英语人>词典>汉英 : 同质化 的英文翻译,例句
同质化 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与同质化相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Analysis on the development of the industry and the concentration of jewelry industry in China, the results show that the Chinese jewelry market is transferring from the consubstantial competitive market to the divergent competitive market.


According to the industrial economics, the development of the industry usually passes through three stages: the scattered competitive market, the consubstantial competitive market and divergent competitive market.


Instead of being a natural process of essential convergence or compulsory colonization, the basic point of such cultural globalization stresses the global scale of cultural performance and the global nature of cultural clashes.


Cultural homogeny and cultural neterogeny, and the relationship of opposition and unity between Globalization and Localization are the cores of the development in humanitys culture.


Here the key lies in the fact the opponents of cultural globalization regard cultural globalization as equivalent to the complete identicalness of all cultures, which runs counter to the basic implications of cultures.


This paper analyses the homogenous tendency of open-end fund at first,pointing out that unperfect development of market and investors' immature investment opinions is the origin of such phenomena. Secondly,having compared the fund sizes and purchase fee rates of 25 open-end funds in China,conclude that there are problems of diseconomy of scale and indistinctive relativity between fees and achievement in Chinese open-end funds. Then this paper introduces benefit and cost function to analyze the problem of lack of motivation and constrain mechanism towards fund managers because of unreasonable fees in China. Thirdly,this paper analyze funds managers' normal hazards by static game model,and then points out fund managers have serious tunneling behaviors in Chinese open-end fund industry. In the end,this paper analyzes the causes of liquidity risk of open-end fun and the particularity of liquidity risk of open-end fund in China,and concludes that liquidity risk in Chinese open-end fund industry is higher through calculating the rates of share change and comparing the portfolio selections of top 20 open-end funds in China.


"It's not just about monoculture of farms, where one farm grows only one crop, it's also monoculture within those crops and within fields," he said.


It is false, in any case, to claim that we canestablish local identities that are in some sense outside and protected against the global flow of capital and Empire…The national Leftist strategy of resistance to globalization and defence of locality is also damaging because in many cases what appear as local identities are not autonomous or self-determining but actually feed into and support the development of the capitalist imperial machine.


In competition initial stage for journalism, homogeneity is favorable to the improvement of the quality of the newspaper, but that homogeneity develops into certain stage will aggravate the fierce degree of the competition , result in propagandizing maliciously , sell such unfair competition phenomena as the newspaper , and present newspaper unboundedly ,etc. at a low price.


Langacker, a cognitive grammarian, takes the progressive as a stativizer, for the participle V-ing has the effect of profile restriction and homogenisation.


更多网络解释与同质化相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

randomized block design:随机化区组设计

| 只看该作者...随机化区组设计(randomized block design) 先按一定规则将试验单元划分为若干同质组,称为"区组(Block)". 再将各种处理随机地指派给各个区组设计就是随机化区组设计.



homogenization temperature:均化温度

homogenization of thrombus 血栓同质化 | homogenization temperature 均化温度 | homogenize 均化,匀化,使均匀=>均質

Homogenize extra thick ingredients completely for smooth, creamy drinks:同质化厚实的成分完全顺利,奶油饮料

? Optimize blender for your signature... | ? Homogenize extra thick ingredients completely for smooth, creamy drinks?同质化厚实的成分完全顺利,奶油饮料 | ? Reduce blending time, increase drink volume an...

isomerization energy:同质异能化能

isomerism 同质异能性 | isomerization energy 同质异能化能 | isometric process 等容过程


parametrix 拟基本解奇异函数 | parametrization 参量化,参数化(法) | paramorph 同质异晶体,同质异晶物

homogenizing furnace:均化炉

homogenizer 均化器 | homogenizing furnace 均化炉 | homojunction laser diode 同质结激光管


同质异构体 isomer | 同质异构体互变酶 isomerase | 同质异构体化 isomerization


like ideas 相似观点 | homogenisation 同质化,纯一化 | play down 降低,贬低,减少

homogenizing pres. part:同质化的;类同的

raze vt. level to the ground; demolish 夷为平地, 夷平 | homogenizing pres. part. 同质化的;类同的 | infrastructure n. 基础设施