英语人>词典>汉英 : 后生 的英文翻译,例句
后生 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

after-born · having a youthful appearance
更多网络例句与后生相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Different secondary layers of fossil brachiopod shells have different preservation and the way by which the shells' primary isotope ratios be influenced by diagenesis: postdepositional alternation of δ〓O、δ〓C has no effect on the low-Mg calcite minerals of the shells, while it alters the whole shell's isotopic compositions by microcrack fillings, even with the well preserved shells.


The Wenghui biota, which is found in the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation in Northeast Guizhou, is composed mainly of macroalgae (18 species of 15 genera, one unnamed macroalgae, and macroalgal holdfast forms described herein), and contains macroscopic metazoan, putative metazoan and trace fossils. This biota not only contains some elements of the Miaohe biota from West Hubei, the Lantian flora from South Anhui, the Ediacara fauna in Australia, and the White Sea biota in Russia, but also has its own characters to distinguish other Ediacaran biota.


The appearance and subsequent diversification of biomineralization in Metazoa have long been a puzzle for geologists and palaeobiologists. Various hypotheses have been proposed, but none seems to be satisfying.


Therefore, the appearance of macroscopic algae not only improved the environment and played an essential support for the growth and propagation of the metazoan which depended on oxygen, but also provided a new food source that served as a new basis in the ecosystem for metazoans evolution and development.


Rotifer, wireworm exist in zoogloea at salt concentrations of 10000 mg/L while protozoa and metazoan disappeared when calcium chloride concentration is 30000 mg/L.


Bryozoa is an important group of metazoan animals which has received relatively little attention regarding their origin, phylogenetic relationship with other metazoan phyla and its internal phylogeny.


Some environmental factors could confer a predisposition to depression by affecting the genome epigenetically — for example, increased maternal care in rodents causes an epigenetic change in the promoter region of the glucocorticoid-receptor gene.


The three kinds of associated minerals have implied the characteristic mineral combination of volcanic tuffaceous alteration, which illustrated the reliable deposition of the contemporaneous palaeovolcano events and signified the diagenetic epigenetic alteration records in the volcanic tuffaceous matters transiting from the acidic environment to the alkaline environment.


Vasostomy can reverse germ cell apoptosis due to Vasoligation; Bcl-2 gene inhibited apoptosis of spermatogenic cells; Vasoligation and Vasostomy have a effect on transcript level regulation of Bcl-2 gene


From the development of the Carboniferous reefs, the metazoan framework reefs and the reefs dominated by microbes and calcareous algae may be two parallelling evolution reef ecosystems. The development of the metazoan framework reefs after the extinction event reflects an obvious evolutionary lag time. The recovery of the reef-building communities dominated by microbes and calcareous algae became faster after the extinction event.


更多网络解释与后生相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


后生韧皮部 metaphloem | 后生说 epigenesist | 后吸盘 posterior sucker


初生韧皮部主要由筛管和伴胞组成,亦有少数韧皮薄壁细胞,有些植物还有韧皮纤维存在. 其发育方式与初生木质部一样,也为外始式,即原生韧皮部(protophloem)在外,后生韧皮部(metaphloem)在内,但原生韧皮部和后生韧皮部界限不明确.


metaphyll 后生叶 | metaphyte 后生植物 | metaplasia 化生






metazoametazoan 后生动物 | metazoan 后生动物的 | metazocine 美他佐辛

secondary xylem:后生木质部

后生材部 Secondary wood | 后生木质部 Secondary xylem | 树液 Secretion


后期发生,后期生成 deuterogenesis | 后生的,次生的 deuterogenic | 后生的,次生的 deuterogenous


后生的,次生的 deuterogenous | 后生变形的,后期变形 deuteromorphic | 氘核,重氢核 deuteron

epigenetic anomaly:后生异常

后生矿床|epigenetic deposit | 后生异常|epigenetic anomaly | 后生作用|epigenesis