英语人>词典>汉英 : 后期 的英文翻译,例句
后期 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
anaphase  ·  evening

later stage · later period
更多网络例句与后期相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

All broilers were given access to feed and water ad libitum during the experimental period.


To keep away from digital distortion caused by analog conversion,"Boutique Recording" applies APOGEE Analog to Digital Converter System in pre-recording, adopts Hi-End Prism Sound Digital to Analog Converter System during post mix and master disposal processes. In a word,"Boutique Recording" minimizes the distortion rate, and maintains the unique spirit of analog music.

为避免后期缩混时过多数字设备所造成的数码味,录音师坚持在前期录音与母带处理过程中使用传奇的模拟设备,在现场录音的同时进行立体声混音工作,为了避免模数转换时所造成的数字失真,达人艺典在前期录音中采用APOGEE模数转换系统,后期缩混及母带制作采用顶级HI-END厂牌Prism Sound数模转换系统,将失真率减到最低,保持独有的模拟音乐味道。

Results showed that the PMC meiosis of autotetraploid was similar to the diploid except some particularities. In metaphase Ⅰ, multivalent, quadrivalent, trivalent, bivalent and univalent were observed and some of the chromosomes were found not to rank on the metaphase plate and so did in metaphase Ⅱ cells. In anaphase Ⅰ and anaphase Ⅱ cells, there were lagging chromosomes, chromosome bridge and fragment. During anaphase Ⅱ and telophase Ⅱ, chromosome segregation was not synchronous or equal. At tetrad stage, dyad, triad, tetrad with micronucleus and polyad appeared.


Having failed in imperial examinations in 13 years, he achieved an ultimate knowledge that happiness comes after long suffering; His aesthetic personality underwent 2 stages at Yi-Yun-Ge—he pursued "spring" in earlier stage, and "autumn" in later stage, and in later period of his life at Yi-Yun-Ge, he pursued the Legalism with no impairment; Also demarcarated by his life at Yi-Yun-Ge, he self-assumed with arrogance in earlier stage and self-respected with Taoism in later stage in terms of his moral personality.


Li Yu's late word is that he's fine words, the use of live images of his late term for the distinctive feature, try this bleak picture from the construction and acquisition, desolate mood with the statement that the silent, desolate picture of the role and significance of the three aspects of the analysis, he adopted a bleak picture to express his statement said with silence, It was this bleak picture also makes use of the term late for his fine efforts out to the world love, making him a great word generation, Comments were as "progressing."


The results showed that the higher thedischarge voltage or charge capacitor was, the higher the temperature of the plasma was,and the longer plasma discharge time was. There was a late discharge when the inputenergy reached the critical value. The greater the capacitance or voltage was, the earlier thelate discharge of the plasma was. The temperature changes of plasma at the beginning of alate discharge were not significant under different discharge conditions. Each SCB had itstemperature range respectively.


It expanded to 106119ha in 1973, descented to 99167ha in 1987, backed up to 112440ha, and attained the max value in history—123170ha in 1998 and descent to 109934ha again in 2001. GIS overlaying analysis shows that, the spatial change of Minqin Oasis had the different characteristics in different stage in the last 50 years: at the end of 50's to the beginning of 70%, oasis expandation Was performed by extension of origin oasis; the atrophia of oasis from the beginning from 70's to the 80's was performed by increasing of non-oasis spot pieces of inner part for oasis; the main performance of keeping on expanding of oasis from late 80's to late 90's is outside extension of Baqu oasis near the upper stream, with increased oasis area in interior of hungriness and increased area of non-cultivation in Huqu oasis in the north. From 1998 to 2001, opening up wideness in interior of hungriness continued, but hnngrinessization of oasis became worse. The oases in the Minqin Basin developed from small to large and back to small in terms of area changes, and from south to north then to south in terms of spatial changes.


This thesis holds that all of Chao Yu's dramas should be divided into former period and latter period; the deep structure of former Chao Yu's dramas is the contrast and opposition of an ideal world to a prisonlike world, and the deep structure of latter Chao Yu's dramas is the"clear sky"; the transformation of former Chao Yu's drama to the latter is a transformation of its deep structure.


The results showed: decapitation and suckering agents treatment can significantly increase leaves and leaf area index at topping later stage,enhanced chlorophyll content,extended the function of leaves,improved photosynthetic potential at the topping mid and later stage,and promoted a...


The forming of kyanite sequence was probably related to an arc-continent collision event during the late Paleozoic, and the andalusite sequence may result from uplifting of the medium-pressure rocks and extensive intrusions of the collision-related granites.


更多网络解释与后期相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


着丝粒微管动态平衡形成的张力 着丝粒微管动态平衡形成的张力 后期(anaphase) 后期 ◆排列在赤道面上的染色体的姐妹染色单体分离产生向极运动 排列在赤道面上的染色体的姐妹染色单体分离产生向极运动 后期(anaphase)大致可以划分为连续的两个阶段,



anaphase movement:后期运动

anaphase 后期 | anaphase movement 后期运动 | anaphasis 后期

deuteric alteration:后期变化

岩浆后期作用 deuteric action | 后期变化 deuteric alteration | 后期效果 deuteric effects

deuteric alteration:后期变质(岩浆);初生变质(矿物)

后期作用(岩浆固结) deuteric action | 后期变质(岩浆);初生变质(矿物) deuteric alteration | 后期效应(岩浆) deuteric effect

deuteric action:岩浆后期作用

后期 deuteric | 岩浆后期作用 deuteric action | 后期变化 deuteric alteration

deuteric action:后期作用(岩浆固结)

后期变质 deuteric | 后期作用(岩浆固结) deuteric action | 后期变质(岩浆);初生变质(矿物) deuteric alteration


后成岩;后期生成 deuterogene | 后期生成的 deuterogenic | 后期生成的 deuterogenous

postembryonic adaptation:胚后期适应

后期发育 postembryonal development | 胚后期适应 postembryonic adaptation | 胚后期 postembryonic period


postpuberal phase 青春后期 | postpubertal 青春后期的 | postpuberty 青春期后期