英语人>词典>汉英 : 后期生成的 的英文翻译,例句
后期生成的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
deuterogenic  ·  deuterogenous

更多网络例句与后期生成的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Using the land-sea separate mask derived from regional-grown method, the land field including aquaculture land, brine pan, tidal flat, are extracted, which assure the accurate classification.


There are also other Word, wps2000, and so some word processing software, in theory, you can also generate the ps file, and can output film, but in fact membership card before output is to be carried out such as imposition, registration syndiospecific, crop marks, and so some processing, and the word, wps2000, and so the software can be said in this respect is powerless to do anything, especially once the color is doing well, and then go to the late processing, will provide membership card before output staff bring great difficulties.


Word, wps2000, and so some word processing software, in theory, you can also generate the ps file, and can output film, but in fact membership card before output is to be carried out such as imposition, registration syndiospecific, crop marks, and so some processing, and the word, wps2000, and so the software can be said in this respect is powerless to do anything, especially once the color is doing well, and then go to the late processing, will provide membership card before output staff bring great difficulties.


The objective was to determine: the contribution of algae cells and algae extracellular organic matter to the disinfection by-products formation potential,and the effects of preozonation including ozone dosage and preozonation time on DBPFP of algae cells and EOM and mechanism of these effects.


Many of the original ideas behind television originate from the late 19th and early 20th century.


There is great influence of the European culture to Ottoman culture in terms of the emergence of its modernization.


Application of FGF8 at early stage induced extra digit and at later stage inhibited distal phalange formation.


When processing the restrained conditions, we convert the restrained conditions into punish function and add it to fitness function which profits from the conventional method. We introduce the support vector machine to the selection operator, which increases the multiplicity of selection and increases the probability of the algorithm getting the overall optimal solution. Also, we use the adaptive probabilities of crossover and mutation in mixed GAs which enhances the efficiency of the algorithm. The result of tests about the system indicates that the improved genetic algorithm has more high convergence speed and better solution quality.


This thesis has systematically studies the microstructure of the sinter bearing fluorine of different compositions and in different sintering condition.(1) The main units of the Low Fluorine Sinter are magnetite、hematite、 SFCA、larnite、glass and pore. The cuspidine doesn't form for the low content fluorine, and the fluorine is in glass; Sinter basicity dominates the forming of the larnite and SFCA, when basicity is between 1. 72 and 1. 96, there are more larnites in the binder phase, and when the basicity is biger than 1. 96, there are more SFCA in the binder phase; the hematite appears like magnetite and usually is around pore.


Ettringite formed earlier in the concrete is unstable and it tends to recrystallize .


更多网络解释与后期生成的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


后成岩;后期生成 deuterogene | 后期生成的 deuterogenic | 后期生成的 deuterogenous


后期发生,后期生成 deuterogenesis | 后生的,次生的 deuterogenic | 后生的,次生的 deuterogenous


后期生成的 deuterogenous | 后期变形 deuteromorphic | 第二柱 deuteroprism


后期生成的 deuterogenous | 后期变形 deuteromorphic | 第二柱 deuteroprism


paulispinor 泡利旋量 | paulopost 后期生成的 | paulopostalteration 后期蚀变

paulopost effect:晚期效应

paulopost alteration后期蚀变 | paulopost effect晚期效应 | paulopost后期生成的