英语人>词典>汉英 : 后生动物 的英文翻译,例句
后生动物 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
Metazoa  ·  metazoan  ·  metazoon  ·  metazoal  ·  metazoic  ·  metazoa  ·  Histozoa

更多网络例句与后生动物相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The metazoans in the Wenghui Biota had radiate symmetrical animals, including Porifera, Ctenophora, Cnidaria, and Trilobozoas, and bilateral symmetrical animals, including Annelida and possible Mollusca.


The Wenghui biota, which is found in the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation in Northeast Guizhou, is composed mainly of macroalgae (18 species of 15 genera, one unnamed macroalgae, and macroalgal holdfast forms described herein), and contains macroscopic metazoan, putative metazoan and trace fossils. This biota not only contains some elements of the Miaohe biota from West Hubei, the Lantian flora from South Anhui, the Ediacara fauna in Australia, and the White Sea biota in Russia, but also has its own characters to distinguish other Ediacaran biota.


Studies to estimate the origin time of the Metazoa using molecular data have been steadily increasing in recent years.


The appearance and subsequent diversification of biomineralization in Metazoa have long been a puzzle for geologists and palaeobiologists. Various hypotheses have been proposed, but none seems to be satisfying.


Therefore, the appearance of macroscopic algae not only improved the environment and played an essential support for the growth and propagation of the metazoan which depended on oxygen, but also provided a new food source that served as a new basis in the ecosystem for metazoans evolution and development.


These results indicate that oxylipin biosynthetic genes were present in the last common ancestor of plants and animals, but were subsequently lost in all metazoan lineages except Placozoa, Cnidaria and Cephalochordata.


Rotifer, wireworm exist in zoogloea at salt concentrations of 10000 mg/L while protozoa and metazoan disappeared when calcium chloride concentration is 30000 mg/L.


Bryozoa is an important group of metazoan animals which has received relatively little attention regarding their origin, phylogenetic relationship with other metazoan phyla and its internal phylogeny.


From the development of the Carboniferous reefs, the metazoan framework reefs and the reefs dominated by microbes and calcareous algae may be two parallelling evolution reef ecosystems. The development of the metazoan framework reefs after the extinction event reflects an obvious evolutionary lag time. The recovery of the reef-building communities dominated by microbes and calcareous algae became faster after the extinction event.


The numerous macro-plants during the Doushantuoian were branching and semi-floated and erected on seafloor. They advanced the photosynthetic efficiency and increase oxygen in water to improve in environment for metazoans; and they served as a primary producer in the paleoecosystem to provide an alternative and new food of metazoan.


更多网络解释与后生动物相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]




\\"兰屿石鲋\\",\\"Metazia mesembrina\\" | \\"后生动物,多细胞动物\\",\\"metazoa\\" | \\"变型人同传染病\\",\\"meta-zoonosis\\"

Subkingdom Metazoa:后生动物亚界

Rhombozoa - 菱形虫门 | Subkingdom Metazoa - 后生动物亚界 | Porifera - 多孔动物门(海绵)




metazoametazoan 后生动物 | metazoan 后生动物的 | metazocine 美他佐辛

metazoan:[动]后生动物, 多细胞动物

metaphyta 有胚植物 | metazoan [动]后生动物, 多细胞动物 | Molecule n. [化]分子, 些微


这表明 Ig 超家族结构域的多样化(diversification)在后生动物 (Metazoon)进化早期即开始发生,通过基因的复制(duplication)和随后发生 的偏离(divergence)产生了具有不同功能的多功能域结构.


中生动物门(Mesozoa)所有种类的通称,为一类介于原生动物与后生动物之间的微小多细胞动物,似为两者之间「遗失的一环」. 形小,长不足1毫米至数毫米. 蠕虫状,寄生于浅海海底无脊椎动物体内. 1876年中生动物一词创立,


中生动物(Mesozoa):认为中生动物介于原生动物和后生动物之间. 有学者将原生动物、中生动物、后生动物并列为3个动物亚界. 现在一般认为中生动物为动物界中的一门. 中生动物是一类小型的内寄主动物. 结构简单,已知约50种,


多细胞动物再被分为侧生动物(Parazoa)和真后生动物(Eumetazoa). 前者包括海绵动物,扁盘动物和中生动物. 这三种动物和真后生动物缺乏联系. 组织分化程度低. 然后将两侧对称的动物按其体腔的有无,有的话是真是假,分为三类,