英语人>词典>汉英 : 后成 的英文翻译,例句
后成 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与后成相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We also confirmed in this paper that it is injected somatic cells but not broken cytoplasm formed multi blastomere through mitosis in the reconstructed embryos.


"Evolution" was first used in Preformationism and then in Epigenesis, respectively, to describe the unfolding of preexisted organic structure and the recapitulation of the forms of lower animals by the embryo of higher animals. Then the meaning of species change was added to it in the beginning of the nineteenth century.


"Evolution" was first used in Preformationism and then in Epigenesis, respectively, to describe the unfolding of preexisted organic structure and the recapitulation of the forms of lower animals by the embryo of higher animals. The n the meaning of species change was added to it in the beginning of the nineteenth century.


I say to do poineering work is people commerce, our interior has call people commerce, what calls people commerce, a few people also are when 30 years Chinese business rose in the past namely a person of foresight, the call that answers Xiaoping goes establishing enterprise, but more Chinese are in go 30 years inside became worker first, epigenesis consumer, become investor a few this years recently, fry.


To make Aiwowo, first clean and soak glutinous rice , then steam the rice and knead for uniformity揉匀 after it cools, next pull from the dough small parts揪成小剂, press them to make round wrappers摁成圆皮, last wrap stuffing made from walnut meat , sesame seeds, melon seeds, greengage , hawthorn berries and sugar.


Most of the books is a 32-Folio, for on-demand out of business card printing and membership card making machines the maximum output format is eight, economical way is to make eight open-sided printing, so that a print-out after 4 page, cut into four books.


"Evolution" was first used in Preformationism and then in Epigenesis, respectively, to describe the unfolding of preexisted organic structure and the recapitulation of the forms of lower animals by the embryo of higher animals. Then the meaning of species change was added to it in the beginning of the nineteenth century.


"Evolution" was first used in Preformationism and then in Epigenesis, respectively, to describe the unfolding of preexisted organic structure and the recapitulation of the forms of lower animals by the embryo of higher animals. The n the meaning of species change was added to it in the beginning of the nineteenth century.


Crush up# reduce to powder;squeeze up into a ball 把…弄成粉末 After reading the letter,the man crushed it up and threw it into a dustpen.


Five years later, genghis khan's dabie-sulu ingot pike towards JinGuo oppressors. A wild ling fox. 8 jin j, genghis khan ambitious team suffered. Gold xuang zong and prince in kaifeng. Have previously immigrated Genghis khan sent in 1216 businessmen to 450 at the western powers thorns modes trade. Thorns will modes in Sudan buccaneering parties in Mongolia is after death. Genghis khan, this year the way he has 60. Once in the world of conquerors modes of thorns, facing the kingdom of Mongol armies in Sudan, frighten panic attacks, and give away the capital, only TianXian LvZhong escape. Although also appeared in Zagreb LanDing prince of national hero, also had inspiring resistance, but not only save the collapse. The queen was captured in the Caspian sea, Sudan a tragic death on the island.


更多网络解释与后成相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

epigenetic concretion:后成结核

epigenetic anomalies 后生异常 | epigenetic concretion 后成结核 | epigenetic deposit 后成矿床

subsequent valley:后成谷

subsequent river 后成河 | subsequent valley 后成谷 | subsidence 下沉

symplectic structure:后成合晶构造

sympetalous plants 合瓣花类 | symplectic structure 后成合晶构造 | symplektite 后成合晶

subsequent thrusting:后成冲断层作用

subsequent stream 后成河 | subsequent thrusting 后成冲断层作用 | subsequent valley 次成谷

subsequent thrusting:后成逆冲作用

后成河 subsequent stream | 后成逆冲作用 subsequent thrusting | 后成谷 subsequent valley


epifauna 底生动物 | epigene 后成的 | epigenesis 后成


后成作用 epigenesis | 后成的;后生的 epigenetic | 砷硫铜铁矿;红锰橄石 epigenite

epigenetic deposit:后成矿床

epigenetic concentration 后成富集作用 | epigenetic deposit 后成矿床 | epigenetic drainage 上遗水系


后生水,再生水 epigenetic water | 后生的,外成的,后成的,表成的 epigenic | 表层沈积物 epigenic sediment


髆下肌;肩胛下肌 subscapularis muscle; subscapular muscle | 后成演替系列;后成消长系列 subsere | 亚种 subspecies