英语人>词典>汉英 : 后生木质部 的英文翻译,例句
后生木质部 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与后生木质部相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There is no transition between root and epicotyl of dicotyledonous seedlings with epigeal germination, whereas only having a directly simple connection between the tissues with the same radially developmental direction.


It consists of the protoxylem and metaxylem.


Ochikarawere studied in morphology. The results indicates that the Oochikara has lateral root primordium and lateral root, and RM109 has no those. The number of pericycle cells in protoxylem of RM109 reduces to the 77% of that of Oochikara ; the number of vessel in metaxylem increases, and the number of vessel Ⅰ is the 149% of that of Oochikara ; the number of vessel Ⅱ is the 321% of that of Oochikara ; and the vessels arrange disorderly.

ochikara的冠根组织形态进行比较,结果表明,大力品种可观察到侧根原基及侧根,而RM1 0 9均无;RM1 0 9的原生木质部间中柱鞘细胞数目减少,为大力的 77%;后生木质部导管数增加,其导管I的数量为大力的 1 4 9%,其导管Ⅱ的数量为大力的 3 2 1 %,且导管排列散乱。

Scalariform thickening A type of secondary wall formation consisting of interlaced helical bands of thickening giving a ladderlike formation. It allows for very little further extension, and is found in tissues such as metaxylem tracheids and vessels, which do not elongate after maturation.


The protoxylem vessels initiated lignification in the early stage of vascular bundle differentiation, whereas metaxylem vessels and fiber walls started lignification from the middle lamella and cell comers after completion of vascular bundle differentiation. The walls of most parenchyma cells lignified after the stem reached its full height, while a few parenchyma cells remained non-lignified even the culm is 7 years old.


The part of the primary xylem that differentiates after the protoxylem and is characterized by broader vessels and tracheids.


It also contains additional supporting tissue in the form of fibers and sclereids and some living parenchyma.


更多网络解释与后生木质部相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


一、根(root)的功能(二)根系(root system)的类型分化成熟方式为:外始式(exarch),原生木质部(protoxylem)位于外方,后生木质部(metaxylem)位于内方. 分化成熟方式为:外始式,原生韧皮部(protophloem)位于外方,初生韧皮部(metaphloem)位于内方.


初生韧皮部主要由筛管和伴胞组成,亦有少数韧皮薄壁细胞,有些植物还有韧皮纤维存在. 其发育方式与初生木质部一样,也为外始式,即原生韧皮部(protophloem)在外,后生韧皮部(metaphloem)在内,但原生韧皮部和后生韧皮部界限不明确.


一、根(root)的功能(二)根系(root system)的类型分化成熟方式为:外始式(exarch),原生木质部(protoxylem)位于外方,后生木质部(metaxylem)位于内方. 分化成熟方式为:外始式,原生韧皮部(protophloem)位于外方,初生韧皮部(metaphloem)位于内方.


convoke 召集 | metaxylem [植]后生木质部 | section break [计] 分节符

pitted vessel:孔纹导管

梯纹导管(scalariform vessel)、网纹导管(reticulated vessel)和孔纹导管(pitted vessel)这类导管是在器官的初生生长中后期和次生生长过程中形成的,位于初生木质部中的后生木质部和次生木质部,其导管分子短粗而腔大,输水效率高(尤其是孔纹导管).


一、根(root)的功能(二)根系(root system)的类型分化成熟方式为:外始式(exarch),原生木质部(protoxylem)位于外方,后生木质部(metaxylem)位于内方. 分化成熟方式为:外始式,原生韧皮部(protophloem)位于外方,初生韧皮部(metaphloem)位于内方.

protoxylem lacuna:原生木质部腔隙

木质部岛 xylem island | 原生木质部腔隙 protoxylem lacuna | 后生木质部 metaxylem

secondary xylem:后生木质部

后生材部 Secondary wood | 后生木质部 Secondary xylem | 树液 Secretion


茎内初生木质部的发育顺序是内始式(endarch)的,和根不同. 茎内的原生木质部居内方,由管径较小的环纹或螺纹导管组成;后生木质部居外方,由管径较大的梯纹、网纹或孔纹导管组成,它们是初生木质部中起主要作用的部分,其中以孔纹导管较为普遍.


metatrophy 腐生营养 | metaxenia 后生异粉性 | metaxylem 后生木质部