英语人>词典>汉英 : 名叫 的英文翻译,例句
名叫 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
hight  ·  clepe  ·  cleped  ·  clepes  ·  cleping  ·  clept  ·  ycleped

更多网络例句与名叫相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

According to information, the glasses first appeared in 1289 in Florence, Italy, the said to the world's most important tool is an optical名叫阿尔Amato and a family living in the Italian city of Pisa Spinner invention.


Ponape opposite in a very small island, the island名叫纳Amato.


Tela Shi名叫奥古斯now that the boy has a 11-year-old is not only brave and lively, with extraordinary talent - took place in any of the noise around him, to his ears, turned into A beautiful melody, as long as he stood between the wheat field, and even be able to breeze swept rustle of wheat into the grand symphony, it is clear that August is a natural-born composer and conductor.


And the name of the man was Elimelech, and the name of his wife Naomi, and the name of his two sons Mahlon and Chilion, Ephrathites of Beth-lehem-judah. And they came into the country of Moab, and were there for some time.

1:2 这人名叫以利米勒、他的妻名叫拿俄米、他两个儿子、一个名叫玛伦、一个名叫基连、都是犹大伯利恒的以法他人、他们到了摩押地就住在那里。

And the man's name was Elimelech, and his wife's name was Naomi, and the names of his two sons were Mahlon and Chilion, Ephrathites of Bethlehem in Judah.

1:2 这人名叫以利米勒,他妻子名叫拿俄米;他两个儿子,一个名叫玛伦,一个名叫基连,都是犹大伯利恒的以法他人。

In Judaism, one of the mysterious rebel School,名叫哈noted德姆faction, the founder of Bell Ice Abdul Gayoom, is a rare person.


In the Tang Dynasty, there was a very well-known geomancers, he名叫舒crowds, fluent in five patients the number of dumping reputation at home and abroad at that time, the ruling and opposition parties of vibration.


Ussuri名叫雅巴沙local white salmon, rabbit fish.


Stone tablet Beach Block, opposite Tea银壶Mountains, near the creek article,名叫碧water.


Life of the Dayak people in Borneo, said: there is a big God,名叫萨拉潘generation, God ordered him to come to the earth made man, he first made a stone, but stones were unable to speak, it was scrapped.


更多网络解释与名叫相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A man called Guy Fawkes not only wanted to kill the King:一名叫叫盖伊.福克斯 的人不仅想杀刺国王

[18:02.51]Sue:He's watching The Gorgons and turning i... | [18:57.44]A man called Guy Fawkes not only wanted to kill the King, ;一名叫叫盖伊.福克斯 的人不仅想杀刺国王, | [19:02.83]but to blow up Parlia...

a.m. Arrival:在这里 患者名叫菲尔?温内克 凌晨2点45入院

Walk with me.|跟... | Okay, here we go. Patient name, Phil Wenneck, 2:45 a.m. Arrival.|在这里 患者名叫菲尔?温内克 凌晨2点45入院 | Minor concussion, like I said. Some bruising. Pretty standard.|轻微脑震...

whose name is Balthasar:他名叫巴尔塔萨尔

"but in the instant your messenger came there was with me a young doctor of Rome|但是您的信使到来时,我这... | "whose name is Balthasar.|他名叫巴尔塔萨尔 | "He comes at my asking to take my place.|他应我...

Be on the lookout for a Tucker Cleigh:注意一名叫塔克.科利的人

All points bulletin.|各分局 | Be on the lookout for a Tucker Cleigh.|注意一名叫塔克.科利的人 | Last seen April 17.|最后出现于4月17日

by name:名叫;用名字

on the nail 立即;当场;在讨论中 . | by name 名叫;用名字 . | by the name of 名叫 .

by name:名叫

in the least 丝毫,一点 | 7. by name 名叫 | in the name of 以~~名义

by the name of:名叫

by name 名叫;用名字 . | by the name of 名叫 . | in the name of 以...的名义;代表 .

by the name of:名叫,以......的名义

beheading n .斩首 | by the name of 名叫,以......的名义 | capital crime 死罪

by the name of:名叫-----的

3.in the name of sb/sth以...的名义,代表 | by the name of名叫-----的 | under the name of以-----的名字(不是本名)

go by the name of:名叫

句型:A replace B | (go) by the name of 名叫...... | be...in name 名义上的......