretinopathy was induced in pigment rabbits,which then were selected randomly to receive either subconjunctival verapamil injection treatment or a placebo injectiondaily for 3 weeks.animals were examined by indirect ophthalmoscopy at weekly intervals for 5 weeks.eyes were enucleated for light microscopy 5 weeks later.resultsfifty-six percent(18 of 32)of the rabbits receiving subconjunctival verapamil injection had developed tractional retinal detachment,whereas eighty-one percent(26 of 32)of control animals had developed tractional retinal detachment(χ2=4.655,p=0.031).the results of clinical examination and light microscopy didn?

http://www.44dx.com 目的观察维拉帕米(verapamil,ver)对眼后节穿通伤增生性玻璃体视网膜病变(proliferative vitreoretinopathy,pvr)的影响。方法64只青紫蓝兔,每只兔任选其中一只眼制备外伤性pvr模型后随机分为两组,治疗组在模型制备后立即每日结膜下注射2.5 mg/ml的ver0.5ml,对照组则每日结膜下注射生理盐水0.5ml,共21天。模型制备后7天内每天用裂隙灯显微镜及间接立体检眼镜观察伤口、角膜、前房及眼底情况,此后每周第3,7天各检查1次。伤后第35天时常规摘除模型制备眼作光镜观察。

With the development of embryo, Myf5 expression decreased gradually in somites in the anterior region, but remained strong in the newly formed somites; After 30 somites formed, MyoD expression decreased in the somites except the caudal somites. At the hatching stage, MyoD and Myf5 were expressed in head muscle cells and fin muscle cells. In the growing fish, Myf5 was expressed in the skeletal muscle and intestine, and in adult flounder, Myf5 was only expressed in muscle. In the growing fish and adult fish, MyoD was only expressed in muscle.


更多网络解释与后节相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]





back porch:后沿,后廊

后节距,反螺旋 back pitch | 后沿,后廊 back porch | 反向功率 back power


deutocerebrum 中大脑 | deutomerite 后节 | development 发育


06.0309 后节 deutomerite | 06.0310 外节 epimerite | 06.0311 端节 mucron


在人工培养下,女王恐龙虾之无节幼虫(nauplius)於浸水24小时后出现, 无节幼虫孵化后 24~48 小时内会发育为后无节幼虫(metanauplius),后无节幼虫后期在形态及为上最显著的变化为复眼及游泳肢的形成,此时游泳方式则由无节幼虫时期之弹跃转变为成虫的仰泳方式.

postoral segment:口后节

口后纤毛环 postoral loop; postoral circle ring | 口后节 postoral segment | 眶后的;眶后骨 postorbital


06.0307 裂簇虫 schizocystis gregarinoid | 06.0308 前节 protomerite | 06.0309 后节 deutomerite

back pitch:后节距

反位锁 back lock | 后节距 back pitch | 后廊期 back porch period

pitch back:后节距

节距张度 pitch spread | 后节距 pitch, back | 等位节距 pitch, equipotential