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后坡 的英文翻译、例句


adverse grade
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On the basis of gathering data from previous study and researching the stabilization and reinforcing technique of the typical high slope in west approach road, through in-situ tracking investigation and monitoring to the west road, and by way of studying the interaction between slope body and anchoring structure, monitoring data, the result of grey prediction and fuzzy comprehensive assessment, and adopting the idea of integrating prototype investigation and indoor experiment analysis, mechanism analysis and simulation research method, safety factor analysis and interacting relationship study, in-situ monitoring and safety evaluation, and using the theories of engineering geology, geotechnique, rock body mechanic, finite element method and fuzzy mathematics, this paper studies the long-term safety of the typical high slope specially.


Similarly, the AMR begin to increase and then decrease with increasing the thickness d of the seed layer, and has a maximum value at a critical thickness d of 5.32nm. Compared to the permalloy films deposited on Ta seed layer ,the AMR enhancement of 10%-46% is observed in the permallay films deposited on (Ni0.82Fe0.18)1-xNbx seed layer.(2) The coercivity Hc1 obtained for magnetic field H applied paralley to the easyaxis is large than Hc2 for H applied perpendicular to the in-plane easy axis, and both of coercivity are consistent with the change of x.

2沿样品易轴方向的矫顽力Hc_1比难轴方向的矫顽力Hc_2大,两者随Nb原子的百分含量x的变化是一致的,饱和磁化强度Ms随x的增大先增大后减小,在x=27.1%处,Hc_1和Hc_2都比较小,而Ms则达到最大;种子层厚度d不能明显改变坡莫合金薄膜的磁性能;与以传统材料Ta为种子层的坡莫合金薄膜相比,以Ni_(0.82Fe_(0.18)_(0.829)Nb_(0.271)为种子层的坡莫合金薄膜的矫顽力只有轻微减小,但是Msg 以w讪Fq.t)lkNk为种于层的坡莫合全薄膜的各向异性戳电阻及磁性能研究却要大,mk坡莫合金层厂度!

The thrusters on the Hornets' wingtips rotated to keep the air-craft steady as the marines unclipped from their hard-points, leapt onto the frost-covered pumice and began to run.


In Shandong province,the solar energy casted on inside floor,backwall,back slope and sidewalls are about 65%,20%,10%,and 2~5%,respectively,when no plant in the optimized OSPG.


After analyzing the structure-stability of tunnel opening, the author brings forward the superficial-stability-analysis method of greened sloping field of tunnel opening, which bases on the root-distributing character and the mechanical root-soil model of herbaceous plants.


According to slopes'stabilities, this paper devided them into four types on the basis of flat-cut and short-supporting, high-cut and strong-supporting. To different slopes, the different excavation and reinforcement schemes are choosed by simple and unified standard.


Home position shear tests of slope rock, point loading tests and indoor AMD simulation action tests in XingQiao concave slope had show shearing strength and coherence between body layers of quartz sandstone decrease by 13.2%~21.3% after attacked by AMD, the angle of internal friction between layers is decreased by 5.0%~7.5%, in general, AMD affects the rocks mechanical property at range of 60~100m interior the perpendicular slop. Data analysis shows: 1 The actions to slope are major focused on zone of weakness, shearing strength of slope foot and AMD centre are reduced by 52% and 64.7% separately. 2 The explosion stress wave of long distance field has obviously increasing influence to disturbance amplitude value of slope with increasing of the slope height and distance, the response of the top of slope and fault region are obvious as well as damage effect; the foot of slope is with smallest disturbance amplitude value, the disturbance amplitude value of the step close to free face is obviously bigger than the interior of slope. 3 With the coupling effect of the AMD and explosion loading, the stress distribution inside of slope mainly presents characters of explosion stress field; the area affected by AMD becomes a weak area of shearing stress.


The experiment use cucumber as materials, There were two stubble cultivation includingspring stubble and autumn stubble. Three temperature environmentwere setted upby opening back slope ,back wall and front ventilation mouth or cover of many layers ortemporary hightened temperature. Jinchun 3 was used in spring stubble and Jinyou 1 was used inautumn stubble. The experiment initially ascertained that different temperature conditions ingreenhouse influence on growth and yield of cucumber by studying different temperaturetreatments effect on atmosphere factors (air temperature, ground temperature and relativehumidity), growth, correlated physio-biochemical index and yield of cucumber, which couldprovide reasonable temperature parameters for greenhouse cucumber cultivation in our province.

本试验以黄瓜(Cucumis sativus.L)为材料,分为温室春秋两茬栽培,通过开启后坡、后墙、前侧通风口大小、多层覆盖、临时加温等手段,设置 A、B、C 三个温度环境,春茬选用品种为津春 3 号,秋茬为津优 1 号,通过研究不同温度管理方式对日光温室内气象因子(气温、地温和空气相对湿度)及黄瓜的生长、产量、相关理化指标、果实商品性、品质的影响,初步探明日光温室内不同温度管理对黄瓜生长及产量形成的影响,为我省日光温室黄瓜栽培环境控制提供合理的温度参数。

The average roof angle of the three-stringed greenhouse was higher 1.7°than the ordinarygreenhouse in theory, and the sunshine incidence rate was higher 0.4%.


According to thermodynamic law of conservation of mass and energy and heat transfer theory, a group of differential equations on thermal balance of cover, thermal balance of indoor air, thermal balance of multi-layers of north wall, thermal balance of multi-layers of soil, thermal balance of multi-layers of north roof and thermal balance of plant were built.


更多网络解释与后坡相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

backfall slope:山形部后坡

backfall pocket 山形部前坡 | backfall slope 山形部后坡 | backing 纸坯

backfall pocket:山形部前坡

backfall crown 山顶(座) | backfall pocket 山形部前坡 | backfall slope 山形部后坡

Berm Ditch:护路排水沟 边坡截水沟

berm crest | 滨后阶地脊部 | berm ditch | 护路排水沟 边坡截水沟 | berm spillway | 护道排水沟

Colombo:斯里蘭卡 可倫坡

在马尔地夫浮潜溺毙的国人叶世玮,遗体昨天运抵斯里兰卡可伦坡(Colombo)后,将在今天下午火化;家属明天领取骨灰,预定6日搭机返台. 叶世玮的遗体昨天运抵可伦坡;3名家属、1名友人今天上午自马尔地夫玛莱(Male)搭机抵达可伦坡.

back-sliding nappe:后滑推覆体

back-sizing 单面上浆 | back-sliding nappe 后滑推覆体 | back-slope 后坡

Rue Chapsal:萨坡赛路

光绪三十二年以法国公董局总董名改名萨坡赛路(Rue Chapsal),后以台湾地名改名淡水路. 民国32年(1943年)改名南通路. 民国35年以辛亥革命时期上海都督陈英士(其美)改名英士路,1950年复称今名. 沿路为住宅,有工厂. 密云路(Miyun Lu) 在市区北部,


"Taking in" 英:保护人在保护完成后让原攀登者收紧余绳. | Talus 乱石头坡. | Tape knot 水结.


backshore后滩;滨后(滩) | backwall后壁;后坡 | backwash回流

back balance:后平衡,轮子坡,平衡锤,平衡块,平衡重

back azimuth ==> 反方位角 | back balance ==> 后平衡,轮子坡,平衡锤,平衡块,平衡重 | back band ==> 背圈

back reef:后礁

矿床顶 back of ore | 后礁 back reef | 后坡 back slope