英语人>词典>汉英 : 后成的 的英文翻译,例句
后成的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与后成的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In segments of pedicels, flower buds may arise from the vascular cambium also.


After the donation, he want his remains cremated and used as fertilizer, no cinerary casket should be bought and no gravestone should be built.


To make Aiwowo, first clean and soak glutinous rice , then steam the rice and knead for uniformity揉匀 after it cools, next pull from the dough small parts揪成小剂, press them to make round wrappers摁成圆皮, last wrap stuffing made from walnut meat , sesame seeds, melon seeds, greengage , hawthorn berries and sugar.


Good flour will be added with salt grass burning ash and alkaline ash, and repeated rubbing, the spell of thin dough, sprinkle a layer of powder, into a pile of three fingers wide, thin knife cut , and gently shaking loose, easy to twist into a twist, neatly placed.


De Assis, who presented the work at the American Association for Cancer Research meeting in Washington DC, says a fatty diet may cause "epigenetic" DNA modifications that can be passed on to future generations.

De Assis在华盛顿特区举行的美国癌症研究协会会议上提交了研究论文。他说高脂肪饮食可能导致了&后成的&DNA改变,这种改变可以传递给未来的几代实验鼠。

Have according to considering to show close most probably computer a group of things with common features can arise Eye Fatigue, Eye Dry, have a headache, joint of gape, artifice, cervical the symptom that reachs shoulder ache, both hands grip appears to be worth the phenomenon of decrescent after the person that at the same time 7 is become is working, beat clavier in addition for a long time to be able to make nearly 4 become computer a group of things with common features occurrence finger ache accompanies the generation with phlogistic tendon, these are computer terminal disease group.


I, Shannon Blood Sausage. Stand-pig small intestine washed first with warm water to soak rice for half an hour, picked up the rice, adding blood, mix with the rice and put into a large stone or blood beater, then add green onion, salt, has been Net diesel refining pig, star anise powder mix, wash the pig has been poured into the small intestine, ligated at both ends into the pot, cook the back, pay attention to the fire can not be too fast and can not boil water, to keep turning in order to avoid open rupture Blood Sausage, and come to naught, cooked to salvage, you can cut consumption, increase can also be cooked pan fried dishes, the use of soy sauce, vinegar, monosodium glutamate pair of points is expected, it is delicious, Miao can not be made.


But you can business card printing and membership card making machine back-end rewarded for cutter to machine prints small slices of the chengzhong, so that you can resolve the membership card after processing.


Bonding card board (English name: PLXwood) logs are planed into a 1.6mm-2.0mm between the single board, high temperature drying moisture, up to a certain standard, into the system board workshop preparation chemical raw materials, manufactured according to customer requirements nine, fifteen, eighteen different specifications, such as multi-layer plywood, and then after a high temperature, high pressure, hot pressing machine to suppress made with molded plywood processed into the Pallet is laminated card board.

胶合卡板(英文名字: PLXwood )是将原木刨成 1.6mm-2.0mm 之间的单板,经高温烘干水份,达到一定标准后,进入制板车间配制化工原料,根据客户要求制成九、十五、十八等不同规格的多层胶合板,再经过高温、高压、热压机压制而成,用成型的胶合板加工成的栈板就是胶合卡板。

Five years later, genghis khan's dabie-sulu ingot pike towards JinGuo oppressors. A wild ling fox. 8 jin j, genghis khan ambitious team suffered. Gold xuang zong and prince in kaifeng. Have previously immigrated Genghis khan sent in 1216 businessmen to 450 at the western powers thorns modes trade. Thorns will modes in Sudan buccaneering parties in Mongolia is after death. Genghis khan, this year the way he has 60. Once in the world of conquerors modes of thorns, facing the kingdom of Mongol armies in Sudan, frighten panic attacks, and give away the capital, only TianXian LvZhong escape. Although also appeared in Zagreb LanDing prince of national hero, also had inspiring resistance, but not only save the collapse. The queen was captured in the Caspian sea, Sudan a tragic death on the island.


更多网络解释与后成的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


有助于把握和理解发育的生物学本质. 由于历史的原因,人们对动物的发育研究比较充分和深入,而对植物等其他生物的研究则不够,因此,本课程中动物发育的内容所占比例相对较大. 一、胚胎发生的后成论(epigenesis)和先成论(prefomation)

lager beer:酿造后再贮藏熟成的啤酒(通常储藏时间为六个星期至六个月)

stout beer 黑啤酒;烈啤酒 | lager beer 酿造后再贮藏熟成的啤酒(通常储藏时间为六个星期至六个月) | draft beer 生啤酒

subsequent valley:次成谷

subsequent thrusting 后成冲断层作用 | subsequent valley 次成谷 | subsequent 后成的


epifauna 底生动物 | epigene 后成的 | epigenesis 后成


epigealcotyledon出土子叶 | epigene表成的 | epigenesis渐成论 外成作用 后成说 后生作用


epigenetic water 再生水 | epigenetic 后成的 | epigenic dolomite 后生白云岩


后成作用 epigenesis | 后成的;后生的 epigenetic | 砷硫铜铁矿;红锰橄石 epigenite


后生水,再生水 epigenetic water | 后生的,外成的,后成的,表成的 epigenic | 表层沈积物 epigenic sediment


罗汉柏枝炫f菌之一 Hysterium thujopsidis Sawada | 后成的;后期发育的 hysterogenic | 寄食性植物 hysterophyte


"后成矿床","xenogenite" | "后成的;后生的","xenogenous" | "主客晶等嵌状","xenoikic"