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后成体 的英文翻译、例句


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We also confirmed in this paper that it is injected somatic cells but not broken cytoplasm formed multi blastomere through mitosis in the reconstructed embryos.


Defined as a spectacular postembryonic larva-to-adult transition, it shows a wide morphological diversity between the different chordate lineages, suggesting that it might have appeared several times independently.


In addition, using RT-PCR to detect expression of centrin homogene during Urechis unicinctus spermatid deferentiation and early embryonic development. The result revealed that (1) expression of HsCEN1 homogene is present during spermatid defferentiation including spermtid and sperm, but not in adult tissues including body wall tissue,intestinal mucous memberane cells and cell in coelom succus;(2) expression of HsCEN1 homogene is not present in unfertilized oocytes but present in that of released polar bodies after fertilization and parthenogenesis oocytes treated with A23187;(3) expression of HsCEN1 homogene is present during early embryonic development including two-cell stage,multicell stage,gastrula to trochophora.


Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells are capable of chondrogenesis, making them a possible source of cells for injectable cartilage tissue engineering. There exist different ideas on the ability of mesenchymal stem cells's chondrogenesis in monolayer culture. Because of this, the effect of adult rabbit's bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells chondrogenesis in monolayer culture was studied. The mesenchymal stem cells was isolated from adult rabbit's bone marrow and monolayer cultured. TGF-β1, Vit-C and Dexamethasone were used. Immunohistochemistry analyses and histological staining of H-E, Methylaniline blue and Alcian blue were performed to identify the expression of collagen type Ⅱ and cartilage associated matrix. The results showed that the induced cells expressed and produced collagen type Ⅱ and cartilage associated matrix. This suggests that the differentiation of adult rabbit's marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells into chondrocyte in monolayer culture is feasible and may be induced by TGF-β1, Vit-C and Dexamethasone.


The female prosopon body oval,body long 2.3-3.5mm,antenna 7,the body by the white cotton and kapok shape wax silk,many insect\'s wax silk often is fused densely in together,forms the cotton and kapok to be spherical,after the dewaxing the insect body becomes the purple red.


A total of 391 bullfrogs were measured during the study period, including 113 adults and 278 juveniles.


With the development of embryo, Myf5 expression decreased gradually in somites in the anterior region, but remained strong in the newly formed somites; After 30 somites formed, MyoD expression decreased in the somites except the caudal somites. At the hatching stage, MyoD and Myf5 were expressed in head muscle cells and fin muscle cells. In the growing fish, Myf5 was expressed in the skeletal muscle and intestine, and in adult flounder, Myf5 was only expressed in muscle. In the growing fish and adult fish, MyoD was only expressed in muscle.


Results: Embryoid bodies grew well in Collagen Gel, the differentiated cells grew into the gel gradually; electronmicroscope showed that some induced cells were rich in Golgi's bodies and endoplasmic reticulums, a few secretory granules were also visible, which was similar to human adult thyrocyte.

结果 拟胚体在鼠尾胶原上生长状态良好,分化细胞贴壁后逐渐陷入鼠尾胶原;电镜下诱导细胞高尔基体、内质网丰富,部分诱导细胞胞质内见不典型分泌颗粒,与人成体甲状腺细胞超微结构类似。

The quantity of CD3+ cells in the EdNSC, AdNSC of cloning goattransplantation group and control group had no statistics difference(P>0.05) at acute and chronic period.Overall, in our study, We got the conclusions as follow: 1,The EdNSC, AdNSCof cloning goat and the AdNSC of the non-cloning goat were successful obtained;EdNSC growed faster than AdNSC in the same cell culture method. 2,The braincontusion and laceration model of cloning goats were successful established by freefalling of 50 gram of steel ball accelerate strike on the goat brain from 100cm height.3, EdNSC and AdNSC transplantation both had obvious therapeutic effect on braincontusion and laceration of cloning goats; The therapeutic effect of EdNSCtransplantation was better. 4, Allograft of stem cells has acute and chronicimmunological rejection and autografting of stem cells has no acute and chronicimmunological rejection.

在相同的条件下,EdNSC体外培养速度比成AdNSC快。2对羊脑上薛氏沟周围运动皮层区使用50g×100 cm力度作自由落体加速撞击,可产生观察指标明确且存活率高的羊脑挫裂伤模型,有望广泛用于神经干细胞移植及药物等治疗的实验研究。3胚胎神经干细胞及成体神经干细胞移植治疗脑挫裂伤后均有较明显的治疗效果;二者相比较而言胚胎神经干细胞稍好于成体神经干细胞。4中枢神经系统异体神经干细胞移植存在着明显的免疫排斥反应,而自体神经干细胞移植基本无免疫排斥反应

Inseminated in 8-9 hrs after GVBD, the ova have the highest hatching rate (more than 86% in the concerned spawn).Based on the above insemination research of the oocyte maturation in vitro, recombinant opAFP-pUC19 was microinjected into the germinal vesicle of oocyte of maturation in vitro.

经过卵母细胞时期在生发泡中注射外源抗冻蛋白基因的体外成熟卵,其受精率(70~80%)和孵化率(38~75%)均低于对照组10~30%,在进行外源抗冻蛋白基因注射后授精孵出的小鱼长至半成体和成体鱼后,分别用斑点杂交和Southern blo-tting分析外源基因的整合。

更多网络解释与后成体相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


epifluorescence microscope 落射荧光显微镜 | epigenesis 后成论,渐成论 | epimer 差向异构体[其多个不对称中心之一为相反构型]


epigenesis 后成论,渐成论 | epimer 差向异构体[其多个不对称中心之一为相反构型] | epimerase 差向异构酶


这个视野的边界所围成的几何体是一个标准的平截头体(Frustum),可以看做是金字塔状的几何体削去金字塔的上半部分后形成的一个台状物,如果还原成金字塔状,就得到了通常我们所说的视锥(View Frustum)这个视锥的锥顶就是视点(View Point)也就是摄像机所在的位置.


虽然被囊动物成体看起来似乎不像脊索动物,但是,被囊动物的幼体(larva)是非常典型的脊索动物. 尽管成体是固着的(sessile)(即永久性附着),但是幼体具有高度活动性. 被囊动物幼体具备脊索动物的所有特征. 在找到适当的位置后,


3.后肾 后肾(metanephros)发育为成体的永久肾. 人胚第5周初,当中肾仍在发育中,后肾即开始形成. 第11~12周,后肾开始产生尿液,其功能持续于整个胎儿期. 尿液排入羊膜腔,组成羊水的主要成分. 由于胚胎的代谢产物主要由胎盘排泄,

Postcommunion Prayers:(领圣体后经)

21. Communion (领主咏) | 22. Postcommunion Prayers (领圣体后经) | Concluding Rite:(礼成式)


长径距牙桥(long span bridge),当中间有桥体(pontic)时,往往有烘烤(烧成)不足,易产生陶瓷剥落或者裂痕象. 此时,需将加热速率降低,在烧成后,将冷却时间延长. 建议参考值如下:加热速率:20~25. C/分、 停留时间:2~3分钟、下降时间:5分钟


营固着生活的形似水螅的种类构成十字水母目(stauromedusae). 种类的精卵结合後形成的胚体,在成体的消化道内孵化成浮浪幼虫,但有的在海水中发育. 浮浪幼虫离开亲体后固着下来,经过一段短短的所谓螅管幼虫阶段,长成为一个新的钵口幼虫.


xenoclastolava 捕虏碎屑熔岩 | xenocryst 捕虏晶 | xenogenite 后成体


xenogenite 后成体 | xenogenous 后生的 | xenolith 捕虏岩