英语人>词典>汉英 : 后期制作 的英文翻译,例句
后期制作 的英文翻译、例句


更多网络例句与后期制作相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

During the cooperation, BlackLand advertisement aims at timesaving, and work efficiency , it saves trouble for you to seek resources ,The company has one extremely specialized and the perfect service supply, including photography, Enterprise promotional film making, Design and printing, large-scale spurts drawing, the later period packing making and so on, you give us a call, we will give you a perfect pricelist and the time schedule.


This means that as well as the size of the pool of potential programme-makers increasing dramatically over a very short period of time, the cost of acquiring their output has commensurately decreased because of diminished production and post-production costs.


His first major work as rapper/producer was for Cantopop star Eason Chan. In 2001, Ghost Style was invited to remix one of Chan's songs for a remix project Mixed Up. At the same time Ghost Style met international dance music producer Dan F. At that time Dan F was creating breakbeat tracks and both collaborated on the remix. Dan F who won two Breakbeat Awards in the UK, would be Ghost Style's collaborator on 2002 release Alias and Ghost Style's 2005 release Message Is Complete. Ghost Style was the voice talent in the 2005 movie soundtrack release Initial D.

他接手的第一份大case就是担任陈奕迅的说唱和音及制作人2001年,Ghost Style被邀请作陈奕迅的混音及后期制作正是此时,Ghost Style遇到了国际舞曲制作人Dan F,那时Dan F也在负责制作这套混音的节拍与音轨——Dan F曾在英国拿过两个专业的节拍制作奖Ghost Style分别在2002年《Alias》和2005年发行的《Message Is Complete》两张专辑中,Dan F也与他一起合作2005年的电影《头文字D》中,Ghost Style充分展现出了他天生的音乐才华

STEP 7 : Plan and carry out implementation - pre-production, production, post production and distribution.


Production of television programs can be divided into pre-production process and post-production process.


Centros Post and Effects Centre features cutting edge resources and world-class editors, colorists, effects designers, and sound designers ready to complete the picture with the effects that draw the attention.


He is now in post-production on "Sparrow," a suspenser about pickpockets, and his third of "The Iron Triangle."


Companies under the Customer Affairs, Translation Department, the Department Revisers, production department and other functional departments, including the Ministry of customer markets and communication with customers, the Department is responsible for translation of manuscript analysis, distribution and translation, revision Ministry responsible for initially completed organize the delivery of proof-reading, according to the customer is responsible for the production of the Department of the requirements of the manuscript scanning, typesetting, graphics processing, printing and other post-production.


Genre and call for of the experimental teaching centre video are described, the process is divided into three stages such as pre-production process of preparation, shot and post-production. This paper introduced the topic of video production steps as well as the main task of the three stages, requirements and challenge attention respectively.


For various projectsUnderstand clients expectations, conceptualize and find graphic solutionsManage projects from Concept to Production.Take part and conduct meetings presentations and brainstorms with clients Follow the production, coordinate with local printers as well as other suppliersEnsure that deliverables meet quality standards, client requirements and timelineCollect and gather information on design trends and consumer lifestyles


更多网络解释与后期制作相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


SP元件公司的自动数据交换(ADX)技术,在不需特殊校正讯号或后期制作整理的条件下,会持续提供类比数位转换器在增益、偏移量与时间偏移错误的估算. 而这种演算法已经应用于修正静态与动态上不匹配错误的问题.


2008 电视剧>(VCD)男主角2008 电视剧>(VCD)男主角说个题外话,创作和后期制作都很重要,因为"一首歌 词曲是灵魂 写好(Composing)一首歌不等同于做出(Producing)一首歌 编曲(Arrangement) 录音(Recording)


总部设在德克萨斯州奥斯丁 (Austin) 的 BOXX Technologies 是面向数码内容创建的高性能获奖工作站和总揽解决方案领先生产商. BOXX工作站广泛用于所有2D、3D、视觉效果、动画、广播、后期制作、数码视频和电影以及高清晰度领域.

Film Editing:剪辑

二.剪辑(Film editing)是电影的后期制作流程之一,是由电影剪辑师将前期拍摄的视觉素材与声音素材重新分解、组合、编辑并构成一部完整电影的过程的总称. 电影剪辑要处理的最基础问题,是镜头与镜头之间的时间和空间关系.

Animated feature film:(最佳动画长片)

感谢导演阿尔莫多瓦,在你多部作品中启用我,让我成为你电影冒险的一部分......[详细] 最佳动画长片 (ANIMATED FEATURE FILM) > WALL-E 感谢工作人员,感谢Steve Jobs,帮助我们后期制作,感谢妻子儿子高中时的戏剧老师,28年前让我上台跑龙套,

Foreign Language Film:最佳外语片

感谢Steve Jobs,帮助我们后期制作,感谢妻子儿子高中时的戏剧老师,28年前让我上台跑龙套,感谢学院......[详细] 最佳外语片 (FOREIGN LANGUAGE FILM) > 送り人/ Okuribito 日本 感谢学院,


同期成为经典的作品还有>(Roommates),>(Insatiable)和>(Taboo). 那些为录像带制作的节目几乎完全没有艺术上的考虑. 剧本也显得多余,纯粹的动作片确实也不需要剧本. 整个拍摄往往在一天内完成,加上粗糙的后期制作.

migratory bird:候鸟

喜欢五月天,最主要是因为他嘀主音---亚信 每张唱片他都有参与作曲,作词,编曲和后期制作 但最喜欢嘀还是他所填嘀词 他所填嘀词,往住都有粉多令人思索嘀地方 就像这首 --- 候鸟(Migratory Bird) 冰箱有字条 桌上有菜 电锅里面有饭 没有


3.在后期制作(Post Production)期间,在显像或光学处理过程中利用特殊处理办法;3 缩影(Miniature)摄影在几年前,当数码摄像机具备数码相机的功能时,USB接口就开始出现在数码摄像机上,并扮演着传输静态照片到电脑上的功能.

Adobe Premiere:后期视频制作工具

Adobe After Effects:动画图象和视觉效果编辑工具 | Adobe Premiere:后期视频制作工具 | Adobe Font Folio:字体集