英语人>词典>汉英 : 后形质 的英文翻译,例句
后形质 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The measurements used are fork length, head length, upper jaw length, snout length, length of dorsal fin base and anal fin base and the distances from the tip of snout to insertion of dorsal fin, to pectoral fin, to ventral fin and to hard margin of preopercle.


Leaves scattered; petiole 3–5 mm, densely spreading rust-colored setose; leaf blade elliptic-ovate, ovate, or oblong-lanceolate, 8–16 × 4–9 cm, papery-leathery, abaxially very densely rust-colored setulose, especially on veins, adaxially bullate, densely shortly setulose, immediately glabrescent, secondary veins 2 pairs arising from base, fine veins distinctly raised abaxially, impressed adaxially, base shallowly cordate to rounded, margin slightly revolute, sparsely dentate,± setiform-ciliate, apex acuminate, caudate, or acute. Inflorescences axillary, racemose or corymbose, 1–4 cm, ca. 10-flowered, densely tomentulose; bracts rhombic-triangular, 5–8 × 4–5 mm, leathery, densely tomentulose.

叶星散 叶柄3-5毫米,密被平展锈色具刚毛;叶片椭圆状卵形,卵形,或者长圆状披针形, 8-16 * 4-9 厘米,纸质革质,背面非常浓密锈色具小刚毛,在脉上的特别是,正面具泡状隆起,具小刚毛的密被短的,立即后脱落,次脉2 对生于基部,清楚的细脉背面突起,正面凹陷,基部浅心形到圆形,花序腋生,总状或伞房状,1-4厘米,约10花,密被被微绒毛;苞片菱形三角形, 5-8 * 4-5 毫米,革质,密被被微绒毛。

The results show that the compound conductive fiber has typical structure of sheath-core consists of black greened polyaniline electric conductive deposition as the skin and the white polypropylene matrix fiber as the core, which makes the compound fiber preferable physical mechanical property. The intensity and the elongation ratio of the electric conductive fiber are decreased but the thermal stability is enhanced after modified. The compound fiber has the good acid resistance but poor base resistance. The thermal stability of the compound fiber prepared by 4-methyl-benzene sulfonic acid is better than that prepared by hydrochloride acid. Moreover, the compound fiber can be re-doped by other organic or inorganic acid after freed from the adsorbed acid. Furthermore, the electric conductivity of the compound fiber decreases with the temperature increasing but hardly changed with the humidity. The adsorptive ability and therefore the content of the polyaniline, the constant of electric conduction, and the durability of the compound fiber can be enhanced by thinning the diameter, section heteromorphosis, section heteromorphosis and plasma treatment of the surface or blending with COPET of the fiber.


Leaves palmately 3(-5)-foliolate; stipules membranous, lanceolate, ca. 8 mm, caducous; petiole 8-20 cm; terminal petiolule 2-5 cm, lateral petiolules 5-20 mm; leaflet blades ovate, elliptic, obovate, or elliptic-ovate, 7-15 × 4-8 cm, papery, sparsely pubescent only on nerves, glabrescent, base broadly cuneate to obtuse, margins with 2 or 3 teeth per cm, apex acute or caudate-acuminate.

叶具掌状3(-5)小叶;托叶膜质,披针形,约8毫米,早落;叶柄8-20厘米;顶生小叶柄2-5厘米,侧生小叶柄5-20毫米;小叶叶片卵形,椭圆形,,或椭圆状卵形, 7-15 * 4-8 厘米,纸质,只在叶脉具稀疏短柔毛,后脱落,基部宽楔形到钝,边缘每厘米具2或3牙齿,先端锐尖或尾状渐尖。

The location and structures of sex-pheromone-producing gland in female H.insularis were studied by EAG,GC,SEM,and TEM.These studies showed that thegland situate in the intersegmental membrane between the eighth and ninthabdominal segments,and is an eversible abdominal fold;Many plump cones disturbon the surface of the gland.The glandular cells of 2-day old virgin female H.insularis are arranged in one layer,among which the central cells are columnarepithelial cells and flat on two sides.The nucleus is irregular elliptical.There isevident conjugation between cells and the involution is more in the basal membraneof cell.Microvilli are distributed on the cytoplasmic membrane and linked withendocuticle on which there are many layers of chitin,and the outer cuticule is staineddeeper.The cell contains bubbles,mitochondria,glycogen deposits,roughendoplasmic reticulum and smooth endoplasmic reticulum.


RESULT:①Morphologic character of ADSCs: The primary ADSCs presented in long or short spindle-shape or multangular shape, but the third passaged ADSCs and their offspring indicated uniform long spindle-shape.


About 48%(90/194) were below 29 years of age. Ninety-nine of 194 cases had either radiotherapy alone or supplementary treatment with radiotherapy following surgery. We analyzed multiple prognostic factors. The factors of importance included postoperative radiotherapy; female in glioblastoma multiforme; the primary tumor dose above 5000 rads and/or whole brain irradiation in malignant astrocytoma and glioblastoma multiforme; the primary tumor dose above 4500 rads in ependymoma, medulloblastoma and oligodendroglioma; and spinal axis irradiation above 2000 rads in ependymoma and medulloblastoma that produced a better prognosis than in other groups.


Before treatment,there are abundant microvtlli on the cell surface,many filoplodia on the cell rim,few of endoplasmic reticulums , Golgi complexes and mitochondrions with abnormal structure and lots of free ribosomes in the cytoplasm. The shape of nucleus is irregular with high nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio, many dark pellets of heteromatin and a few of nucleoluses in which there ar...


Two days after bone marrow MSCs compounded to nano-CS/COL scaffold, bone marrow MSCs presented globular shape and were scattered; Four days later, bone marrow MSCs presented shuttle shape, extended and anchored on the surface of nano-CS/COL by pseudopods; Eight days later, bone marrow MSCs proliferated and fused each other, and they secreted a lot of extracellular matrix, then which covered most material particles.

骨髓基质干细胞复合到纳米壳聚糖-胶原纤维支架后2 d,细胞呈球形散在分布;4 d 后细胞呈梭形,延展爬行且有伪足与材料表面锚靠;8 d 时细胞增殖,相互间融合,并有大量的细胞外基质分泌,大部分材料颗粒被覆盖。

Four weeks later, in the baicalin group, some spindle-shaped UCB-MSCs began to present shrinkage, with slender processes on the cell edge, and some UCB-MSCs tended to be spherical-, conical-, and triangle-shaped appearance, with many slender processes on the pseudopodia.


更多网络解释与后形质相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

hydatidiform mole:水泡状胎块

葡萄胎亦称水泡状胎块(hydatidiform mole)是指妊娠后绒毛滋养细胞增生,绒毛间质水肿,成水泡状,水泡间相连成串,形如葡萄而得名.葡萄胎分为完全性和部分性两类,其中多数为完全性葡萄胎,有较高恶变率,少数为部分性葡萄胎,很少恶变.


(4) 粘液质(mucilage) 化学组成与树胶相似,多为无定形固体,在热水中溶解成胶状液,冷后成冻状,不溶于有机溶剂,与醋酸铅试剂产生沉淀. (5) 动物多糖(animal saccharides) 存在于动物器官组织中,


正常骨组织被吸收,而代之以均质梭形细胞的纤维组织和发育不良的网状骨骨小梁,可能系网状骨未成熟期骨成熟停滞,开出生后网状骨支持紊乱,或构成骨摘要: [概述] 骨性关节炎(osteoarthritis)和骨性关节病(osteoarthrosis)近来也以软骨软化性关节病(chondromalacicarthrosis),


① 酵母菌属(Saccharomyces)是本亚门中最低级的类群. 植物体为单细胞,卵形,有一大液泡,核小. 酵母菌的重要特征是出芽繁殖. 出芽的位置可以是一端、二端或多边芽殖. 有性生殖时两个营养细胞接合,质配后核配,合子以芽殖法形成二倍体的营养细胞,


此属微生物为专形细胞内寄生菌,存在于胞质空泡(vacuole)中,可单个存在,也可多个细菌紧密堆积在一起形成桑椹体型包涵体(morulae). 感染人和易感动物后,主要存在于成熟或未成熟的髓系白细胞中. 超微结构分析表明,



Hedera helix:常春藤

熊掌木生物特征形态特征笨种是1912年法国一位苗圃专家用八角金盘(Fatsia japomica)与常春藤(Hedera helix)杂交而成. 常绿性藤蔓植物,高可达1米以上. 初生时茎呈草质,后渐转木质化. 单叶互生,掌状五裂,叶端渐尖,叶基心形,叶宽12-16厘米,


metaplasm 后生质 | metaplast 后形质体 | metaplasy 化生


粪便中可见到的结石有胆石、粪石(fecalith)、肠结石、胰石(pancreatolith)等. 最重要且最多见的是胆石. 应用排石药物或碎石术之后,肉眼可见到较大结石,而结石较小时,需将粪便筛洗后仔细查找才能发现. 服用橄榄油时,粪便中可见圆形、黄豆形脂质或皂化物质,


膜内物质,在动物活时为半流体的胶粘物,死后除细胞核外有小纤维(fibrils)及肌浆(sarcoPlasm). 肌膜所包的物质一般总称肉汁(musclepeaswa ) ,其中成分主要为蛋白质. 将新鲜肌肉压榨可得肉汁及肉基质(musclestroma )的固形物.