英语人>词典>汉英 : 后期曝光 的英文翻译,例句
后期曝光 的英文翻译、例句


after exposure
更多网络例句与后期曝光相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

According to introducing, ever was crossed by exposure with the past " wide outside ghostliness "," stammer carrying fox on the head " wait for photograph of trojan of date of famous net silver-colored pilfer to compare, the date of net silver-colored Zhang that this trojan inputs besides record user and password, much still the function of a cut screen record, the record of screen of main process cut that can handle the user net silver comes down, the fund that diverts an user illegally for hacker later period is offerred more the help with convenient form and guidance.


And, since the camera has kept the overall ISO to 200, there isn't the same noise penalty to be paid as when conventional sensors try to underexpose and then pull the brightness back up.


The sound of Hungry, whether Hall consciously meant for it to be or not, is dead-on perfect for that format, all gentle and folkish acoustic guitars, occasionally backed with subtle strings and/or Postal Service style electronics (courtesy of producer Jeff Stuart Saltzman) and topped with his winsome, boyish vocals.

这张Hungry给人的感觉,无论Hall是否有意而为之,这张专辑在那种高曝光率上取得了完美的效果,轻柔、民谣化的原音吉他演奏,经常加入一些微妙的弦乐和/或者后期处理式的电子元素(这要归功于制作人Jeff Stuart Saltzman),唱主角的还是Noah Hall 那男童般的可爱嗓音。

更多网络解释与后期曝光相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

automatic focusing:自动聚焦

一般是8.5×12.5或12.5×17.5公分,对各种不同厚薄的底片,都能保证一定的质量)小型测光表可以装在摄影机的机身里,自动测定正确曝光;机身上的保险装置,能防止转片或装片出现差错;从60年代后期起,自动聚焦(automatic focusing)和内装闪光灯(built-in flash),